Thursday, September 20, 2007

CNN Susan Rogerson Missreporting Of Jena 6 Issue Fuels Racial Tension

I'm watching CNN, and Susan Rogerson tells me that I'm supposed to feel soory for Justin Barker -- the white student who was beaten up after racially taunting Black students in Jena, Louisiana, and attended a social function after supposedly being beaten so hard.

She says "What about him?" WHAT? Is CNN nuts? Look, this story started because a Black student wanted to sit under a tree supposedly just for White students -- which is totally crazy itself. Then when he did, White students hung nooses on the tree. Black students were beaten up by White students -- but charges never filed.

Now, I've got to hear CNN's Rogerson talk about this idiot like he's the victim, and then hear this racist Jena D.A. down there back him? Come on! Racism is a mental illness, and that town's got a problem.

Jena's a nutso place it seems. But CNN's fueling racial tensions by the way it's reporting the issue. For a totally great explanation of what happened down there, watch this video:

Barack Obama's Statements On Jena 6 - Jesse Jackson Jr. Helped Obama

Barack Obama Statements on Jena 6

CHICAGO, IL – U.S. Senator Barack Obama released the following three statements on the Jena 6.

September 19, 2007 | Obama Statement on the Jena 6
"Outrage over an injustice like the Jena 6 isn't a matter of black and white. It's a matter of right and wrong. We should stand as one nation in opposition to this and any injustice. That’s why I’ve previously spoken out and demanded fairness in the Jena 6 case. That's why I've fought against injustice as a civil rights attorney and public official, and why I'll continue to fight to heal the wounds of division in our nation as president. My statements on Jena 6 were carefully thought out with input and support from one of my National Campaign Chairmen, U.S. Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr."

September 14, 2007 | Obama Statement on the Jena 6
"I am pleased that the Louisiana state appeals court recognized that the aggravated battery charge brought in this case was inappropriate. I hope that today's decision will lead the prosecutor to reconsider the excessive charges brought against all the teenagers in this case. And I hope that the judicial process will move deliberately to ensure that all of the defendants will receive a fair trial and equal justice under the law."

September 10, 2007 | Obama Demands Fairness in Jena 6 Case
"When nooses are being hung in high schools in the 21st century, it's a tragedy. It shows that we still have a lot of work to do as a nation to heal our racial tensions. This isn't just Jena's problem; it's America's problem."
"There are a number of signs that the system is not working in this case. It's a problem when criminal charges are brought against some students for fighting, but not others. It's a problem when a public defender doesn't call any witnesses. And it's a problem when a prosecutor decides to try teenagers as adults for a school fight, a charge that could leave them in jail for the majority of their lives. That is why I join my colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus in calling on the judge to consider all the relevant factors and calling on the District Attorney to drop the excessive charges brought in this case. And I, along with other members of the CBC, will continue to monitor this case closely."
"Going forward, we have to fix our criminal justice system. Whether it's Jena 6 or Genarlow Wilson, it's long past time for us to admit that we have more work to do to ensure that our criminal justice system is fair. We must ensure that both victims and defendants can receive equal justice under the law, regardless of race, wealth, or other circumstances."

Bionic Woman On Comcast On Demand - Saw It

I just saw Bionic Woman on Comcast OnDemand. Click on this -- Bionic Woman -- to read my review of the pilot episode.

Bionic Woman - Just Saw It; Michelle Ryan's Intense

I just found and watched NBC's new program Bionic Woman on Comcast ondemand. First, it's good actually great and intense. It has a lot of characters that are well intervoven. The trouble is that it moves too fast -- so fast that scenes that need more time to unfold to have real meaning last in seconds.

The version I saw is without commercials, so I thought maybe I was "fooled" by a shorter version. But then I thought of the Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror" and it seemed longer than the Bionic Woman even though they're both about 35 minutes of screen time.

The "problem" is the Bionic Woman's so rich with story, scenes, people, and tech that you want to taste a scene, only each one's too small a bite to enjoy. That's a problem the writers and Dave Eick, it's producer, have to work on. It's a nice problem to have.

Overall, I did enjoy Bionic Woman. It's not anythng like the Bionic Woman I remember as a kid. This is much darker and has subplots that you beg to be unraveled right then. For example, who's the Russian guy who seems to be Katie Sackhoff / Sarah Corvus's love interest and likes to sew his arm with string? (An apparent signal that this is some kind of bionic man?)

The special effects are a seemless part of the story -- no sound effects. The fight scene between Jamie Sommers and Sarah Corvus is very well done and includes one really cool and real-looking action scene where Jamie throws Sarah like she's a sack of trash.

What about Jamie's bartender life? How can she handle it and work for the organization that re-built her? And how can she make love to her boyfriend Will without harming him? That he was on top was a start -- it's where I'd like to be -- but the whole orgasm matter was skipped over. Ah, details.

I look forward to the Bionic Woman, but it's days could be numbered if the matter of this rapid pacing isn't adressed right away. But they've already got the episodes in the system, so we'll just have to wait.

I can't wait.

Mean, Sneaky Senator Clinton Gets Free Pass From Media

I'm serious about this. There's a conspiracy in the media to get her elected. It's so insidieous that it must be pointed out. One blogger points out that she's hiding from the press, but that doesn't stop others from keeping her name out there favorably.

But not with bloggers, who point to her lack of a press conference and this well-planned set of public appearances with Bill Clinton.

Then there's this video of her avoiding shaking hands with a well-wisher. Yikes.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee “Lone Iraq No Vote” Fundraising Event - Sunday, September 23, 2007

Please Join Hosts
Steve Phillips & Susan Sandler,
Gene Eidenberg & Anna Chavez, Elizabeth Colton,
Zenophon Abraham, Ed Penhoet,
Wayne Jordan & Quinn Delaney,
Hari Dillon, John Gooding and Miguel Bustos

In honor of
Congresswoman Barbara Lee
And the 6th Anniversary of the “Lone Vote”

On September 14, 2001, Rep. Barbara Lee was the only member of Congress to vote against a resolution that gave President George Bush a blank check to go to war without constraint. Bush used this resolution to launch his “global war on terror.” Since then, she has led the effort to prevent – and now to end – the War in Iraq. We are proud of her leadership and urge you to join us in honoring her.

At the home of
Steve Phillips and Susan Sandler
553 Arkansas Street
San Francisco

Sunday, September 23, 2007
6:00 pm until 8:00 pm

$2,300 Champion • $1,000 Host
(Includes a signed copy of the Lone Vote speech)
$500 Partner • $250 Friend

RSVP by contacting Mitchell Lester at 415-308-5849 or Maria Ali at 510-663-1207 or parking will be available.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee

September 14, 2001

Mr. Speaker, Members, I rise today really with a very heavy heart, one that is filled with sorrow for the families and the loved ones who were killed and injured this week. Only the most foolish and the most callous would not understand the grief that has really gripped our people and millions across the world. This unspeakable act on the United States has really -- really forced me, however, to rely on my moral compass, my conscience, and my God for direction.

September 11th changed the world. Our deepest fears now haunt us. Yet, I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States. This is a very complex and complicated matter.
Now this resolution will pass, although we all know that the President can wage a war even without it. However difficult this vote may be, some of us must urge the use of restraint. Our country is in a state of mourning. Some of us must say, let's step back for a moment. Let's just pause, just for a minute and think through the implications of our actions today, so that this does not spiral out of control.

Now I have agonized over this vote. But I came to grips with it today, and I came to grips with opposing this resolution during the very painful, yet very beautiful memorial service. As a member of the clergy so eloquently said, "As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore."

Congresswoman Barbara Lee

Barbara Lee was first elected to represent California's ninth Congressional District in 1998. On September 14th, 2001 Barbara Lee courageously cast the lone vote against granting the President a blank check to wage war without constraint. She is currently on the Appropriations Committee – bringing her bold voice and progressive agenda to the powerful spending committee. Congresswoman Lee also serves as the First Vice Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, and the co-Chair of the Progressive Caucus.

Lone Vote Event — September 23, 2007

Federal Election Law allows individuals to donate up to $4,600:
$2,300 designated for the Primary Election and $2,300 designated for the General Election

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Checks should be made payable to “Barbara Lee for Congress” and mailed to:

Barbara Lee for Congress
1736 Franklin Street, Suite 400
Oakland, CA 94612

Credit card contributions can also be made online at

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