Sunday, December 07, 2008

Police Shooting Sparks Riots in Greece -

Police Shooting Sparks Riots in Greece - “ATHENS — Mobs of militant youth angered by the fatal shooting of a teenager took to a weekend of rampage, battling police in central Athens and destroying scores of shops, cars and businesses across the country.

The riots, triggered late Saturday when a small group of youths attacked a police car in central Athens, sparked a spree of violence that ripped through the country, leaving many cities shattered like war zones.

“We’ve never seen anything like this,” said a senior police official who requested anonymity because of his involvement in the investigation. “The tension is so thick you can almost cut it with a knife.”

The circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting remained unclear.

Still, a police statement issued in the early hours of Sunday said the shooting took place while two officers were targeted by some 30 youths — many of them hurling stones — while patrolling the central district of Exarchia, an unruly haven of leftist extremists.”

Obama on Meet The Press: Economy to get worse before it improves

From the Associated Press: Obama: Economy to get worse before it improves President-elect Barack Obama said the economy seems destined to get worse before it gets better and he pledged a recovery plan "that is equal to the task ahead."

Obama also said in an interview broadcast Sunday that the survival of the domestic car-making capacity is important, yet any bailout must be "conditioned on an auto industry emerging at the end of the process that actually works."

Less than six weeks before he takes office, Obama said that help for homeowners facing foreclosure is an option as part of his plan. He sidestepped a question about when he plans to raise taxes on wealthy Americans.

Obama's interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" was his most extensive since winning the White House more than a month ago.

In the intervening weeks, the economy has showed clear signs of worsening. Employers said they eliminated more than 500,000 jobs in November alone and retailers reported disappointing holiday-season sales.

"The economy is going to get worse before it gets better," he said twice in the early moments of the interview, taped Saturday in Chicago.

The president-elect announced on Saturday he would call for the most massive spending on public works since the creation of the interstate highway system a half-century ago. In a word of caution to powerful lawmakers, he said the first priority would be "shovel-ready" projects _ those that could create jobs rights away.

Interview with Alicia Silverstone On Volunteering For Barack Obama

This is a cool interview in that we see the real Alicia Silverstone talking about how she has volunteered for the Obama For America campaign.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Rachel Maddow For Meet The Press Moderator

Rachel Maddow's the best choice to replace Tom Brokaw and the late Tim Russert before him. She would carry on Russert's tradition of fairness. As I stated earlier, she's a better choice for the role than NBC News Correspondent David Gregory.

Barack Obama Tabs Eric Shinseki to Lead Veterans Affairs -

Obama Picks Shinseki to Lead Veterans Affairs - “President-elect Barack Obama today will introduce retired Army Gen. Eric K. Shinseki as his nominee to head the Department of Veterans Affairs, bringing to his Cabinet a career military officer best known for running afoul of the Bush administration by questioning the Pentagon's Iraq war strategy.”

Paul Nawrocki New York ex-executive seeks work with almost homeless sign -

Wearing 'almost homeless' sign, ex-executive seeks work -

Report: South a big exporter of guns used in crime

Report: South a big exporter of guns used in crime Summary: West Virginia, the center of the "Bittergate" controversy during the campaign, is the largest exporter of guns.

Barbara Boxer's $620 Million Air Freshener for Harry Reid

Chuck DeVore's runnning against Barbara Boxer for Senate. OK, good luck. This video is amusing, but if this is the best he can do, he should prepare for a Boxer landside victory. I remind DeVore that Republicans voted for this too.