Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sen. Hillary Clinton Introduces Al Franken For Senator - Minnesota

The full speech of Senator Hillary Clinton introducing Al Franken. who's running for Senator in Minnesota, isn't online yet, but it should be -- Franken and Clinton gave great speeches.

Franken's taking on Republican incumbent Norm Coleman and is ahead in a poll Rassumsen conducted on October 9th, 43 percent to 37 percent. A more recent poll by the Minn Times Star Tribune has him at 3 points, 39 percent to 36 percent.

None of this has reduced the sense of humor of Franken. At today's rally, after a rousing speech by Senator Clinton, Franken took the podium and said "When we decided to run for Senate, Franni (his wife) and I, I said, "And Franni, I'm going to be the Senator," then turned to Clinton with a wry smile.

It was pretty funny to me, though I'm not sure Clinton got the full "yuk" out of it.

Oh well.

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