Stating that he was never aware of such an idea and will not accept the idea, Former President George Bush issued a fast and stern reply to Bill Clinton's comment that the elder Bush would go with him and fly around the World basically undoing the work his son did.
Wow, what a blow.
And the National Review jumped all over him:
Bill Clinton Outdoes Himself
Ladies and gentlemen, one more piece of evidence that Bill Clinton is no longer the least bit careful about what he says, and is used to getting away with little white lies on a regular basis. We've seen him claim to have opposed the Iraq war from the start. We've seen him suggest that the media isn't interested in covering his wife fairly. We've seen him suggest that Barack Obama as president would be "a crapshoot."
And now, he's suggested that former President George H.W. Bush is eager to help his wife repair America's image in the world and undo the image of America created by his own son.
ORANGEBURG, South Carolina (CNN) – Former President Bill Clinton said Monday that the first thing his wife Hillary will do when she reaches the White House is dispatch him and his predecessor, President George H.W. Bush, on an around-the-world mission to repair the damage done to America's reputation by the current president — Bush's son, George W. Bush.
"Well, the first thing she intends to do, because you can do this without passing a bill, the first thing she intends to do is to send me and former President Bush and a number of other people around the world to tell them that America is open for business and cooperation again," Clinton said in response to a question from a supporter about what his wife's "number one priority" would be as president.
Bill Clinton: He's a 1992 media-loves-me-and-doesn't-check-my-facts kind of guy in a 2007-2008 world.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Ron Paul Raises $6 Million And Hits Back At Huckabee Using Term Facist
Wow. Ron Paul certainly tells it like it is. But before we get to that, Ron Paul raised $6 million from 55,000 donors. Wow. That's a lot to get in one day. Paul talks about this, and about Mike Huckabee's attempt to bring Christianity into the race.
Paul Campaign Statement Following $6 Million Fundraising Day (12/17/07)
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - Following its historic fundraising day on December 16th, Ron Paul campaign chairman Kent Snyder issued the following statement:
"There is an unprecedented outpouring of grassroots support for Dr. Paul. The message of freedom is powerful and uniting people across America. And, Dr. Paul is the only candidate offering real solutions to the issues Americans care about, with the record to back it up.
"Americans are sick and tired of our broken borders and they know the other candidates are not serious about illegal immigration. Dr. Paul has proposed serious and substentative legislation to fix our immigration problems once and for all.
The $6 million one-day total means the campaign has raised over $18 million this quarter, far exceeding its goal of $12 million.
"Finally, as Americans see the value of their dollar plummet, they know Dr. Paul has devoted his political career to stopping the inflation that makes it impossible for middle-class families to get ahead. Only Dr. Paul has a plan to cut spending, balance budgets and take care of people who have become dependent on government programs.
"Americans spoke loud and clear on December 16th. They want Dr. Paul's solutions."
Paul Campaign Statement Following $6 Million Fundraising Day (12/17/07)
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - Following its historic fundraising day on December 16th, Ron Paul campaign chairman Kent Snyder issued the following statement:
"There is an unprecedented outpouring of grassroots support for Dr. Paul. The message of freedom is powerful and uniting people across America. And, Dr. Paul is the only candidate offering real solutions to the issues Americans care about, with the record to back it up.
"Americans are sick and tired of our broken borders and they know the other candidates are not serious about illegal immigration. Dr. Paul has proposed serious and substentative legislation to fix our immigration problems once and for all.
The $6 million one-day total means the campaign has raised over $18 million this quarter, far exceeding its goal of $12 million.
"Finally, as Americans see the value of their dollar plummet, they know Dr. Paul has devoted his political career to stopping the inflation that makes it impossible for middle-class families to get ahead. Only Dr. Paul has a plan to cut spending, balance budgets and take care of people who have become dependent on government programs.
"Americans spoke loud and clear on December 16th. They want Dr. Paul's solutions."
Media Matters Exposes Wash Posts Dana Milbank As Bad Journalist For Misrepresenting Obama's Heath Care Record

The Washinton Post has a Barack Obama problem. From the untrue Muslim smear article to misquotes, it's clear the Washington Post so badly wants Barack Obama to lose -- and may be working under racist fears -- that it gives displays of bad and unethical journalism in the process.
Consider Dana Milbank.
Dana Milbank is the Washington Post writer who misrepresented Obama's Illinois Health Care record. Media Matters reports..
"Summary: The Washington Post's Dana Milbank wrote that Sen. Barack Obama's "signature legislation as a state senator, the Health Care Justice Act, merely set up a panel to craft a plan," not, as Obama claimed, "expanded health care in Illinois by bringing Democrats and Republicans together, by taking on the insurance industry." In fact, Obama sponsored a bill that expanded health insurance programs for low-income families in Illinois. Following that bill's passage, more than 150,000 additional people reportedly received health insurance through the programs."
Whether it be for old-fashioned racism or lobbyist involvement, or both, The Washington Post is developing a terrible, race-based record of opposition to the Obama campaign. They're afraid, it seems, to give the Senator a fair shake in coverage because they know he can win.
Laure Manaudou Nude Photos - More On Unfolding Story

Laure Manadou UPDATE
My French isn't what it used to be but I'm diving into this anyway. There's more on the matter of Laure Manaudou's nude photos being spread on the Internet. Reportedly there are 20 photos now. But even more, it seems that her ex-lover Luca Marin was not the person who spread the photos. Timedfinals reports...
Clearly not meant for the general public, when news of the pictures came out all eyes immediately turned to her former beau, Italian World Champs medalist Luca Marin, as the source. This was a natural conclusion, particularly since the French and Italian gossip columns were filled with stories of Marin and Manaudou’s verbal altercation at the European Short Course Championships. Apparently the fight was about Manaudou throwing away a ring that Marin had given her.

Marin responded almost immediately to these accusations, however, and told the Gazzetta della Sport, “I have never seen these photos. I saw these images of Laure with great pain on the Italian websites. People are saying that it was me that put them up. This isn’t true…If these absurd insinuations continue I will be forced to act to preserve my reputation.”
For her part, this just turns photogs back to the photogenic Manaudou, who earlier this year expressed her exasperation with the media: "I’ve decided not to talk about my personal life anymore, it doesn’t concern journalists. I would prefer to keep silent about this point."
But with these photos, they'll just keep asking.
And what of this video? What's up with the hotel? Does anyone know enough French to translate? It's time for me to brush up big time!
The Dark Knight Trailer w/ Heath Ledger - Simply One Of The Best Ever Made
In my opinion, this movie trailer you're about to see is one of the best I've ever seen in my life. As a movie of its onw, it's a hit and it in a way places high expectations on what to expect from "The Dark Knight" movie in Summer of 2008 (no specific release date yet.)
This introduces us to a real, dark, Joker, expertly played by Heath Ledger (or is it Heath Leadger?)
UPDATE: As of this writing, Heath Ledger passed away. Click here for more information.
This introduces us to a real, dark, Joker, expertly played by Heath Ledger (or is it Heath Leadger?)
UPDATE: As of this writing, Heath Ledger passed away. Click here for more information.
Tired Of Fox and CNN Covered Bias - Well FCC Let's Them Own Newspapers Now
The FCC changed a 32-year-old ban on broadcasters -- who mine the TV airwaves -- from owning newspapers, opening the door to a major round of media consolidation. I personally think this is a terrible blow to the power of New Media to give the "little gal" a voice, as it allows big media to get, well, bigger. The only solace I take is that many employees of large broadcasters and newspapers still don't know what they're doing when it comes to New Media.
Here's the rest of the story from the SF Chronicle:
(12-18) 10:58 PST WASHINGTON, (AP) --
The Federal Communications Commission, overturning a 32-year-old ban, voted Tuesday to allow broadcasters in the nation's 20 largest media markets to also own a newspaper.
FCC Chairman Kevin Martin was joined by his two Republican colleagues in favor of the proposal, while the commission's two Democrats voted against it.
Martin pushed the vote through despite intense pressure from House and Senate members on Capitol Hill to delay it. The chairman, however, has the support of the White House, which has pledged to turn back any congressional action that seeks to undo the agency vote.
At Tuesday's meeting, the chairman described the media ownership proceeding as "the most contentious and divisive issue" to come before him.
That proved true as the two Democrats in the commission blasted the proposal in unusually strong language for the normally sedate agency.
Martin, noting the steady decline in revenue for newspapers, said his proposal "strikes a balance" between the changing media marketplace and the need to protect diversity and competition.
The Democrats blasted the chairman for making changes to the proposal "in the dead of night" and just before the meeting that created new ownership loopholes instead of closing them, as he pledged during a recent hearing on Capitol Hill.
"Anybody who thinks our processes are open, thoughtful or deliberative should think twice in light of these nocturnal escapades," said Democrat Jonathan Adelstein.
The Democrat said Martin's proposal "will allow for waivers for six new newspaper-broadcast combinations and 36 grandfathered stations."
Copps described the commission's action as a "terrible decision."
"In the final analysis, the real winners today are businesses that are in many cases quite healthy, and the real losers are going to be all of us who depend on the news media to learn what's happening in our communities and to keep an eye on local government," he said.
Republican Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate described the process as "transparent and thorough." She said the changes proposed are narrow, and hinted she was in favor of a greater liberalization of the media ownership rules.
Fellow Republican Commission Robert McDowell also defended the proposal noted the explosion of new media in the modern marketplace and denied the proposal was "pockmarked with loopholes" as claimed by the Democrats.
Martin, addressing the comment about the new markets, said the great majority were existing combinations that predated the 1975 ownership ban. The others are apparently for stations that are operating under existing waivers.
The cross-ownership ban was approved by the FCC in 1975 to serve "the twin goals of diversity of viewpoints and economic competition." The FCC at the time noted that "it is unrealistic to expect true diversity from a commonly owned station-newspaper combination."
Opponents of the ban say in the past decade there has been an explosion of news outlets thanks to cable television and the Internet and that such restrictions are no longer necessary. Ban supporters say there may be additional outlets, but there has been no corresponding increase in news gatherers and producers, especially at the local level.
On Monday, 25 senators, including four Republicans, sent Martin a letter threatening that if he goes ahead with the vote, they will move legislation to revoke the rule and nullify the commission's action.
But a letter that surfaced late Monday makes it clear the chairman has the full support of the White House. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez wrote Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Dec. 4 opposing a Senate bill that would have delayed the vote, "or any other attempt to delay or overturn these revised rules by legislative means."
The agency first tried to loosen the ban in 2003, but the move was rejected by a federal appeals court. Since then, the commissioners have been trying to craft a new set of rules that will survive judicial scrutiny.
Under Martin's proposal, one entity would be permitted to own a newspaper and one broadcast station in the same market.
But it must be among the 20 largest in the nation and following the transaction, at least eight independently owned-and-operated media voices must remain. In addition, the television station may not be among the top four in the market.
Here's the rest of the story from the SF Chronicle:
(12-18) 10:58 PST WASHINGTON, (AP) --
The Federal Communications Commission, overturning a 32-year-old ban, voted Tuesday to allow broadcasters in the nation's 20 largest media markets to also own a newspaper.
FCC Chairman Kevin Martin was joined by his two Republican colleagues in favor of the proposal, while the commission's two Democrats voted against it.
Martin pushed the vote through despite intense pressure from House and Senate members on Capitol Hill to delay it. The chairman, however, has the support of the White House, which has pledged to turn back any congressional action that seeks to undo the agency vote.
At Tuesday's meeting, the chairman described the media ownership proceeding as "the most contentious and divisive issue" to come before him.
That proved true as the two Democrats in the commission blasted the proposal in unusually strong language for the normally sedate agency.
Martin, noting the steady decline in revenue for newspapers, said his proposal "strikes a balance" between the changing media marketplace and the need to protect diversity and competition.
The Democrats blasted the chairman for making changes to the proposal "in the dead of night" and just before the meeting that created new ownership loopholes instead of closing them, as he pledged during a recent hearing on Capitol Hill.
"Anybody who thinks our processes are open, thoughtful or deliberative should think twice in light of these nocturnal escapades," said Democrat Jonathan Adelstein.
The Democrat said Martin's proposal "will allow for waivers for six new newspaper-broadcast combinations and 36 grandfathered stations."
Copps described the commission's action as a "terrible decision."
"In the final analysis, the real winners today are businesses that are in many cases quite healthy, and the real losers are going to be all of us who depend on the news media to learn what's happening in our communities and to keep an eye on local government," he said.
Republican Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate described the process as "transparent and thorough." She said the changes proposed are narrow, and hinted she was in favor of a greater liberalization of the media ownership rules.
Fellow Republican Commission Robert McDowell also defended the proposal noted the explosion of new media in the modern marketplace and denied the proposal was "pockmarked with loopholes" as claimed by the Democrats.
Martin, addressing the comment about the new markets, said the great majority were existing combinations that predated the 1975 ownership ban. The others are apparently for stations that are operating under existing waivers.
The cross-ownership ban was approved by the FCC in 1975 to serve "the twin goals of diversity of viewpoints and economic competition." The FCC at the time noted that "it is unrealistic to expect true diversity from a commonly owned station-newspaper combination."
Opponents of the ban say in the past decade there has been an explosion of news outlets thanks to cable television and the Internet and that such restrictions are no longer necessary. Ban supporters say there may be additional outlets, but there has been no corresponding increase in news gatherers and producers, especially at the local level.
On Monday, 25 senators, including four Republicans, sent Martin a letter threatening that if he goes ahead with the vote, they will move legislation to revoke the rule and nullify the commission's action.
But a letter that surfaced late Monday makes it clear the chairman has the full support of the White House. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez wrote Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Dec. 4 opposing a Senate bill that would have delayed the vote, "or any other attempt to delay or overturn these revised rules by legislative means."
The agency first tried to loosen the ban in 2003, but the move was rejected by a federal appeals court. Since then, the commissioners have been trying to craft a new set of rules that will survive judicial scrutiny.
Under Martin's proposal, one entity would be permitted to own a newspaper and one broadcast station in the same market.
But it must be among the 20 largest in the nation and following the transaction, at least eight independently owned-and-operated media voices must remain. In addition, the television station may not be among the top four in the market.
Proof Hillary Clinton Will Have Bush BACK In The White House
I'm not kidding here. Look at this CNN article just posted. Man. Just as we're all talking about being rid of the Bush regime, Bill Clinton wants to bring President Bush's dad back to undo the foreign policy errors committed by his son. But look, if that's the case, then you know Bush 1 is not going anywhere without Bush 2, so we'll have President Bush all over again,
My question is this: has Bill Clinton lost it? It's also more proof that Barack Obama's the only real "change" candidate.
Bill Clinton: George H.W. Bush will help President Hillary
Bill Clinton said former president George H.W. Bush will help fix damage done to America's reputation by his son, George W. Bush.
ORANGEBURG, South Carolina (CNN) – Former President Bill Clinton said Monday that the first thing his wife Hillary will do when she reaches the White House is dispatch him and his predecessor, President George H.W. Bush, on an around-the-world mission to repair the damage done to America's reputation by the current president — Bush's son, George W. Bush.
"Well, the first thing she intends to do, because you can do this without passing a bill, the first thing she intends to do is to send me and former President Bush and a number of other people around the world to tell them that America is open for business and cooperation again," Clinton said in response to a question from a supporter about what his wife's "number one priority" would be as president.
A spokesman for the George H.W. Bush was not immediately available to comment on whether the former president would chip in some diplomatic help after his son leaves office next year.
Clinton and the elder Bush, rivals in the 1992 presidential election, have grown chummy in recent years, often traveling and appearing at public events together. In 2005, they started a charity to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.
My question is this: has Bill Clinton lost it? It's also more proof that Barack Obama's the only real "change" candidate.
Bill Clinton: George H.W. Bush will help President Hillary
Bill Clinton said former president George H.W. Bush will help fix damage done to America's reputation by his son, George W. Bush.
ORANGEBURG, South Carolina (CNN) – Former President Bill Clinton said Monday that the first thing his wife Hillary will do when she reaches the White House is dispatch him and his predecessor, President George H.W. Bush, on an around-the-world mission to repair the damage done to America's reputation by the current president — Bush's son, George W. Bush.
"Well, the first thing she intends to do, because you can do this without passing a bill, the first thing she intends to do is to send me and former President Bush and a number of other people around the world to tell them that America is open for business and cooperation again," Clinton said in response to a question from a supporter about what his wife's "number one priority" would be as president.
A spokesman for the George H.W. Bush was not immediately available to comment on whether the former president would chip in some diplomatic help after his son leaves office next year.
Clinton and the elder Bush, rivals in the 1992 presidential election, have grown chummy in recent years, often traveling and appearing at public events together. In 2005, they started a charity to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Dr. Karen Weatherby "Looking At Boobs Is Good For You" Research Is A Hoax
Yep. The "big find" of a Dr. Karen Weatherby stating that "Looking At Boobs Is Good For You" is a hoax. Period. It's not real and doesn't exist at all.
So there's nothing to the idea that looking at a well-endowed woman will make you live longer.
RATS! But I'm a leg man, anyway. Someone should do a study on that one.
So there's nothing to the idea that looking at a well-endowed woman will make you live longer.
RATS! But I'm a leg man, anyway. Someone should do a study on that one.
Laure Manaudou Nude Photos Posted Days After She Took Gold in 400M Freestyle

Laure Manaudou's a 20-year-old World Class swimmer from France who's so famous she's been knighted, and who took the 400 metres freestyle in Europe last weekend. But rather than bask in the sun of a victory Laure Manaudou has to deal with how nude pictures of her surfaced on the Internet.
Personally, I think the photos are from her ex-future husband Luca Martin, who was dumped by Laure Manaudou for Friench swimmer Benjamin Stasiulis. All of the accounts are in Italian, French, and Spanish, not English, so it takes some digging to determine if this is so.
But I think so. Look, Luca's about 20 years old, so it's not like he' used to getting dumped on a regular basis over decades. He's still new to the game. So I think he's scorned and this is his way of striking back.
More on the story here.
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