I ran accross this story which explains that Craiglist earns about $20 million annually according to CEO Jim Buckmaster.
I've also read that Craiglist receives about 23 million unique visitors a month. So, according to a recent Business 2.0 article on the "return of web eyeballs_ and one that valued one unique visitor at $38 from the perspectives of the average value of unique visitors of those web firms that had been purchased. This would place CL at about $874 million in value.
For all of those who are still under the impression that Craiglist is a poor nonprofit organization, this should serve as a wake up call.
I remember having just such a conversation with a woman about two years ago. She tried to convince me that CL was this poor little activist firm. "Why do you insist on this view?" I asked. "Well, it's a Dot.org for starters," was the answer I got.
Ooo Boy. Meanwhile, the staff of 18 continues to run the most efficient machine on the Web.