Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mitt Romney Prevails in Nevada

The combustible Republican presidential process took another step towards complexity today as vastly polarized candidate Mitt Romney emerged victorious in the battle ground state of Nevada.

Mitt Romney, boosted by a thunderous injection of Mormon voters, handily defeated prominent rivals John McCain and Mike Huckabee by over a 30% margin. Voters who affiliated themselves as Mormons comprised 50% of the Republican caucus goers.

The former Massachusetts Governor received an overwhelming majority of support of those in every income bracket,age group,by Evangelical Christians, Republicans, military service men and women, and individuals who prioritized the battered economy, illegal immigration, the Iraq war and terrorism as integral issues to be concerned with.

Libertarian Ron Paul, who managed to finish a stellar second, received 51% of the vote from independents. Equipped with victories in Wyoming, Michigan and Nevada, and second place finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, Romney is in prime position to catapult ahead to the Republican nomination.

Remember, this is a race for delegates and Romney has accrued a substantial amount so far in his quest for the White House.

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