Sunday, January 27, 2008

Andrew Sullivan's Moving Take On Barack Obama

I generally enjoy Andrew Sullivan's blog, even when I dont' agree with him. But this one in particular was very not usual. He wrote in a moving prose about Senator Barack Obama's candidacy and how it impacted him, especially after the South Carolina win. Sullivan wrote:

Because America still means something, and every now and again, a person captures it: the restless, liberal hope for a better future, under the sober constraints of a conservative constitution. That was Kennedy. It was also Reagan, as Bill Bennett gracefully recognized tonight. It's real. You can feel it. And who wants to win the presidency by defeating it?

Sometimes, things come together. Watching a black man win the South Carolina primary in a landslide by transcending race: I can't help be moved and inspired. Like so many of my generation and many, many more younger than me, Obama makes me believe in America again, after seven years of brutal, painful, searing disillusionment. I won't let that go. Neither, I have a feeling, will the American people.

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