Friday, December 01, 2006

The New Yorker Cartoon - A Widget Here

Another cool widget I found is one of the famous New Yorker cartoons. This one, which is at the top of this blog, changes each day -- or at least it's supposed to. We'll see. But I've got it here.

We've Got Cool Widgets Here! - Streampad Music Player and Haystack Social Media Widget

Ok. You certainly hear the music playing here. Not too jarring, catchy, rock but more easy-listening. But you're wondering where it comes from, right? It's from the Streampad Music Player located in the left side bar of this blog. Just scroll down and you'll see it. And right below it is the Haystack Social Media Network, where you can see who's who in business around the country. No, not necessarily big players in business, just people like you and me, who hope to get big.

If you're wondering where I got these widgets, it's a place in cyberspace called Widgetbox. Check it out!