The popular American Pop band Cobra Starship gang Good Girls Go Bad at the People's Choice Awards, Wednesday night. Former Pussycat Dolls star Nicole Scherzinger helped burn up the stage.
Still, it did not win Favorite Music Collaboration; that went to Jay-Z, Rihanna, and Kanye West’s Run This Town.
Nonetheless, here's a kick-ass video of the performance of Good Girls Go Bad thanks to PCDworlddotcouk on YouTube:
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
2010 People's Choice Award winners show voting youth
The 2010 People's Choice Award is over and the winners show the youthful demographic of the voters. Congratulations to Taylor Swift, who's continuing her 2009 awards success, in 2010 winning "Favorite Female Artist". Ashton Kutcher is wins as "Favorite Web Celeb", a category that reflects how media has changed over the past decade. Taylor Lautner was "Favorite Breakout Movie Actor" for Twilight: New Moon, which itself was voted the favorite movie franchise. And, not surprisingly, Lady Gaga is Favorite Pop Artist.
In this, it must be noted that Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds was voted "Favorite Independent Movie", thereby cementing its cult status with the people who voted. It's the largest grossing of all of Quentin Tarantino's movie creations.
Celebrity Gossip Blog has this complete list of the winners:
Favorite Talk Show - The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Favorite On Screen Team - The Twilight Saga
Favorite TV Obsession - True Blood
Favorite TV Competition Show - American Idol
Favorite Animal Show - Dog Whisperer
Favorite Family Movie - Up
Favorite TV Comedy - The Big Bang Theory
Favorite R&B Artist - Mariah Carey
Favorite TV Comedy Actor - Steve Carrell
Favorite TV Comedy Actress - Alyson Hannigan
Favorite Country Artist - Carrie Underwood
Favorite TV Drama Actor - Hugh Laurie
Favorite TV Drama - House
Favorite Movie Actress - Sandra Bullock
Favorite Breakout Movie Actor - Taylor Lautner
Favorite Action Star - Hugh Jackman
Favorite Movie Actor - Johnny Depp
Favorite Male Artist - Eminem / Keith Urban
Favorite Female Artist - Taylor Swift
Favorite Comedic Star - Jim Carrey
Favorite Breakout Music Artist - Lady Gaga
Favorite Breakout Movie Actress - Miley Cyrus
Favorite Rock Band - Paramore
Favorite Music Collaboration - Run This Town
Favorite Comedy Movie - The Proposal
Favorite New TV Drama - The Vampire Diaries
Favorite Movie - Twilight: New Moon
Favorite New TV Comedy - Glee
Favorite Web Celeb - Ashton Kutcher
Favorite Frandchise - The Twilight Saga
Favorite TV Drama Actress - Katherine Heigl
Favorite Sc-Fi / Fantasy Show - Supernatural
Favorite Independent Movie - Inglourious Basterds
Favorite Pop Artist - Lady Gaga
In this, it must be noted that Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds was voted "Favorite Independent Movie", thereby cementing its cult status with the people who voted. It's the largest grossing of all of Quentin Tarantino's movie creations.
Celebrity Gossip Blog has this complete list of the winners:
Favorite Talk Show - The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Favorite On Screen Team - The Twilight Saga
Favorite TV Obsession - True Blood
Favorite TV Competition Show - American Idol
Favorite Animal Show - Dog Whisperer
Favorite Family Movie - Up
Favorite TV Comedy - The Big Bang Theory
Favorite R&B Artist - Mariah Carey
Favorite TV Comedy Actor - Steve Carrell
Favorite TV Comedy Actress - Alyson Hannigan
Favorite Country Artist - Carrie Underwood
Favorite TV Drama Actor - Hugh Laurie
Favorite TV Drama - House
Favorite Movie Actress - Sandra Bullock
Favorite Breakout Movie Actor - Taylor Lautner
Favorite Action Star - Hugh Jackman
Favorite Movie Actor - Johnny Depp
Favorite Male Artist - Eminem / Keith Urban
Favorite Female Artist - Taylor Swift
Favorite Comedic Star - Jim Carrey
Favorite Breakout Music Artist - Lady Gaga
Favorite Breakout Movie Actress - Miley Cyrus
Favorite Rock Band - Paramore
Favorite Music Collaboration - Run This Town
Favorite Comedy Movie - The Proposal
Favorite New TV Drama - The Vampire Diaries
Favorite Movie - Twilight: New Moon
Favorite New TV Comedy - Glee
Favorite Web Celeb - Ashton Kutcher
Favorite Frandchise - The Twilight Saga
Favorite TV Drama Actress - Katherine Heigl
Favorite Sc-Fi / Fantasy Show - Supernatural
Favorite Independent Movie - Inglourious Basterds
Favorite Pop Artist - Lady Gaga
Casey Johnson death - Tila Tequila battles Perez Hilton on Twitter
While the LA County Coroner's Office continues its examinations related to the death of Caset Johnson, and celebrities from Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton to Lindsay Lohan share their grief online, blogger Perez Hilton has launched a full-scale Twitter attack on Casey Johnson's wife-to-be, Tila Tequila.
Perez Hilton, who on his blog describes Casey Johnson as "drug plagued" and having recently "left a stint in rehab" and filed the post under "Drugs", started the tweet attack 14 hours ago from the writing of this blog post.
Perez Hilton believes and has said that Tila Tequila is using the passing of Casey Johnson to promote herself:
Tila Tequila responded back with a slew of tweets, starting with this one:
Which Perez elected to answer back with...
Tila responds:
But Perez Hilton has to "up" the nastiness:
And Tila continues her tweets in kind:
And it went on for some time this morning, with Twitterers taking sides. But this is one place where Perez Hilton's best move would have been to leave Tila Tequila alone. The death of a loved one is sacred ground, even in the blogosphere.
While it's certainly true that Tila Tequila has done some questionable things over the past year (and surely didn't have to call 911 on Paris Hilton in the matter of Casey Johnson's dog) it does not give Carte Blanch for the kind of attack Perez Hilton has leveled on her.
Moreover, there's a certain way a man should talk to a woman, and that way should not stop because Perez Hilton is gay.
The "news" here is that the exchange is a path-breaking moment in New Media. Seeing how far Perez Hilton stretches the bounds of decency without being hit with a defamation lawsuit is interesting. It's not an approach bloggers should adapt at all, regardless of whatever traffic it produces.
Has Perez been sued? Yes, and for $25 million in the case of Wargo v. Lavandeira but that was dismissed. The reason is that the plaintiff, Diane Wargo, had claimed that Perez did not have the right to print an email she wrote which contained homophobic slurs. As a result of the posted email, which contained Wargo's place of work, address, and contact information, Wargo claims she was fired from her job.
Wargo sued Perez Hilton, aka Mario Lavandeira and 25 anonymous comment posters. The case was dismissed after several motions because of lack of "personal jurisdiction": the lawsuit was filed in Ohio, but because Perez Hilton does not transact business there, the lawsuit was considered invalid.
In other words, Perez prevailed on a legal technicality.
Even with that, while it's true that celebrities are public figures - and anyone that attracts "Internet chatter" is called a limited purpose public figure - the law does not mean that you can just tee-off on someone as Perez has done.
Moreover, as one who's lost six friends over the past two years, the most recent funeral on Tuesday of this week, the key word is always sympathy. If Tila Tequila's destiny is to have a larger audience because of the death of Casey Johnson, so be it. That may very will be God's will; Perez Hilton has no power to reverse the outcome. Indeed, his tweets just helped it along.
Related topics:
johnson and johnson death, johnson death, johnson and johnson heiress casey johnson, johnson and johnson heiress, how did casey johnson die
Perez Hilton, who on his blog describes Casey Johnson as "drug plagued" and having recently "left a stint in rehab" and filed the post under "Drugs", started the tweet attack 14 hours ago from the writing of this blog post.
Perez Hilton believes and has said that Tila Tequila is using the passing of Casey Johnson to promote herself:
@officialtila Tweet away, honey. The more you Tweet, the more your true colors reveal themselves. And they are vile!
about 14 hours ago from web
@officialtila I'm amazed you're not broadcasting live, showing us you're "grieving"! That's totally something trash like you would do!
about 14 hours ago from web
Tila Tequila responded back with a slew of tweets, starting with this one:
@PerezHilton have some decency! You love poking fun at people who have passed away dont you? First Mocking MJ's Death & now My FIance's?
about 14 hours ago from web in reply to PerezHilton
Which Perez elected to answer back with...
@officialtila You should try and get custody of her daughter. That'd be GREAT publicity, all you crave in life!
about 14 hours ago from web
Tila responds:
@PerezHilton Actually Casey & I were going to do that next. That was my Wife's wish was for me to adopt ava. Ur jus jealous nobody loves u.
about 14 hours ago from web in reply to PerezHilton
Lonely @perezhilton Cant find anyone else to pick on so now he thinks he can pick on me cuz I'm in a vulnerable state with my wife passing
about 14 hours ago from web
But Perez Hilton has to "up" the nastiness:
@officialTila OF COURSE that's what she wanted! Suuuure! Why would anyone believe YOU???? You are a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!
about 13 hours ago from web in reply to officialTila
@officialTila And I DO have decency. That's why I will NEVER mention you on my site again. I care too much about my readers!
about 13 hours ago from web
@officialTila Go back to grieving and exploiting her death. You're great at being soulless!
about 13 hours ago from web
And Tila continues her tweets in kind:
@PerezHilton oh after watching your bitch crying snot throwing video about how my friend @Iamrealwill punched was 2 embarassing!
about 14 hours ago from web in reply to PerezHilton
Truly a sad individual @perezhilton first u Mock the death of Michael Jackson and now this? U seriously need God. Wait. God Rejected you.
about 14 hours ago from web
And it went on for some time this morning, with Twitterers taking sides. But this is one place where Perez Hilton's best move would have been to leave Tila Tequila alone. The death of a loved one is sacred ground, even in the blogosphere.
While it's certainly true that Tila Tequila has done some questionable things over the past year (and surely didn't have to call 911 on Paris Hilton in the matter of Casey Johnson's dog) it does not give Carte Blanch for the kind of attack Perez Hilton has leveled on her.
Moreover, there's a certain way a man should talk to a woman, and that way should not stop because Perez Hilton is gay.
The "news" here is that the exchange is a path-breaking moment in New Media. Seeing how far Perez Hilton stretches the bounds of decency without being hit with a defamation lawsuit is interesting. It's not an approach bloggers should adapt at all, regardless of whatever traffic it produces.
Has Perez been sued? Yes, and for $25 million in the case of Wargo v. Lavandeira but that was dismissed. The reason is that the plaintiff, Diane Wargo, had claimed that Perez did not have the right to print an email she wrote which contained homophobic slurs. As a result of the posted email, which contained Wargo's place of work, address, and contact information, Wargo claims she was fired from her job.
Wargo sued Perez Hilton, aka Mario Lavandeira and 25 anonymous comment posters. The case was dismissed after several motions because of lack of "personal jurisdiction": the lawsuit was filed in Ohio, but because Perez Hilton does not transact business there, the lawsuit was considered invalid.
In other words, Perez prevailed on a legal technicality.
Even with that, while it's true that celebrities are public figures - and anyone that attracts "Internet chatter" is called a limited purpose public figure - the law does not mean that you can just tee-off on someone as Perez has done.
Moreover, as one who's lost six friends over the past two years, the most recent funeral on Tuesday of this week, the key word is always sympathy. If Tila Tequila's destiny is to have a larger audience because of the death of Casey Johnson, so be it. That may very will be God's will; Perez Hilton has no power to reverse the outcome. Indeed, his tweets just helped it along.
Related topics:
johnson and johnson death, johnson death, johnson and johnson heiress casey johnson, johnson and johnson heiress, how did casey johnson die
Tom Hayes: Is Gary Hart downplaying the threat?
"...the cynics and trolls who scream like banshees at town hall meetings and scan the blogosphere to post cynical put-downs of their country's government are hurting no one but themselves."
I'm forced to disagree: They hurt me. They hurt everyone else living in the U.S. In fact, it goes beyond today; such actions threaten the well-being, liberty, standard of living, and the intent of the founding fathers when they inserted the language pertaining to "pursuit of happiness" for my descendants (and yours, and theirs.)
I do share Hart's concern that, "the most qualified Americans will continue to choose not to serve their country and we will continue to be weaker for it."

Thomas Hayes is an entrepreneur, journalist, and political analyst who contributes regularly to a host of web sites on topics ranging from economics and politics to culture and community.
Avatar, Star Trek, two of seven films in Visual Effects Oscar race
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced today that seven films remain in the competition to pick three nominees for the Oscar for Best Visual Effects. Here's the list of films:
District 9
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Star Trek
Terminator Salvation
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
That list came from the original tally of 15 movies competing for the Visual Effects prize. Coraline, Angels & Demons, Disney's A Christmas Carol, G-Force, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Sherlock Holmes, Watchmen, and Where the Wild Things Are did not make the cut.
It also means the buzz for Avatar, Star Trek, and District 9 continues to grow, as Tuesday, the Producers Guild annouced that the popular 2009 Sci-Fi epics were part of its list of the 10 best films vying for the Zanuck Award of Best Picture.
On January 21st, Academy members representing the Visual Effects branch will gather to look at 15-minute excerpts from the seven films; from that review, three nominees will be selected for the 2010 Academy Award for Visual Effects.
2010 Oscar nominations will be announced Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 5:30 PM PST. The Oscars will be presented Sunday, March 7, 2010.
Stay tuned.
District 9
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Star Trek
Terminator Salvation
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
That list came from the original tally of 15 movies competing for the Visual Effects prize. Coraline, Angels & Demons, Disney's A Christmas Carol, G-Force, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Sherlock Holmes, Watchmen, and Where the Wild Things Are did not make the cut.
It also means the buzz for Avatar, Star Trek, and District 9 continues to grow, as Tuesday, the Producers Guild annouced that the popular 2009 Sci-Fi epics were part of its list of the 10 best films vying for the Zanuck Award of Best Picture.
On January 21st, Academy members representing the Visual Effects branch will gather to look at 15-minute excerpts from the seven films; from that review, three nominees will be selected for the 2010 Academy Award for Visual Effects.
2010 Oscar nominations will be announced Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 5:30 PM PST. The Oscars will be presented Sunday, March 7, 2010.
Stay tuned.
Chicago to try Oakland-style parking strategy
The cash-strapped City of Chicago is turning to an Oakland, California-style way of raising money for its coffers: parking meter rates around Chicago go up 75 cents to $4.25 per hour to park in downtown Chicago in 2010. According to the Chicago Tribune, residents are not happy.
Melody Fillier, a a pharmaceutical salesperson, told the Chicago Tribune "I think it's really expensive. It just blows me away."
Parking rates have quadrupled in some areas of Chicago. And before the meter rate change, the old meters broke down; more tickets were written as people stuffed coins in broken meters.
Meanwhile, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has drawn fire for a parking meter lease deal that has given the City a cash windfall but led to the increased meter rates. But the parking deal was defended as giving money to a Chicago that needed it. But the result is a parking fee cost that threatens to drive away residents from using stores in downtown Chicago and harm Chicago's poorest citizens.
Still, the Chicago approach is not anywhere near the level of harm that Oakland's exacts on its citizens. Oakland has not only high parking meter rates, but aggressive ticketing and towing policies.
Plus, Oakland's consideration of a new parking study reveals a concern for parking as a revenue generator, but no mention of the fact that it's a regressive tax on the poor. That is shown in this Oakland City Council Staff Report that was considered by the City of Oakland at last night's City Council meeting. You can download a copy of the report, which calls for a comprehensive city-wide parking study, here at this link:
Meanwhile, talks forming an Oakland Parking Initiative continue; the date of the next meeting has not been set as of this blog report.
Stay tuned.
Melody Fillier, a a pharmaceutical salesperson, told the Chicago Tribune "I think it's really expensive. It just blows me away."
Parking rates have quadrupled in some areas of Chicago. And before the meter rate change, the old meters broke down; more tickets were written as people stuffed coins in broken meters.
Meanwhile, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has drawn fire for a parking meter lease deal that has given the City a cash windfall but led to the increased meter rates. But the parking deal was defended as giving money to a Chicago that needed it. But the result is a parking fee cost that threatens to drive away residents from using stores in downtown Chicago and harm Chicago's poorest citizens.
Still, the Chicago approach is not anywhere near the level of harm that Oakland's exacts on its citizens. Oakland has not only high parking meter rates, but aggressive ticketing and towing policies.
Plus, Oakland's consideration of a new parking study reveals a concern for parking as a revenue generator, but no mention of the fact that it's a regressive tax on the poor. That is shown in this Oakland City Council Staff Report that was considered by the City of Oakland at last night's City Council meeting. You can download a copy of the report, which calls for a comprehensive city-wide parking study, here at this link:
Meanwhile, talks forming an Oakland Parking Initiative continue; the date of the next meeting has not been set as of this blog report.
Stay tuned.
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