At the start of 2005 the San Francisco Bay area was rocked by the revelation that the San Francisco 49ers created a racist and sexist "traning tape." Then, just before this year's Cal / Stanford "Big Game" a group of Stanford Students made a video said to be, again, racist and sexist. Now, the San Francisco Police Department's dark underbelly of racial intolerance is being exposed in the release of information on another video that is, yep, called racist and sexist.
Wait. This is the SF Bay Area, right? What's going on?
Well, my theory is that the kind of subtile racism Bay Area African Americans have always complained about has found its way into these videos and are quickly being exposed to the public in this Internet Age.
The fact that the general public was made aware of all three of theese videos just this year is no spritual accident, in my view. The arrows of policy and institutional reform point to the need to one-and-for-all solve this problem of racial intoleerance in our local institutions.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom should convene a Task Force on the Elimination of Racism and Sexism. I think it will be not only his most provacative action, but the most eye-opening. Mayor Newsom wiill find people and organizations running for cover or moving to prove that they are models of diversity and understanding. The effort would cut to the very core of San Francisco's culture and force the city -- and the Bay Area -- to take a hard look at itself.
Some will say that the videos "were all in fun" but that's the point: "fun" should not be obtained by hurting someone's feelings because they are minority, or female, or any person who -- until the last 30 years of economic advancement -- were not part of the socioeconomic mainstream. Yet, it seems to be some kind of sport in some circles to do this.
It's not right. Humor does not have to come from physical differences.
The San Francisco Bay Area should know better.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Oakland Creates Another White Elephant - The Case of The Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center
You know, with so many Oakland-related posts, I may create another blog on Oakland-related matters. I just don't know what to call it. Until then..
The Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center is an enormous building that sits on the western shore of Lake Merritt, and opposite Laney College. It has an 8,000 seat arena, a 2,000 seat auditorium, and with all of that, the City of Oakland can no longer afford to keep in open. The Oakland Tribune reports the Oakland City Council made that decision Tuesday night.
11th-hour plan can't save center
Oakland council decides the city doesn't have the money to keep Kaiser open after Jan. 1
By Heather MacDonald, STAFF WRITER
OAKLAND — A last-minute proposal from a Chicago-based consulting firm and the Peralta Community College District will not save the Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center from being mothballed.
The Oakland City Council decided unanimously Tuesday night that the city simply does not have the money to keep the historic building's doors open after Jan. 1.
"We tried," said council President Ignacio De La Fuente (Glenview-Fruitvale), adding it would take a "miracle" to keep the center open.
Although International Facilities Group promised to operate the center with a subsidy of only $175,000, City Administrator Deborah Edgerly recommended the council reject the deal because the city would be on the hook if the center's performance failed to meet expectations.
IFG planned to rebrand the Kaiser center and make 10th Street Oakland's "Avenue of the Arts," tying together the Oakland Museum of California and Laney College.
The community college district would have used the center, which includes an 8,000-seat arena, the 2,000-seat Calvin Simmons Theater and two smaller ballrooms, as a performing arts center to showcase its theater and dance programs.
But the city would have had to give IFG, which was founded by the son of Chicago White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf, the center's $1 million budget up front, said Anne Campbell Washington, assistant to the city administrator.
"That puts all of the burden on the city," said Councilmember Pat Kernighan (Grand Lake-Chinatown). "We shouldn't risk all of our money."
Joseph J. Briglia, IFG president of business development, said the company would continue to work on a viable plan to keep the Kaiser center open, saying it is a valuable resource.
The City's never had a marketing plan for the facility, and I know the Convention and Visitor's Bureau could have determined a way to bring it into its efforts.
New Orleans East Side "A Wasteland" According to M. Barnett at
Post by: Michael Barnett at
I made it back to New Orleans on Thursday afternoon and here were my initial thoughts:
I started my 1996 Honda Civic EX's engine at 0100 EST. I rocketed up I-75 to I-10 and then headed west on 10 all the way in. At 0900 CST, I hit the Twin Single Span across the Lake. Moments later I realized that New Orleans will never be rebuilt in my lifetime.
New Orleans East cannot be described; it can only be seen. You must drive through it. What you see on television is nothing. Nothing. You have not seen devestation until you have driven through NOE. There is no life -- mammalian, avian -- nothing outside the plant kingdom (and whatever mold falls into). It is uninhabitable and must be bulldozed. This will take decades. Yes, the cleanup will take decades. In fact, it's likely that the cleanup will never be complete.
I fully expect New Orleans to be a mostly dead city until I am an old, old man, maybe in my late 60s or my 70s. My guess is that no place on Earth compares to the ghost town of New Orleans East. Maybe some cities in the former Yugoslavia were close during the recent clashes. Close. But there, people still lived. No one lives in New Orleans East.
It's been something like three months and most and perhaps even all of Carrollton Avenue still has no functioning street lights; neither does Earhart Expressway.
It has been a week now, and I've had a chance to drive all around the city.
All I can say is that this place is broken down. Crushed. Demolished.
It is a moral lapse of the first order for politicians to keep telling people to come back. I am going to take some flack for telling the truth, but since that's what this blog is for, that's what I'm going to do. New Orleans is a wasteland. Sure, there are a lot of contractors out there trying to clean up, but it's barely making a dent.
You have to see it in person to understand. There are MASSIVE dead areas. Areas of several square miles which will have to be completely torn down. Hell, they ARE STILL FINDING BODIES in some areas.
The idea that this city is going to try to do Mardi Gras boggles the mind.
Anyway, a close friend of mine is trying to do the Lord's work in another brutalized area along the Gulf Coast. You can read what he's got to say in the email at the bottom of this entry. If you can do anything to help, it will be greatly appreciated. There is a link to the school and my friend's email included. Please help if you can.
From: eli lucas
To: Michael Barnett
As per our conversation last weekend, I'm writing regarding
St. Clare Elementary School of Waveland, Mississippi. St.
Clare's beach-front location on the Gulf was in the direct
path of Katrina's greatest destruction. The school was
totally devastated - washed from the surface of Earth;
albeit their recovery thus far is amazing.
While New Orleans evacuees complain from afar about the lack
of improvement in New Orleans, St. Clare Elementary is
returning to business. To date approximately 85% of their
student body returned to class. St. Clare is neither
waiting for the FEMA elf, nor any other governmental agency
to rebuild their paradise. Funded solely by private
donations, St. Clare's new home consists of nineteen white
tents surrounded by total devastation. The link to their
website is
Continued progress at St. Clare is not without costs.
Although the limited amount of tuition revenue thus far
fails to meet salary expenses, St. Clare accepts everyone
regardless of their ability to provide tuition. I hope your
readers will consider assisting in this remarkable
renaissance in Waveland. Donation information is included on
their web site.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
New Orleans Police Misused Federal Funds - From "The Dead Pelican"
Police Commissioner Kevin Riley shown
According to the Dead Pelican website, the controversial New Orleans Police department deliberately overstated the number of officers to be paid by the federal government, and then gave more money to "connected" officers.
Here's the account from their website:
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the Feds are asking a number of very specific questions of the NOPD, sources tell The Dead Pelican. Among the questions that the Feds are asking, one stands out: "Where are all these officers that we were paying you for?"
As reported earlier, it is widely known that NOPD's real troop strength has never been more than approximately 1000 commissioned officers but the "official" number (that is, the number given out by the Superintendent's office) has always been 1500 to 1700.
But The Dead Pelican has learned that the actual numbers are quite different.
The Dead Pelican has learned that the NOPD has been taking Federal money supposedly earmarked for hiring and training officers, and using it for things like overtime for "connected" officers, rather than hiring new officers.
And, of course, there is the "phantom officer" situation, that is, "officers" who drew and cashed paychecks but cannot be found to exist.
So now there is a lingering question: where did the money go? "Something this widespread and blatant can't go on without the Superintendent's knowledge and implied consent," said a source.
Insiders say that indictments are inevitable...
by Chad E. Rogers
DECEMBER 03, 2005
(c)THE DEAD PELICAN for updates
Sometimes I Think People Reserve Their Worst Behavior For You When You're Black and Male
Tonight, I just went down to The Alley, a local bar and piano establishment I visit, to have a good, basic chicken dinner. I didn't feel like cooking, and had enough of pot roast, steaks, and pasta. I wanted chicken.
Jackie, the owner and bartender, had my place read for me to sit -- and the meal prepared -- when I arrived. Ok. I was late, but I got there. So, I sat down to eat and to my joy, the Warriors basketball game was on. So, I was content, but I had one call to make, and it was an important one, so I got my cell phone to take action.
While I'm on the phone, someone yells "What's your name" and just as I'm getting up to go outside to hear the recording better. I motion that I'm on the phone, and go out. When I returned, I sat down to eat the meal I ordered. The matter of what the other person wanted to know seemed a distant memory to me -- not important.
So, I ate. Then, after a while, the person who was yelling at me, who turned out to be an older African American woman, again yelled -- yelled, "Married or Single?" And repeated it. So, I slowly turned and said "I'm eating and watching the Warriors" with a wink of an eye. She said some other words I didn't bother to comprehend, because I just wanted to eat -- ya know? As this is going on, Jackie's going back and forth pouring patrons drinks.
Finally, the lady asks Jennifer, who's the waitress, to tap me on the shoulder -- "The Black Man. Him," she says. So, I turn, and she asks me "What country are you from?" Well I was now deep in the middle of watching "The Best Damn Sports Show" and waiting for the segment featuring my friend, Fox Sports Analyst Jay Glazer. So, I was a bit annoyed, but said nothing. My gut told me that responding would not help matters and I just wanted to be left alone. Besides, something appeared to be wrong with her -- maybe it was the alcohol.
So after a while, she was finally leaving -- I guess -- but then doubled back and forced herself into my attention because she "Had something to say to me." I wanted to be left alone. I asked her -- several times -- to stop bothering me. I finally asked Jackie -- who seemed to be trying to ignore the whole thing. Finally I threatened to call the cops -- it was that bad. I told Jackie it was either her or me who would do so. All the time, this lady is yelling, and I'm asking her to stop and just leave. Wild.
Finally, she left.
What I didn't like was that because I'm a guy and black, it seems like it's OK if I get harassed. I really got after Jackie for allowing that to happen. Jackie felt there was nothing that she could do; that the lady was going to do what she wanted to do. But she could have asked the lady to stop.
About two years ago, I was at The Alley with my friend Setor, when a drunk white lady started saying all kinds of racist and offensive things. Eventually, she was asked to leave. That's what Jackie should have asked this lady to do.
I later learned that it was her birthday. But she certainly didn't do anything to make it a happy one for her and anyone else. Certainly not me.
Folks, if you see someone black and male being harassed for no good reason, jump in. Don't just let it happen. In my case, I was ready to send that lady to jail because her actions were so very threatening and unnecessary. And I would not begin to think of using violence -- calling the police was the best alternative.
I didn't like the scenario of someone black calling the police on someone else black and female, but the lady's behavior was so -- wild -- it was the only reasonable action to take. No one else seemed interested in stopping her,and I'm still puzzled by the whole thing.
Jackie, the owner and bartender, had my place read for me to sit -- and the meal prepared -- when I arrived. Ok. I was late, but I got there. So, I sat down to eat and to my joy, the Warriors basketball game was on. So, I was content, but I had one call to make, and it was an important one, so I got my cell phone to take action.
While I'm on the phone, someone yells "What's your name" and just as I'm getting up to go outside to hear the recording better. I motion that I'm on the phone, and go out. When I returned, I sat down to eat the meal I ordered. The matter of what the other person wanted to know seemed a distant memory to me -- not important.
So, I ate. Then, after a while, the person who was yelling at me, who turned out to be an older African American woman, again yelled -- yelled, "Married or Single?" And repeated it. So, I slowly turned and said "I'm eating and watching the Warriors" with a wink of an eye. She said some other words I didn't bother to comprehend, because I just wanted to eat -- ya know? As this is going on, Jackie's going back and forth pouring patrons drinks.
Finally, the lady asks Jennifer, who's the waitress, to tap me on the shoulder -- "The Black Man. Him," she says. So, I turn, and she asks me "What country are you from?" Well I was now deep in the middle of watching "The Best Damn Sports Show" and waiting for the segment featuring my friend, Fox Sports Analyst Jay Glazer. So, I was a bit annoyed, but said nothing. My gut told me that responding would not help matters and I just wanted to be left alone. Besides, something appeared to be wrong with her -- maybe it was the alcohol.
So after a while, she was finally leaving -- I guess -- but then doubled back and forced herself into my attention because she "Had something to say to me." I wanted to be left alone. I asked her -- several times -- to stop bothering me. I finally asked Jackie -- who seemed to be trying to ignore the whole thing. Finally I threatened to call the cops -- it was that bad. I told Jackie it was either her or me who would do so. All the time, this lady is yelling, and I'm asking her to stop and just leave. Wild.
Finally, she left.
What I didn't like was that because I'm a guy and black, it seems like it's OK if I get harassed. I really got after Jackie for allowing that to happen. Jackie felt there was nothing that she could do; that the lady was going to do what she wanted to do. But she could have asked the lady to stop.
About two years ago, I was at The Alley with my friend Setor, when a drunk white lady started saying all kinds of racist and offensive things. Eventually, she was asked to leave. That's what Jackie should have asked this lady to do.
I later learned that it was her birthday. But she certainly didn't do anything to make it a happy one for her and anyone else. Certainly not me.
Folks, if you see someone black and male being harassed for no good reason, jump in. Don't just let it happen. In my case, I was ready to send that lady to jail because her actions were so very threatening and unnecessary. And I would not begin to think of using violence -- calling the police was the best alternative.
I didn't like the scenario of someone black calling the police on someone else black and female, but the lady's behavior was so -- wild -- it was the only reasonable action to take. No one else seemed interested in stopping her,and I'm still puzzled by the whole thing.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
President Bush' Holiday Cards Rile Conservatives- Only Say "Happy Holidays" - Wash Post
Monday, December 05, 2005
Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown Angers Members of Oakland's Black Political Community
This article from the Oakland Tribune appeared today and sheds light on only part of the real problem. In 2000, I accused Jerry of having problems relating to young, intelligent African Americans who didn't fit a stereotype. I was referring to how he treated me as I headed Oakland's Super Bowl Bid.
The story is part of Oakland legend now, but what Jerry did was constantly ignore -- or attempt to avoid -- me and the matter of the Super Bowl, until he realized it was generating good press. Then, and too late, he jumped on the bandwagon. Prior to that, Jerry would tell me he "didn't have time for me" and other comments.
That didn't stop me from pressing the issue of Oakland's Super Bowl Bid, but his behavior was more than annoying most of the time. I think that deep down, Jerry thinks of himself as "intellectual" in a way that's classically race - based , where people he looks to most of the time fit a kind of mold.
That written, I don't think Jerry wants to be this way, or be regarded as having this problem, but he's not found the proper way to avoid it. Really, all it takes is making people feel special in his presence, as Bill Clinton does. In other words, Bill Clinton really enjoys African American people and culture, where Jerry in my experience seems somewhat disinterested in both. I wish he'd change, for his own good.
African-American leaders seething over Brown
Letter to mayor charges their community has been shut out economically and politically
By Heather MacDonald, STAFF WRITER
OAKLAND — The long-simmering animosity between Mayor Jerry Brown and some African-American leaders bubbled over last week when several sent Brown a letter accusing him of harming Oakland's black community.
The informal group, which includes former Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones and school board member Greg Hodge, said they sent the letter "to express our profound disappointment with your stewardship of the mayor's office and the resulting negative impact on the health, welfare and vitality of Oakland's black community."
Brown, who is running for state attorney general, dismissed most of the complaints as without merit. Other charges are just a rehashing of old grievances, he said.
"I don't even know how to respond to such misinformed and inaccurate charges," Brown said, adding that he does not think the letter represents the views of the majority of Oakland's African-American residents.
The letter lays out five specific criticisms against the mayor that center on the belief black-owned firms have been shut out of lucrative municipal contracts and the African-American community's leaders are not consulted on issues facing Oakland.
"It's a wake-up call from a large portion of his constituents who feel completely left out of the process," said Hodge, who wrote the first draft of the letter.
Brown acknowledged political differences with members of the group,
especially over development issues such as affordable housing and the push to require community development agreements as part of large projects.
"There are real philosophical issues," Brown said. "But they are not racial. They're political. They're economic."
William "Bill" Patterson said dozens of black-owned companies have gone out of business because they haven't been able to obtain city contracts.
"There's still ample opportunity for Brown to respond to these issues," Patterson said. "It's late in the game, though."
Brown said an ongoing study will determine whether African-American, Latino and Asian companies are getting their fair share of the city's contracts. That study is expected to be completed next year.
"There is not one shred of evidence" proving black companies have been shut out of City Hall, Brown said. "It's preposterous."
Joseph Debro of the National Association of Minority Contractors and a frequent critic of the mayor, said he signed the letter because he was tired of Brown escaping criticism.
"I don't understand why no one calls him on the rampant cronyism and corruption of his administration," Debro said, criticizing Bay Area media outlets for not being more aggressive in covering the mayor.
The letter's harshest criticism is directed at Brown's handling of the months-long dispute over $575,000 in federal job training funds. It blasts Brown for backing a proposal from Council President Ignacio De La Fuente to take the funds from the $3.2 million allocated to the Oakland Private Industry Council and use it for programs focused on ex-offenders.
Originally, De La Fuente (Glenview-Fruitvale) tried to give the $575,000 directly to two of the most prominent houses of worship in East Oakland — Acts Full Gospel Church and Allen Temple Baptist Church. His effort was thwarted after City Attorney John Russo ruled federal funds could only be allocated after a competitive bid process, and with the concurrence of the city's Workforce Investment Board, the council and the mayor.
The letter calls Brown's support of De La Fuente's action "highly troubling" for someone who wants to be California's next attorney general and denounces the mayor for disrespecting the black leadership of the Workforce Investment Board.
Although De La Fuente said his aim is to spread the city's scarce job training resources to all areas of the city, his critics have accused him of violating federal law in an effort to boost his bid to become Oakland's next mayor, and in the process, pitting the black community against itself.
Brown said he understood some of the group's concerns and had been working as a "peacemaker" to diffuse conflict.
"Whenever you hand out a government contract, people fight hard to get it and keep it," Brown said.
Brown said he expects a compromise will be reached in the next several weeks to end the stalemate about the job training funds.
The deal is likely to include a provision to give $300,000 to Acts Full Gospel Church for its Men of Valor program. Earlier this month, Allen Temple Baptist Church received a $660,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, and withdrew its informal request for federal job training funds from the city.
Although the job training funding dispute is on its face a quarrel about a relatively small amount of money, it has crystallized the frustration felt by many in the African-American community during Brown's seven years as mayor.
"It was the tipping point," Hodge said. "These are hard, intractable issues and you want your city's mayor to lead."
As the dispute about job training funds heated up this fall, many of those outraged by De La Fuente and Brown's actions began a campaign to urge former Congressman Ron Dellums to run for mayor. They succeeded.
Many of Dellums' backers — who are quick to note he has broad support throughout Oakland — say they believe he will be a progressive mayor and more inclusive than Brown.
"There have been too many backroom deals, too much cronyism, too many insider deals," said Hodge, who dropped out of the mayoral race after Dellums announced his candidacy.
First Review of Peter Jackson's "King Kong"
If this review is any indication (click on the post link to read it), Peter Jackson's "King Kong" will not only sweep the Oscars, collecting best picture and best director awards, in addition to a slew of technical nods for editing, sound, and cinematography, but it will be regarded as a modern classic. I can't remember when a sci-fi/monster/horror movie has been so effectively formed into a true Oscar contender.
I still think the first Godzilla film deserves a dedicated remake as well. It had much to say regarding technology, war, and nationalism. Moreover, like the original "King Kong", the first Godzilla movie's special effects are still remarkable.
A Great SF / Oakland Bay Area Weekend - Society's Changing
I write to report a weekend in the San Francisco Bay Area. On Saturday, I spent most of my time watching the UCLA / USC game at The Balboa Cafe. Then I went over to The Grove -- a great indoor / outdoor cafe on Chestnut and Avila that I discovered for myself when I was taking a screenwriting class at Fort Mason. After that, I went to the home of my good friends Bob and Barbara to help them trim their Christmas Tree. But what I loved about the day so much was how nice everyone was. The holiday and Christmas sprit was certainly in the air. Moreover, it made me very happy to be in the San Francisco Bay Area and to be an Oakland resident.
I write that society here is changing in that I observe the Bay Area's maturing to a level of social interaction that's certainly hyper-integrated, and yet it not only doesn't matter, people actually want to know each other. Heck, maybe it was an planetary alignment, but I don't think so. Bay Area society has moved in this direction slowly over the past 20 years. It may also be a statement of how life in urban America is changing, since people in our country are so mobile.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Toledo Ohio To "Host" Neo - Nazi "White Supremacists" March Again - Why?
I discovered this news on Fox Television. There's also a rather sick individual who has nothing better to do than write a blog entirely devoted to this matter. Anyone holding or participating in "white race" marches is certainly free to do so in America, but let's face it folks. The practice is sick.
The Neo-Nazis are not contributing anything good to America. The time they will spend doing this could be better invested in volunteering at the local humane society, or cooking meals to serve those who can't afford them, or writing a business plan to start a new company.
There's a reason people like Bill Gates go on to establish successful companies like Microsoft, while this group complains about -- nothing really. By contrast, the Bill Gates of the world are far too busy creating things to worry about what someone else looks like.
The Neo Nazi's want someone to give them something. They're too afraid to really get out in America, be a positive force in society, and really help make others happy. Why? Because they don't feel good about themselves.
People like this are dangerous to good humans like you and me. Their hate is so great that they would seek to threaten the very lives of others who don't look like them. The Toledo Police should arrest this group the very moment they make any kind of threat to anyone. As far as I'm concerned this organization is full of criminals. They should be watched at all times of the day and night.
Note. I've never been to Toledo, Ohio, and never plan to go. Moreover, any intelligent person should not waste their time visiting the city.
What does the Toledo Chamber of Commerce think of all this? Is the city's economy so great, it can stand this kind of crap?
According to this news report the very state of Ohio had the largest increase in unemployed workers of any state in America. Toledo has a near 7 percent rate of people out of work and at about $32,000 has a household income below the national average by about $10,000. It's 70 percent white and just over 20 percent black. So the city is mostly poor and Caucasian, which is why the Neo-Nazis are there, claiming "take your city back?"
It just goes to show you how stupid the Neo Nazis are to say to whites "take your city back" when Caucasians are the majority population. But one could never accuse the Neo Nazis of being logical in thought.
So it's no wonder Toledo's a haven for people who hate: they're unhappy with themselves and feel that someone else has what they don't have. (Well, I guess that's true if one considers self-esteem.) I do hope the normal people in that town -- black and white -- ban together and fix that city before it's too late.
The Toledo Regional Growth Partnership is attempting to "sell" that city as a great place for tech workers. They can't even dream of successfully doing that with Neo-Nazis running around. It's a proven fact that tech innovation happen in cities where everyone is welcome and a diverse society is not only expected, but wanted.
That's certainly not Toledo, Ohio. That city has to get with the program.
The Neo-Nazis are not contributing anything good to America. The time they will spend doing this could be better invested in volunteering at the local humane society, or cooking meals to serve those who can't afford them, or writing a business plan to start a new company.
There's a reason people like Bill Gates go on to establish successful companies like Microsoft, while this group complains about -- nothing really. By contrast, the Bill Gates of the world are far too busy creating things to worry about what someone else looks like.
The Neo Nazi's want someone to give them something. They're too afraid to really get out in America, be a positive force in society, and really help make others happy. Why? Because they don't feel good about themselves.
People like this are dangerous to good humans like you and me. Their hate is so great that they would seek to threaten the very lives of others who don't look like them. The Toledo Police should arrest this group the very moment they make any kind of threat to anyone. As far as I'm concerned this organization is full of criminals. They should be watched at all times of the day and night.
Note. I've never been to Toledo, Ohio, and never plan to go. Moreover, any intelligent person should not waste their time visiting the city.
What does the Toledo Chamber of Commerce think of all this? Is the city's economy so great, it can stand this kind of crap?
According to this news report the very state of Ohio had the largest increase in unemployed workers of any state in America. Toledo has a near 7 percent rate of people out of work and at about $32,000 has a household income below the national average by about $10,000. It's 70 percent white and just over 20 percent black. So the city is mostly poor and Caucasian, which is why the Neo-Nazis are there, claiming "take your city back?"
It just goes to show you how stupid the Neo Nazis are to say to whites "take your city back" when Caucasians are the majority population. But one could never accuse the Neo Nazis of being logical in thought.
So it's no wonder Toledo's a haven for people who hate: they're unhappy with themselves and feel that someone else has what they don't have. (Well, I guess that's true if one considers self-esteem.) I do hope the normal people in that town -- black and white -- ban together and fix that city before it's too late.
The Toledo Regional Growth Partnership is attempting to "sell" that city as a great place for tech workers. They can't even dream of successfully doing that with Neo-Nazis running around. It's a proven fact that tech innovation happen in cities where everyone is welcome and a diverse society is not only expected, but wanted.
That's certainly not Toledo, Ohio. That city has to get with the program.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Why Am I Reading What David Brooks Thinks?
Monday, November 28, 2005
Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown's Office Behavior Has Not Improved - A Note To Jerry From Zennie
As I was walking along Lakeshore Avenue, preparing for Thanksgiving, I ran into an old co-worker from my days in The City of Oakland and in The Mayor's Office. This person still works for Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown; all I did was try to bring the Super Bowl to Oakland under his watch. Both of also worked for Elihu Harris, who was a much better Mayor than Jerry.
Anyway, I asked how things were going and this person remarked that they were OK, but that was more than could be said for some other workers in Jerry's office.
See, when Jerry took office in late 1998 (unofficially then in 1999 for real), he quickly established a reputation as being a real ass toward his secretaries: yelling at them and throwing tantrums. His top aide and friend Jaques Bargazhi didn't help with alledged exploits featuring in-office advances toward women, and other actions that eventually cost him his job. I thought Jaques departure might make Jerry himself "nicer." Some may have believed the days of Jerry the Tormentor were over.
I don't dislike Jerry. I understand -- as a person who's driven -- that he has high ambitions and wants those around him to share his passion. But he's got to learn to hold how he treats his workers in check. I thought he was better. On a personal note, he can be funny, as he was when he remarked -- as I was having my photo taken by Lake Merritt -- "Getting married?"
But he's not changed how he treats his staffers.
"He's still the same, Zennie," my friend said. "He runs around throwing tantrums and having screaming fits and going up to secretaries and clapping at them in the face when he needs something in a hurry," this person reported. "There's no staff loyalty; they can't stand him."
Jerry, listen up. If you want to win friends and have a great life, stop treating people this way. At the end of your political run, you will have few real friends, a lot of leaches, and nothing to show for all of your years in office. Ultimately, God will remind you of how important those who work for you really are.
In other words, be nice to your people.
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