Sunday, September 30, 2007

''Fired Up, Ready To Go''

When glazing at a map of South Carolina most people would recognize the state capital of Columbia and the historic city of Charleston.

While both cities play integral parts in the race for the White House 2008, the small desolate county of Greenwood might carry the most importance as the state prepares for the January 29th Democratic primary.

This is the place where Presidential candidate Barack Obama first learned the chant ''Fired Up, Ready To Go'' by rambunctious council woman Edith Childs. During a speech he gave in front of twenty people at the local church several months ago, Ms. Childs belted out these five words and all of the residents responded in unison ''Fired Up, Ready To Go''.

Obama was unsure of how to respond to this upbeat and exuberant crowd so he replied by saying the same five words over and over again until he began to feel excited and essentially ''Fired Up''. As I discovered at his speech last Thursday at Washington Square Park, he utilizes this chant as a rally cry to bring all the people together and to get them behind one common cause.

As the Presidential scene heats up and Obama becomes even more prominent everybody will start to hear him echoing this sentiment. This is a terrific opportunity for him to distinguish himself with this one chant and gravitate all Americans to get up and make a difference.

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