Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Congress Murdering the 99er Nation by Neglect? “You Betcha”

Is Congress murdering the 99ers by neglecting to add a Tier 5 in the past 8 months? The undeniable answer is “You Betcha” - as Sarah Palin would say.

By legal definition, murder requires either intent or neglect of lawful duty. Careless disregard for human life also meets the legal definition of murder in America. Though the legal definitions mentioned here are not exhaustive, so far, I'd say Washington is GUILTY!

After months of petitions, fax attacks, letters, phone calls emails, marches, rallies, media coverage on 5 major networks, countless suicides and a few arrests - Congress is still not listening to the American people on the Tier 5 issue.

There is a great deal of talk out there these days about the wishes of the American people, but there isn’t a single person in Washington who gives a damn about the wishes of the American people who are not rich.

If that were not the case, Congress would actually do something about the fact that over 50 million Americans this year alone have had trouble just putting food on the table, instead of whining about tax cuts. NEWS FALSH: If you have no income - TAX CUTS will not help you at all. I do not hear any Tea Party flunky talking about that nor do I hear Mitch McConnell or Boehner discussing how this is a priority with the GOP.

In my recent article, Credit Score the New “Mark of the Beast”? I discussed how unemployment and the Washington/Wall Street created recession has hurt the credit ratings of millions of jobless Americans - making it nearly impossible to land the most menial job.

Several 99ers forwarded that article to (who else) Mr. Ed Schultz of MSNBC yesterday and today - Ed’s show opening commentary blasted this very practice by employers. [See video below] See Ed is still doing everything he possibly can to help the 99ers. Ed Schultz is the real deal - a true man of his word and one of the very few in the media who even “gets it!”

Since Tiers 3 & 4 began running out in January this year, the rolls of the UI exhaustees have grown to more than 5 million Americans. In that time, 5 bills have been brought before the Halls of Congress in an effort to extend UI benefits but ONLY by extending the dates for which to file for UI and NOT additional UI benefits.

This has confused a great many Americans, some members of Congress and most of the media to boot. It has not exactly confused NELP (National Employment Law Project - a supposed advocacy group for the unemployed) nor has it bewildered the AFL-CIO but no matter how long and hard the 99ers try to court the assistance of those 2 huge lobbying groups in Washington - the 99er Nation gets NOTHING but empty promises from both groups. When it comes to our Tier 5 to Survive - both NELP and the AFL-CIO are as worthless and uncaring as Congress.

If Sarah Palin really cares about anyone but her self - why doesn’t she donate even one dime of her wealth to help Americans in poverty? Is she waiting for us to use our “2nd Amendment Rights” to fend for our selves? Well, most 99ers have had to pawn or sell off our guns for food long ago.

The fact is that next week the Congress will be on yet another paid vacation, likely without even considering S3706 (Tier 5) or even extending the UI filing dates - set to expire November 30th. I mean what is the urgency after all? What is another 2 million plus added to the rolls of the jobless without UI benefits after all? I mean they have already ignored 5 million Americans in this exact situation for over 8 months now. What harm could possibly come from adding another few million to the bunch?

So, Is Congress Murdering the 99er Nation by Neglect? “You Betcha” they are and they do not give a damn about the hurting poor jobless Americans. Washington is blatantly guilty of committing the most callous Social Holocaust in history!

May God Bless America, save Her & Her impoverished population from the devils in Washington and from those wealthy contributors who paid to put them in office.

The Statue of Liberty should now aptly read: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...so we can neglect and force them to starve like we do to America’s own poor......

(The entire clip is GREAT but the Credit issue is mentioned at 4:55 into this clip)

The donation button below is for me, Paladinette. If you like what I write and can afford to do so - please donate to the cause. I thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Barbara99er-GA7:35 AM

    Att: Readers and Authors

    We have set up a website. This is a start for state by state unity. Next we will start going from county to county, and then city to city. Once we reach that point we would be able to organize active civil disobedience. Our new site is http://www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com. When you get there go to the Organized Resistance page. We need as many people as possible to go to the site in order to get it into Google search engine so we can begin organizing. If you have any ideas as to how to improve the site please put it as a comment on the front page story.
