Wednesday, November 03, 2010

African Americans Fail To Vote, No Blacks In Senate

The Term "African Americans" is a Twitter Trending Topic as of this writing because after Illinois Senator Roland Burris depature, there's no black Senator in the U.S. Senate for the first time in this century, and for several years. Moreover African Americans failed to come out and vote in large numbers, as was the case in 2008.

This blogger, who's African American, voted, and has missed only one vote in 30 years of voting. For modern blacks not to vote, after ancestors have fought so hard to have the right to do so for decades, is almost criminal, or should be.

Moreover, for African Americans to complain about the election outcome, yet not vote, is even more criminal. It's like allowing other people to exact control over government, without being asked to do so.

More on this later.


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Not so fast Zennie - Whatever the numbers were...there is a huge disenfranchisement from the Afri-Am community. From local Pols simply not being responsive to the White House - scared as hell to allow President Obama's administration to address core issues which directly affect the community. The BS about "Lifting all Boats" is a bunch of crap!!! So, they not only dissed the community by waiting so late to engage a core constituency but they made little if any financial investment in Afr-Am media, etc., yet they tried the late hustle about "we need you." The time is right now for the WH and Pols who understand the Afr-Am vote to get off their butt and engage them RIGHT NOW. Likewise, the Afr-Am community must engage and hold their elected officials accountable (from local to national).
    Just my 2 cents.

  2. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Why don't you take the message to your fellow african-american men not to beat their own women before you starting lecturing to everyone else you hypocrite. Showing some knucklehead that needs to go to jail for assaulting a woman and extrapolating that to an entire political movement is just stupid. You're missing the point. Hard working taxpayers are sick of paying for people that are too lazy and stupid to make the right choices in their life. Last night sent a message to all of America's professional "victims". If you can't pull your weight, then you are about to get voted off the island and no one is going to lose a minute sleep over it. People on welfare have forgotten how to be ashamed of themselves.

  3. Anonymous2:52 PM

    You also have to take into account fraudulent actions on behalf of local governments. For example, in Waller County, TX black students at Prairie View A & M University have been struggling for decades to vote. Of course you have those who do not care to vote, but others face barriers that are not in their control. For example the "Prairie View 2" who were two students who were arrested for trying to vote in 1996. From moving polls to distant locations, to rejecting voter registration forms en mass, etc. the county has done what it could to stop the black community from effectively voting.

    America saw the same thing in Florida with the election of Bush in his first term.

  4. "there's no black Senator in the U.S. Senate" This is truly an OUTRAGE! The Congress is supposed to be representative of it's people. We MUST do a better job of seeing to it that happens or NOTHING will ever get better in this Country!

  5. To the IDIOT who posted the words "Hard working taxpayers are sick of paying for people that are too lazy and stupid to make the right choices in their life"

    What choices did any of the unemployed whose jobs were outsourced have? What sort of American does not understand the unemployment problem in this country is NOT the fault of those who lost their jobs? Hello!!! Stupid, ignorant people like you are what is WRONG in America today. You likely beat women and small animals too - and how bigoted of you to imply that beating women is somehow an african-american male thing.

    There should be NO SHAME in needing help from social programs. This is supposed to be a Christian Nation where we do not let people starve to death or worse. It is a shame there are so many knuckle heads like you in this world. We ARE our brother's keeper and I truly wish that you find yourself in need someday and folks treat you with the same distain as you feel for others.

  6. There were no Blacks running for Senate in this election. However was a substantial number of Blacks elected to the House. About ten were Republicans.
