Wednesday, November 03, 2010

John Boehner And GOP Will Attack Health Care And Debt Limit - Stupid Idea?

GOP Ohio Rep. John Boehner (photo at left) And GOP Kentucky Senior Senator Rep. Mitch McConnnell appeared before the press just a few minutes ago, saying they has a "pleasant conversation" with President Obama, but that they planned to work to repeal the Health Care Bill, and (perhaps) not extend the Debt Limit. Are these stupid ideas?

The reason Republicans won the House and gained (as of this writing) six Senate seats is not just because the unemployment rate is so high, but that it's been consistently high for three years now. It's just gotten worse after the credit crunch of 2008.

Still, victory in an election can make the most sober person drunk with stupidity, and that was the case with John Boehner and Mitch McConnnell Wednesday morning.

"This is a repudiation of the policies of this administration," Rep. Boehner said. But Rep. John Boehner got it wrong. The problem is that people want a laser focus on job creation. The passage of the Historic Health Care Bill was great, but what was lacking was a continued focus on the economy. Perhaps getting out of Afghanistan - or reducing our presence - and cutting the defense budget are the two jobs President Obama has now. That's where the jobs money is.

Then Obama must push to use that money for a manufacturing subsidy program so American small business can hire people.

Big Government Is Not The Problem

For the GOP to say "big government" is the problem is a joke. The massive credit crunch forced government spending Worldwide. The problem is that many people in America, particularly the "white, no college" demographic, either can't get it, or because of a lack of education, doesn't know how to under the problem.

The problem, simply, is we don't have enough money is our system to get to businesses to produce jobs, and we're not creating enough new businesses to employ people.  And that's a Worldwide problem.  If the GOP doesn't get that over the next two years, their gains will be lost in 2012.

Stay tuned.

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