Sunday, November 02, 2008

Shirley Nagel's The Reason John McCain's Going To Lose The Election

Grosse Point farms has a person who's actual face was more horrific than anything Halloween could bring. Her name's Sherry Nagel and she decided to withhold candy and her good behavior to anyone who supported Barack Obama for President.  I'm serious.  She did that.

If Keith Olbermann found out about Sherry Nagel he would certainly call her the "Worst Person in The World."  It's one thing to have a difference of opinion but to expose little kids to her evil way of showing it is grounds for being "dissed" in the court of public opinion.  

If you're angry just reading this, wanna get more upset?   Check out this video:

Shirley Nagel

Obama Wins Video By Asa The Comic

This is an interesting video from Asa The Comic. It makes fun of Barack's detrators an challengers, but the problem is the election's going on now, and Tuesday's not yet here.

Zennie62 On Twitter - Connect With Me!

Hey everyone, I'm on Twitter!  Sign up and add me to your connections list!  Just click here on my profile:

And then click "Follow" to follow me, and I will follow you.  This way, I can send you links to my latest videos and blog content, and vice versa. 

The Arizona Star Endorses Barack Obama For President

Right in Senator John McCain's home state, we have the Arizona Star annoucing it's endorsement for President: Senator Barack Obama .  Here's what the Arizona Star's opinion editor wrote:

We see America the way Barack Obama sees America.
Our future requires a steady, intelligent and, as former Secretary of State Colin Powell said, a "transformational" leader to guide us into a new era. Obama brings deep intellectual curiosity, equanimity and discipline.
The ground under America is moving. A generational change is under way with or without Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., or Barack Obama, D-Ill.
The core concerns are more about the future than the past, be it eight years ago or one day ago. They are about the moment and the movement to engage Americans in ways not seen before, especially against a backdrop of economic strife unmatched since the Great Depression.
McCain is correct that it's time to stand up. "Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight. Nothing is inevitable here. We're Americans, and we never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history," he said at the Republican National Convention.
However, the ways of the past, which we believe McCain understands, will not work in this new America. The future requires new tools and new expertise. A premium must be placed on more than just love of country. We must re-embrace American ideals and lead the world on a stronger path to prosperity and peace.
The time is now and the leader is Barack Obama. The Star endorses Obama for president of the United States.

The Arizona Star Endorses Barack Obama For President

Right in Senator John McCain's home state, we have the Arizona Star annoucing it's endorsement for President: Senator Barack Obama.  Here's what the Arizona Star's opinion editor wrote:

We see America the way Barack Obama sees America.
Our future requires a steady, intelligent and, as former Secretary of State Colin Powell said, a "transformational" leader to guide us into a new era. Obama brings deep intellectual curiosity, equanimity and discipline.
The ground under America is moving. A generational change is under way with or without Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., or Barack Obama, D-Ill.
The core concerns are more about the future than the past, be it eight years ago or one day ago. They are about the moment and the movement to engage Americans in ways not seen before, especially against a backdrop of economic strife unmatched since the Great Depression.
McCain is correct that it's time to stand up. "Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight. Nothing is inevitable here. We're Americans, and we never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history," he said at the Republican National Convention.
However, the ways of the past, which we believe McCain understands, will not work in this new America. The future requires new tools and new expertise. A premium must be placed on more than just love of country. We must re-embrace American ideals and lead the world on a stronger path to prosperity and peace.
The time is now and the leader is Barack Obama. The Star endorses Obama for president of the United States.

Know your Voter's Rights

Do you know you can vote despite foreclosure?

Do you know students get to choose if they'd prefer to vote in the precinct their student housing is in or at their parents permanent address?

Know your rights.

The MN Voter Bill of Rights, which bears a strong resemblance to many others is listed at this site. So are descriptions of eligibility, etc., plus links to resources in states likely to see lots of eligibility challenges, such as Florida, Ohio, W. Va, Nevada, Missouri, and more. Tips in video form from a variety of non-partisan sources. A good resource for folks in "purple" states (or just in a purple state of mind.) Election day is Tuesday November 4th 2008 in every single state.

Hotspots around the country...

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has information on voting in all 50 states collected in one handy location. They are a non-partisan organization committed to helping all eligible voters cast ballots, and working to limit and mitigate disenfranchisement as the ultimate anti-American activity. Here are shortcuts directly to the information in a few states likely to be in the limelight due either to being closely contested on election day 2008, or to recent history of balloting problems:

Reporters are biased, and polls contain errors, so...?

How do we know what to make of polling data? What's up with the so-called volatility? How many voters are really going to change their mind at this point, anyway?

Is sorting through the FEC donation records a better predictor than telephone surveys in an era of caller ID and cell phones?

Exit polls that skip early voters? What's up with that?

An explanation of statistical flukes, the perils of the believing pollsters, and why reporters can't seem to stay neutral -- in everyday language even I can understand -- I'm lovin' it!

The Chauncey Bailey Blogger Project - "Bailey Blogger" Tag

My friend Oakland Post Editor Chauncey Bailey was murdered by a person dressed in Black in a ski mask while walking to work at 7:30 AM August 2nd, 2007.  While one person claimed that he was the murderer, this has not been confirmed via evidence and a coverup is said to have occurred either by an Oakland Police officer or officers and member of Your Black Muslim Bakery -- or both.  Or the story is more complicated than that. 
Regardless, it's been over a year, and we're not closer to a resolution of this question of who murdered Bailey.   The Chauncey Bailey Project CBP has done work on the matter, but seems more interested in applying for awards than solving the crime.  The CBP staff page includes links to "old media" people in newspapers, but no blogs or bloggers.   
So with that, I'm starting The Chauncey Bailey Blogger Project.  The main objective of this project is to increase the number of works on this matter and build a list of evidence elements and a resolution.  
If you want to participate, research and write about something related to this issue, and tag it "bailey blogger", then write a link to it in the comment section of this blog post. Eventually, I will make a widget to help access these posts.  
Let's get a large number of blogs and videos about this going.  Let's get to the bottom of this, and avenge Chauncey's name. 

AP: Palin actually does "Spread the Wealth Around" in Alaska

McCain & Palin summon antidemocratic images of a communist state to attack Obama's tax plan and his comment about spreading the wealth. But in August 2008, Palin said "And Alaska we're set up, unlike other states in the union, where it's collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when development of these resources occur."

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URGENT: GA gives green light to racial targeting at polls

Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel (R) is sending letters to 4,770 registered voters that they may have to cast "challenge" ballots that won't be counted on election day. She also declared that regular citizens can contest the citizenship of fellow voters at the polls -- forcing them to also cast challenged ballots that won't be counted on ele

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California's Prop 8 Is Hateful, Unethical Legislation

This issue is not one of 'majority' decision and should not lie in the hands of the voters. This is an example of the explicit reasoning considered when drafting state and federal constitutions, that the "inalienable" rights of the few will not be trampled upon by the many.

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Hawaii Verifies Obama's Birth Certificate - GENUINE

HONOLULU -- The state's Department of Health director on Friday released a statement verifying the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama birth certificate.

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Ron Reagan: "I Endorse Barack Obama"

Making It Official: I Endorse Barack Obama

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Palin Movement Urges 'Godly' To 'Plunder' Wealth of 'Godless

The McCain campaign has repeatedly attacked Barack Obama for advocating "spreading the wealth." But the religious movement detailed in a ne 36 page study and which Sarah Palin has extensive ties with, urges that the 'godly' should 'plunder' the wealth of the 'godless'.

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New Low: McCain Attacks Obama's Patriotism

John McCain unveiled a new attack on Barack Obama's patriotism Saturday, jumping all over - and taking out of context - remarks made yesterday in which the Democratic nominee said the Iowa Caucuses vindicated his faith in the American public.

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A Moving Skyscraper for N.Y.?

David Fisher is looking for a site in Manhattan to construct a building that twists itself into different shapes night and day.

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7 Reasons Why Condoms Suck, But Why Getting an STD Is Worse

Fans of shock jock Howard Stern know that he likes using condoms, but that's not too surprising given his oft-reported small size and easily aroused, hornball reputation. But for many of the rest of us, condoms can be a real hassle, an inconvenience, or even a barrier to a fulfilling night. Yet, they can save your life.. We need to get real.

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RACISM! Asian-American Man Beaten For Singing

A 22-year-old Asian-American was repeatedly punched in the face early today in Boulder and forced to say "I love America," Boulder police reported. The victim told investigators that he was walking in the area of 10th and Marine streets with friends about 1 a.m., singing a song from the movie "Team America." He was confronted by 4 men.

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Obama Supporters Pumped, McCain Partisans Down

Poll finds big enthusiasm gap 43-13 between supporters of the 2 candidates.

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The Chauncey Bailey Blogger Project - "Bailey Blogger" Tag

My friend Oakland Post Editor Chauncey Bailey was murdered by a person dressed in Black in a ski mask while walking to work at 7:30 AM August 2nd, 2007.  While one person claimed that he was the murderer, this has not been confirmed via evidence and a coverup is said to have occurred either by an Oakland Police officer or officers and member of Your Black Muslim Bakery -- or both.  Or the story is more complicated than that. 

Regardless, it's been over a year, and we're not closer to a resolution of this question of who murdered Bailey.   The Chauncey Bailey Project CBP has done work on the matter, but seems more interested in applying for awards than solving the crime.  The CBP staff page includes links to "old media" people in newspapers, but no blogs or bloggers.   

So with that, I'm starting The Chauncey Bailey Blogger Project.  The main objective of this project is to increase the number of works on this matter and build a list of evidence elements and a resolution.  

If you want to participate, research and write about something related to this issue, and tag it "bailey blogger", then write a link to it in the comment section of this blog post. Eventually, I will make a widget to help access these posts.  

Let's get a large number of blogs and videos about this going.  Let's get to the bottom of this, and avenge Chauncey's name. 

Kraft YouTube Cooking Challenge Looks Like Fun!

I just saw this new contest by Kraft and YouTube.  All you have to do is go to and pick a recipe to make.  The video is to be no longer than 3 minutes long.  The winner gets $1,000 in cash and their video shown on the Kraft channel.  

Well, cool.  The prize should be $5,000 I think, but that's me.  Here's the video: