Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fox News Source Jim Hoft Called Dumbest Man On The Internet

Wow. Liberals are really attacking Fox News Source Jim Hoft. The conservative blogger, called Gateway Pundit is also called now the Dumbest Man On The Internet by Media Matters. Why?

Media Matters claims:

Jim Hoft (aka Gateway Pundit) stands out as uniquely incompetent. Hoft runs with (or spawns) almost every inane story that bubbles up in the conservative blogosphere, has proven that he has absolutely no vetting process for the sources he cites, and apparently has a hard time with basic reading comprehension.

Hoft -- who has modeled for a John Deere catalogue and "played a cop on 'Unsolved Mysteries' twice" -- has "never had any training in politics or journalism," but now has the "#8 ranked political blog in the United States" that is "frequently mentioned on top national news shows."

Indeed, in spite of the fact that Hoft embarrasses himself on a near-daily basis and has shown time and again that he is either willfully dishonest or staggeringly inept, he has managed to carve out a role as one of the most-read, most respected writers in the conservative blogosphere. And his influence extends beyond the blogs. Hoft's stories are regularly featured on Fox News' Fox Nation website, and he has been cited as a source on-air by Fox News on multiple occasions.

Holt does stupid things like call Al Sharpton as giving a Nazi salut when it's clear Al Sharpton's just pointing his finger for emphasis. Awful. Just plain terrible.

Just thinking. If Fox News Source Jim Hoft is the Dumbest Man On The Internet, does that mean Fox News is the dumbest program on television?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Yes, fox news is absolutely stupid. They don't even pretend to use facts. Most of the things they say are proven wrong by their very own guests, and they continue to talk about the topic with the wrong information after the guest leaves.
