Senator Obama and Speaker Pelosi Relationship Speculation Shows Media Think It Knows Every Move of Obama
I just read this SF Gate article entitled "How Pelosi might work with a President Obama". The author, Zachary Coile, of the Chronicle Washington Bureau, writes:
After Obama arrived in the Senate in 2005, the pair saw each other occasionally at official events or private dinners. Since he became the presumptive nominee, they have spoken by phone several times, aides said. But they have yet to have a formal meeting to discuss their agendas or plot strategy for the fall campaign.
But how the hell does he know that "they have yet to have a formal meeting to discuss their agendas"? Having worked in politics, I can tell you that an elected official does not always tell everyone where they're going or who they're meeting. Moreover, some of the best deals are done at "private dinners", but you would not know that reading Coile's article.
What bothers me more is that people will read the article and think Coile's totally right, then quote it to someone else, who will talk to another person.
And so the spread of what is a total misunderstanding of politics continues.