Monday, September 01, 2008

John McCain Checks Out Sarah Palin's Butt In First Speech Friday - Video

Ok.  Now, I've seen everything, and I mean everything.  Here's the jedreport with the video to end all videos in this political season -- at least so far -- and shows Senator John McCain taking glances as the butt of Governor Sarah Palin as he's listening to her speak.  If you think I'm kidding, look at this photo:
Are you kidding me?  The video shows this over and over again, and not the same one.  But several times.  It looks like Senator McCain's about to burst with excitement.  At some points in the video, McCain's fingering his wedding finger as if to remind himself he's married.  
And so we see the real reason he picked Governor Palin: sex.  He's only met her once and from all of the Internet buzz about her problems and beyond the Trouper-Gate Scandal, it seems McCain's staff either did their homework and McCain ignored them or they did little home work at all.  
But look at this jedreport video for yourself:


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    He's a fecking pig!

  2. I'm not expecting this to get posted but I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does. I had to find someplace to respond to this video after seeing it on, a clearly pro-Obama website. McCain wasn't looking at Palin's butt: HE WAS READING OVER HER SHOULDER AT HER SPEECH! He wasn't even behind her; he was standing next to her! It's clear to anyone who actually watched the telecast (as opposed to those who didn't care to tune in but now have all kinds of smack to say about Palin without even hearing her out first). The writer of this blog knew this to be the case but just wanted to start trouble by spreading rumors.

    This is an example of how some Democrats are just as bad as the worst of the Republicans posting crap like this, making up stories. And I once considered myself a Democrat - that is up to this election.

    Why not post the video showing the look of disgust on Michelle Obama's face as she watched Hillary Clinton speak? What a classy First Lady she would be - NOT.

  3. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Riiiiight jets4274, reading her speech over her shoulder..... Reading her speech which was so conveniently located below her waist?? COME ON! If he were reading over her shoulder he would be leaning forward, not glancing back.

    And furthermore, if he WAS checking up on her speech that many damn times then that should certainly be an indicator of how much he knows/trusts/believes in her. What a calculated, posed, and empty move picking this one.... Are we actually supposed to feel comfortable with the idea of her running our country in McCain's absence.....

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Hmmm... I was there at the Nutter Center shooting the event. Not sure I agree with the article's conclusion, but judge for yourself--the photos are here:
