Short on money? Trying to figure out how to make it in New York or San Francisco after having just lost your job? Want to find the best pizza slice for cheap? That's where Broke Ass Stuart comes in. I met him a while back when he was just getting his business going and now its become something of a small success, and he a micro-celebrity. But one thing's clear..
He's got a great idea.
"Who are we?" He asks. Then Stuart provides this manifesto:
We write for busboys, poets, social workers, students, artists, musicians, magicians, mathematicians, maniacs, yodelers and everyone else out there who wants to enjoy life not as a rich person, but as a real person. Namely, we write for you.
The website is geared toward living the cheap life. It has tips on everything from shopping to dating. For example, Stuart's section on "sex and dating" has the quirky perspective of a set of writers who've seen one too many off-the-wall dates.
There's "What Your Girl’s Male Celebrity Crushes Say About Them", next to What Your Dude’s Female Celebrity Crushes Say About Them, and both by Anna G, since no male Broke Ass writer has bothered (or is it dared) to take on the task of speaking up for the men of the Bay Area.
Then we have "Dating and Life Lessons from Mad Men’s Peggy Olson" and creatively presented by (again) AnnaG, who instructs women to...
Sleep with someone younger just for shits & giggles
Though you don’t have to act like an Ann Margaret-25-year-old-acting-like-a-14-year-old to do it, but generally, more often than not, it’s a totally fantastic idea to go to a bar, pick up a younger, hot dude and have a one-night stand on your own terms. Mention that you work on Madison Avenue if he wants to find you.
As you can see this is almost all in fun. The San Francisco section of the website lists events you can attend for free, or for a wee fee where noted.
Finally Stuart, who calls himself "The Editor in Cheap" features the "Broke Ass Of The Week", featuring Jesika Gorton as this week's winner. Who knows? Next week it could be you -- if we avoid the Tsunami. (Well, you, not me. I'm in Georgia.)
In all, "Broke Ass Stuart's goddamn website" is a fun take with some really good ideas for things-to-do roped in.