Thursday, November 20, 2008

Roger W. Ferguson For Treasury Secretary

Many Americans have lost confidence in our government and the actions of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulsen are a key reason why. Paulsen does not understand the system of relationships between financial institutions, companies, and their employees who are losing jobs. So he does not know where to apply the bailout money.

Many Americans have lost confidence in our government and the actions of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulsen are a key reason why. Paulsen does not understand the system of relationships between financial institutions, companies, and their employees.

The person I recommend to replace him and to serve President Obama, is Roger W. Ferguson. Dr. Ferguson was Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. During 9-11 it was he who steered the World's financial system out o collapse by working with the G-7. Ferguson was at one point mentioned to be the President of Harvard University. Currently, he is CEO of TIAA / Cref and on President-Elect Obama's Transition Team.

McClellan: George W. Bush Outed CIA Agent Valerie Plame

11/15/08 Scott McClellan on C-SPAN Book TV

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Dick Cheney , Alberto Gonzales indicted by Texas grand jury

A South Texas grand jury has indicted Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on charges related to the alleged abuse of prisoners in Willacy County's federal detention centers.

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Al-Qaida No. 2 insults Obama with race epithet

Speaking in Arabic, al-Zawahri uses the term "abeed al-beit," which literally translates as "house slaves." But al-Qaida supplied English subtitles of his speech that included the translation as "house negroes."

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Pamela Anderson Wants Obama to Check Out Her Huge Ideas

Pamela Anderson has written an open letter to Barack Obama, outlining ways to make the country better. She wrote on her official blog: "I think we should legalise marijuana, tax and monitor - farm hemp etc. This would make our borders less corrupt and then I think eventually this will be a more secure option and save children in the long run."

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Apple developing always-on iPhone status indicators

Apple has conceptualized a means of displaying icon-like status indicators on the iPhone's displays even when the handset is locked and the backlight turned off, a new company filing shows.

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Man cut off his own head with chainsaw after losing eviction

The last resident in a block of flats due to be demolished cut his own head off with a chainsaw to highlight the 'injustice' of being asked to move out, an inquest heard today.

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President Bush At G-20: No One Shakes His Hand

This is both disturbing and amusing because it seems to show how unpopular President Bush is. On the other hand, he's not shaking hands either. Regardless, the video speaks volumes about the U.S. reputation around the World under Bush II.

UPDATE: According to CNN's Jeannie Moost, the Bush White House says that the President already shook all of the hands of the leaders twice.