Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Has Decisions To Make

As reported previously, Nancy Pelosi is now going through a lot evaluation of her career and her role in Congress now that she is no longer speaker of the House of Representatives. Pelosi was the first woman to serve as speaker of the House.

USA Today reports about the different choices that Pelosi could potentially make. Pelosi could return to be the leader of the Democratic minority, but as reported previously her last predecessors resigned after no longer being speaker.

Pelosi could choose to retire, and at the age of 70 no one would hold it against her.

After her four years as speaker of the House it may be difficult to imagine being put into a role with less authority and control.  Of course she was re-elected to be apart of the House by her supporters in san Francisco.

ABC News has an exclusive interview with Pelosi where she tells that she has no regrets. It'll be interesting to see her next decision.

Demi Lovato Update

E! News is reporting that Demi Lovato is not at a rehab center, but she is at an undisclosed location getting help. Giuliana Rancic introduces the exclusive interviews with her family and friends.

Lovato's father says that there's no truth to the cutting or weight related issues, but Lovato's former co-stars seem to disagree and think that she may have been involved with both.

The exact reason for Lovato's "hospitalization" is for physical and mental exhaustion.

Sean Duffy From 'Real World: Boston' Wins A Seat In The House


MTV's hit reality TV show "Real World" is known for putting seven strangers in a house to live together and have fun. Usually reality tv shows will hurt someone's career - since there's lots of drinking, hooking up, etc. However, Sean Duffy from 'Real World: Boston' has just won one of Wisconsin's seats in the House of Representatives.

Duffy was in 1997's season of Real World and is now married to former Real World star Rachel Campos who was on 'Real World: San Francisco.'

Duffy was cast as the token conservative on that season of the Real World and now he has given credit to his past reality tv show experience in helping him advance in his political career.

John Boehner To Be Next Speaker Of The House

Courtesy of
John Boehner is set to be the next speaker of the House of Representatives.

ABC News reports that the Ohio Republican announced tearfully during his victory speech Tuesday night that it's time to "look forward with determination and to take the first steps toward building a better future of our kids and grandkids."

The 61-year-old is known for screaming "hell no, you can't!" as the health care bill was passing.

LA Times reports that Nancy Pelosi, the former speaker of the House of Representatives, left a voicemail for Boehner which he told a televised news conference was very nice.

Pelosi has not spoken on her plans now that she is no longer the speaker.

Hello Washington: Are YOU Listening?

Today, the day after the exit polls, one must ask the question:
Hello Washington: Are you listening?
That question and the answer is open to a great deal of interpretation, speculation and mistranslation of whatever message yesterday’s Republican victories truly mean.

One thing that is crystal clear is the misnomer touted by such “Right Wing Idiots” like Michele Bachmann, Eric Cantor and John Boehner that ‘Americans said by their votes that they (citizens of the USA) want to continue the Bush Tax cuts for the top 3% of the wealthiest’ is total BS. Obviously these presumed leaders of the next House session are already out of touch with what America wants.

Cantor in his acceptance speech last night said: “Americans want a government that listens to it’s people.” So why aren’t those Republicans listening? Because they are rich and do not care what anyone who is NOT rich wants, period.

Now that the election is over, it is time for the “Lame Duckers” to get back to Washington immediately - not wait until the 15th of this month. We all (every unemployed American) need to be calling the Whitehouse Comments Line [Comments:202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461] and tell Mr. Obama the real meaning of what happened yesterday.

Tell our President that the Democrats shot themselves in the foot by ignoring the 99ers and the unemployed in this country. That He (our President) failed to acknowledge the 99ers or hold a town hall meeting with unemployed Americans and thus the Democrats lost the House (and nearly the Senate) and every exit poll proves that the #1 issue effecting those who did vote was the unemployment issue. We cannot eat Health Care, nor does that pay the rent. Health Care Reform is important but it should have never taken a priority position over the unemployment crisis!

As long as you are on the phone to the Whitehouse, it would behoove you to let the President know that extending the Bush tax cuts for the top 3% of the richest Americans even ONE day is NOT ACCEPTABLE! (Obama will like that, as he agrees - but we need to let him know we support him on this issue!)

You may also wish to express to President Obama how the Congress needs to return to Washington NOW not 2 weeks from now. America is in crisis and Washington has taken far too much time off, ignoring the needs of the unemployed hurting so badly in America today. If Obama does not wish to be a 1 term President (and I for one still support him) then Congress MUST pass a Tier 5 and extend the dates for filing UI extensions - set to expire at month’s end.

There is precious little time, as if they wait to return on the 15th - they will adjourn once again a week later for their Thanksgiving break. Most 99ers will not be having a Thanksgiving this year - so Congress needs to get their work done now:

Put a stop to the tax breaks for the top 3% of wealthiest Americans

Pass a Tier 5 - for all UI “exhaustees” in every state

Extend the UI filing dates set to expire on November 30th and December 5th.

Remember that it was Unemployment and shafting the long term unemployed that lost you the House yesterday and failure to handle the 3 tasks above, will likely result in Democrats losing the Senate and the Presidency too in 2012. The hurting unemployed have long memories and there are millions of unemployed in this country. Multiply the unemployed by the 10 to 15 other voters (minimum) that they can influence and there goes the next election.

And to the “Right Wing Idiots” like Michele Bachmann, Eric Cantor and John Boehner: Listen up! America does NOT want you to waste your time

Repealing Health Care
Repealing Financial Reform
Impeaching our President

You really need to hit the ground running and spend all of your time fixing what is wrong in this country. Hint: WE NEED JOBS in America! If you waste your time on an agenda that does not help those hurting Americans, then brace yourselves for a bumpy 2 years and a Democratic landslide in 2012. [I must confess I hope Republicans are too dumb to take this advice - but pray the “Lame Duckers” do!]

African Americans Fail To Vote, No Blacks In Senate

The Term "African Americans" is a Twitter Trending Topic as of this writing because after Illinois Senator Roland Burris depature, there's no black Senator in the U.S. Senate for the first time in this century, and for several years. Moreover African Americans failed to come out and vote in large numbers, as was the case in 2008.

This blogger, who's African American, voted, and has missed only one vote in 30 years of voting. For modern blacks not to vote, after ancestors have fought so hard to have the right to do so for decades, is almost criminal, or should be.

Moreover, for African Americans to complain about the election outcome, yet not vote, is even more criminal. It's like allowing other people to exact control over government, without being asked to do so.

More on this later.

Senator Barbara Boxer Thanks Her Supporters

U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer beat back a strong challenge from former CEO Carly Fiorina to retain her seat as California Senator. To celebrate, Senator Boxer sent out this letter:

Dear Zenophon,
Rallying with supporters last night in Los Angeles
We did it! Together, we delivered a huge victory for the people of California last night, and it would never have been possible without you.
I can't thank you enough for standing with me and being a part of this tough, hard-fought campaign -- through thick and through thin.
Thousands of volunteers. 140,000 individual donors. Over one million online supporters. All together, an incredibly powerful grassroots force, working together to keep moving California and our country forward.
You proved that strong grassroots support can overcome millions of dollars in attack ads from the special interests and their secret donations.
You demonstrated that hundreds of thousands of people can join together, make their voices heard, and stand up to the big corporate goliaths.
And you showed that anytime we needed your help, you would step up and rise to the challenge.
It wasn't easy -- but it was so powerful.
I'm so proud of everything we accomplished, together, in this campaign -- and I look forward to continuing to stand with you in the weeks and months ahead.
Whether it's creating jobs, building a new clean energy economy, reducing the threat of climate change, protecting our coastline, defending a woman's right to choose, or ensuring equal rights for all, you know that I'm going to keep fighting -- and I need you right there with me.
So stick with me, and let's keep working every day to make California and our country the very best it can be!
In friendship and with great gratitude,
Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senator

Oakland Mayor's Race: Police Are Mayor-Elect (?) Don Perata's First Focus

If first choice results hold under Ranked Choice Voting, and given his 11 percent lead, there's little reason to think otherwise, Don Perata will be Oakland's Mayor-Elect.

Mayor-Elect Perata got 35 percent of the first choice votes; the full results will be by Friday, but his lead's large enough to pull the top Oakland politicians, from Councilmember Larry Reid to AC Transit Executive Director (and former Alameda County Supervisor) Mary King to his party at Z-Cafe on 27th and Broadway.

But in apparent victory, Perata set up what will be his first political battle of his mayoral term: the reinstatement of 80 Oakland Police Officers.

Laying off 80 Oakland Police Officers this year was a controversial move to cut the City of Oakland's budget, and caused a packed City Council meeting where police officers listened to a community that didn't seem to like them very much. Not so Don Perata.

Asked on video to come by this video-blogger what his first move will be as Mayor, Perata, in a horse voice, said "I'm going to reinstate the 80 police officers."

But newcoming District 4 Oakland City Councilmember-Elect Libby Schaaf wasn't so fast to rubber stamp Perata's desire. At her celebration party at Monahan's in the Oakland Hills, Schaaf said that Oakland Police and public safety are very important, but she's not ready to do it "without the money." Schaaf's very concerned to know where the money will come from to take that action.

And that frames the politics of money for Oakland. In an environment of scarce resources, paying for service ideas is much harder, and the Oakland City Council much more skeptical of any idea, even the reinstatement of 80 police officers, without a plan for paying for it.

Stay tuned.

San Francisco Voters Turn Down Hotel Tax Increase In Prop J

San Francisco businesses breathed a sigh of relief today as voters rejected Prop. J Tuesday, turning down a 2 percent increase to San Francisco's hotel tax. If Prop. J passed, the hotel tax increase would have affected businesses throughout the City, not just hotels.

"Small businesses, local restaurants, San Francisco hotels and the Chamber of Commerce all want to thank the voters of San Francisco for rejecting Proposition J that would have harmed the City’s number one industry from rebuilding after the recession and offering new jobs and new opportunities," said Kate Ryken from Economic Recovery SF, a coalition of San Francisco business organizations that opposed the measure.

Prop. J would have hiked San Francisco’s current 15.5 percent hotel tax by 2 percent, making the City's hotel tax the highest in the nation at 17.5 percent. The spike would have made San Francisco unaffordable for many potential visitors, meeting and conference planners, and would have resulted in the loss of more than 2,000 union jobs in S.F., according to the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.

"We are pleased that San Franciscans voted NO on Proposition J. This ill-conceived initiative would have not only cost the City millions of dollars in visitors and meetings and conventions spending which translates to decrease in revenue for the City and job loss,” said Patricia Breslin, executive director of Hotel Council of San Francisco. “This is an important time for San Francisco. Our businesses are just starting to get their economic footing again and Prop. J would have halted their progress."

Indeed, increasing taxes is not the right decision at any level right now. The economy, from a jobs perspective, is just too weak at this point in time.

Stay tuned.

John Boehner And GOP Will Attack Health Care And Debt Limit - Stupid Idea?

GOP Ohio Rep. John Boehner (photo at left) And GOP Kentucky Senior Senator Rep. Mitch McConnnell appeared before the press just a few minutes ago, saying they has a "pleasant conversation" with President Obama, but that they planned to work to repeal the Health Care Bill, and (perhaps) not extend the Debt Limit. Are these stupid ideas?

The reason Republicans won the House and gained (as of this writing) six Senate seats is not just because the unemployment rate is so high, but that it's been consistently high for three years now. It's just gotten worse after the credit crunch of 2008.

Still, victory in an election can make the most sober person drunk with stupidity, and that was the case with John Boehner and Mitch McConnnell Wednesday morning.

"This is a repudiation of the policies of this administration," Rep. Boehner said. But Rep. John Boehner got it wrong. The problem is that people want a laser focus on job creation. The passage of the Historic Health Care Bill was great, but what was lacking was a continued focus on the economy. Perhaps getting out of Afghanistan - or reducing our presence - and cutting the defense budget are the two jobs President Obama has now. That's where the jobs money is.

Then Obama must push to use that money for a manufacturing subsidy program so American small business can hire people.

Big Government Is Not The Problem

For the GOP to say "big government" is the problem is a joke. The massive credit crunch forced government spending Worldwide. The problem is that many people in America, particularly the "white, no college" demographic, either can't get it, or because of a lack of education, doesn't know how to under the problem.

The problem, simply, is we don't have enough money is our system to get to businesses to produce jobs, and we're not creating enough new businesses to employ people.  And that's a Worldwide problem.  If the GOP doesn't get that over the next two years, their gains will be lost in 2012.

Stay tuned.