Monday, October 11, 2010

99ers: Obama seeking questions - Katie Couric launches "American Voices"

Have a Question for the President About the 2010 Elections?
President Obama will be delivering a special message for supporters via webcast during Tuesday's Commit to Vote House Parties. He'll be speaking about our work during this final stretch and how we’ll succeed in November.
The President will also take a few questions from supporters on our Vote 2010 campaign.
If you want to be heard by the president, submit your question via this link: All 99ers and unemployed should flood this website with your questions about or demands for Tier 5 legislation.

Another way for the unemployed 99ers to be heard on this vital issue is through a new CBS Evening News feature called "American Voices," introduced last week by Katie Couric. American Voices will air regularly between now and the November 2 election, as a window into what Americans are feeling about what are the most important issues to the voters across the nation.
In last Thursday’s segment (see video below), Ms. Couric first played a clip of President Obama in a Cleveland stopover two days before the 2008 presidential vote, in which he said the time for change had come. Then, the CBS anchor settled in at Slyman’s Restaurant – whose reputation for corned beef and working-class customers also earned a visit from President Bush in 2007. Now, Couric chatted here with two men and two women about themselves, their vision of the country, and their feelings about the future.

“Heading into an election, I have always believed it’s incredibly important to get a sense of where Americans stand by talking to real people whose daily lives are being affected by the policy debates in Washington,” said Couric. “When talking to these voters, I was so impressed by their thoughtfulness and how reasonable they were, even when they had understandable cause not to be.”

Katie Couric anounces in the video below that one can contact CBS news with your contribution to the American Voices segment, by visiting their website and clicking on the American Voices link. The San Diego Unemployment Examiner could not locate the American Voices link but did find the contact page:

If Video is not working, please visit:;photovideo


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The government is so far gone and corrupt it would take lots of RALLIES and revolts to turn this COMPLETELY around.
    It could very well be Gods punishment because our government has become so complacent, doing things that they know will cause future chaos and even having the gull to take Gods name out of everything and we the people have sit back and allowed it to happen.

    It seems that most politicians have become evil MANIPULATIVE, GREEDY and CORRUPT and even scandalous. Think about it, every time you turn around the past several years some elected official is on the news caught up in some kind of scandal or indirect racketeering. This is all by design and I am afraid we haven't seen anything yet. ‘Now’ REPUBLICAN Senators are voting in favor of procedural motions that set a bill up for passage and then vote against the actual passage of the bill just so they can claim they opposed it, this way they can make the other party look bad. Its beginning to seem that all the REPUBLICAN PARTY goes to work for is to try and make the DEMOCRATS look bad! The Federal Reserve has over a trillion dollars in losses on their balance sheet and Fed Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman was dragged into congress to explain. Apparently, the Federal Reserve knows the losses exist, but they just can’t seem to find where they are. Yes, they lost track of a trillion dollars.
    That’s just small potatoes though. At a congressional hearing, Alan Grayson (D-Fl) asked Coleman about $9 trillion in off books transactions by the Federal Reserve. That’s money that was given or lent to somebody. Coleman doesn’t know who that somebody is though. In fact, she indicated to Grayson that she didn’t even know about the $9 trillion. She added that she didn’t have any jurisdiction to audit anything outside of what the Board of Governors controlled.
    That’s $10 trillion (with a T folks) that is missing and nobody seems to know what happened to it. That’s enough money to wipe out most of the national debt. It would pay nearly all home mortgages in the United States. Clearly it was not used for that.
    As politicians bicker over belt tightening and cutting back there is $10 trillion floating around out there. Tier 5? There could be Tier 6, 7, and 8. Instead, the Federal Reserve is refusing to come clean on what happened to the money, and the rest of us have to sit back and wonder what the government is going to do to us next. More taxes? Count on it. Cut services? They already have. Tier 5? Only if they extract even more money from you. Remember, all those trillions must be paid back by somebody. If that money went out the door as loans and they can’t be repaid, guess who gets stuck with the bill?”

    It is so obvious when hard working folks like us have lost our jobs through no fault of our own, then our credit becomes ruined for life, but yet the government can hand over billions of dollars to banks, Wall Street, and the big automakers because they all are at FAULT for screwing up. And do you think their credit and persona is ruined for life? I guess not since you see them on TV. ads intentionally rubbing in our faces about how good they have it NOW. This alone should be enough to never trust THE REPUBLICAN PARTY in our government.
    We have been funding a 9 year war, and when we finally leave Afghanistan do you honestly think they will have caught Bin Laden? No! Do you think the Taliban will do what they always did in their countries? Yes! Do you think when the Taliban start to fight their own government without us there that they will blame the United States and start a terrorist’s war with us? Most certainly. Why in the hell are we giving Afghanistan 7.5 billion dollars of American taxpaying money over 5 years? I don't want the money I worked for going to a back stabbing terrorists foreign country...

  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Why are we sending money to Greece and building schools in other countries when we need to help our own first? Where in the Declaration of Independence or Constitution does it say we must save the world!It does say that the people of this country have an obligation to change the government if it is not working and that is why weve been forced to developed the 99ers Union!!!

    Just heard that our government just spent 6 million dollars on how ants communicate yesterday money that could have given all the 99ers who states are over 7.5 percent a weeks’ salary of 2 to 3 hundred.

    Mitch McConnell easily pushed a REPUBLICAN bill through spending 350 million dollars to study what kind of effects of methane gas coming off cow crap patties has on the atmosphere. I wonder how many 99ers could have used this money as desperate emergency aid.

    What is wrong with this picture?

    All our politicians should be brought on charges of treason; they really don’t care about the people in the GOOD O’ USA ANYMORE!

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Cynical ploy by the left to minimize Repub landslide in November.

    Don't buy it

    Obama passed stimulus and health care reform without help from right. Pass the friggin TIER V and release the stranglehold on corporate America right now.
