Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jobless 99ers vent on BlogTalk/PalTalk

Frustrated Jobless 99ers need to vent? Here is your chance on Blog Talk Radio and Pal-Talk Chat forums. There is a great deal of chatter on unemployment these days. The economy may be on life support and slowly recovering but the unemployment situation is untenable. Washington’s lack of significant response to this issue is inexcusable.

The long term unemployed are facing a host of difficult challenges these days that can lead to despair. Something you can do that is free of charge is chat/blog about your frustrations with those who understand. It is a proven physiological principle that giving your frustrations, fears and woes a VOICE can be extremely therapeutic and quite healthy.

There are some new venues for just such discussions recently created specifically for the frustrated and desperate long term unemployed.

Mr. G’s Radio show Unemployment Roundtable
Mr. G has launched his own BlogTalkRadio radio show: Unemployment Roundtable which airs every Friday, 4PM EST. Please join him and be heard. You can chat in the room for free but depending upon where you live the call to speak with him on air may be long distance. Every show is also available on podcast for listening at your own convenience.

"G" as he is known on his website www.tier5.webs.com has become known, like hundreds of thousands of other victims of today's economic environment as one of the more active, visible of "The Long Term Unemployed".

"The goal of this show is a simple one, to educate, unite, and keep alive the faith in all of those 'long term unemployed' that we shall make it through these challenging times, but only with the creation of a tier 5 unemployment benefits' extension".

The first of the Blog Talk shows for the unemployed was ‘Jobless Talk’ which I began on April 7th, 2010. Jobless Talk airs every Friday, Noon PST and is hosted by Paladinette. This is my show but the stars of the show are all the callers who share their own stories with our listeners. It takes great courage to speak out when you face the type of dire circumstances the unemployed are now facing - life with no job and no benefits.

Reach Out Job Search
Monica Ross-Williams is the host of Reach Out Job Search which airs Thursdays, 4PM Central time. She also schedules impromptu shows as needed throughout the week.

Monica Ross-Williams is the owner of Michigan Cellular Store.com, a forum moderator for Merchant Circle.com and is a lifelong resident of the state of Michigan. She writes as the Detroit Job Search Examiner.

Today will be the first broadcast of a new Blog Talk show by Unemployed States of America. Their show What are they thinking, will air live today at 6PM EST. "Our first show will discuss the web site unemployedstatesofamerica.webs.com with some of the founding members of the site, how they got started, and what they are trying to accomplish."
If you cannot catch the live broadcast, you can use the link to listen to the podcast after the show.

PALTALK- live chat for Tier 5 to Survive group
Chat live about Tier 5 to Survive in the Paltalk chat room Tier 5 to Survive created by Scott Mathewson. Come share ideas and plan ways to successfully lobby Washington for our badly needed benefits! Here is how:
PCs http://register.paltalk.com/reg/landing_pagc128.jsp?advc=105&refc=1105&sissr=1
MACs http://www.paltalk.com/express/

Scott A.K.A. ‘Tier 5 to survive’ (screen name in the room) says “my story is simple. I was laid off 2 years years ago when the economy started to tank. I am a union electrician. so for me it has not been so bad. My wife was laid off one week before I was. I started this Paltalk chat room as a way to organize people in real time so because I believe this works. “

With all the depression and recession related suicides and lack of the ability to afford health care, often the long term feel alone and hopeless. If you are feeling despair, please reach out for help before it is too late. Suicide is NOT an OPTION.
Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

As always, keep informed on all the important information concerning our fight for jobs and additional benefits for all who need them on my 14 page website Jobless Unite.

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