Three years ago Prince Harry decided to either make to be in this video where he makes comments that show he's racially divisive where anyone who's not White is called by names that are considered insulting or divisive.
He uses the term "My little Paki friend" and "raghead" in the video. Look, those are not terms one has flying out of their mouth. It shows a certain lack of thought and consideration at the least.
Prince Harry has apologized for his actions.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Prince Harry: Racist Video In Full - Institutional Racist Example
Predisdent-elect Barack Obama Weekly Radio/Youtube Address
President-Elect Barack Obama gives his weekly YouTube address and focuses on his economic recovery plan, where he projects that 3.4 million new jobs will be created. He correctly notes -- for the first time any President has -- the problem of the underemployed and not just the unemployed.
I hope Congress gives quick passage of his plan. We're wasting time as it is. I also push for a $3,500 check for all American making less than $100,000 -- it will buy time for his programs to work and help people pay bills and avoid going bankrupt.
Friday, January 09, 2009
U.S. unemployment hits 16-year high: 7.2% - Los Angeles Times
All together, 2.6 million jobs were lost in 2008 -- 75% of them in the last four months -- and 11.1 million workers are now unemployed, the Labor Department said. And that's not counting millions more who have reluctantly taken part-time work instead of full-time jobs or have become so discouraged they stopped looking for a new job.”
Oakland Peaceful Post-Riot Protest March
As I left City Hall there was a small group of people carrying home-made signs reading "Stop Police Brutality" and screaming "You're fired!" At passing police officers in cars. I talked to them, and it turned out at least one person was from West Oakland.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Iron Man - Theme Song
Ok for a little lightness, here's the Iron Man theme song from 1966. I know this by heart, but now if you run this about 40 times each day, you can too!
Officer in BART shooting abruptly resigns
Officer Johannes Mehserle, 27, was supposed to make a statement Wednesday about why he shot 22-year-old Oscar Grant as the supermarket worker lay face-down at the Fruitvale Station in Oakland, BART said.”
FINALLY! Riots Break Out Over Oakland Murder!
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Oakland Turns Violent Over Shooting
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Oakland Riots - Davey D Rants on Mayor Ron Dellums
HipHop Reporter Davey D vents his frustration with Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums at the BART Fruitvale Press Coference and protest. Davey D explains that Dellums could have met with the people and had a press conference rather than "hiding" behind his staff.
The BART Shooting Downtown Oakland Riot - Zennie's Account
This is my report of the riots that broke out during what was planned to be a peaceful protest of the death of Oscar Grant at the hand of BART Police Officer Johannes Mehserle. It's a story of what happeened from points of view as its happening.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Eric Mangini is the New Cleveland Browns Head Coach
Photo Via Picapp
Eric Mangini Hired as Head Coach Of the Browns
The Mangenius has a new home-He will be the Coach of the Cleveland Browns, according to various wire service reports this evening(1/7). The Ink isn't even dry on his contract yet (If he even signed it) and his Wikipedia page has already been updated! What a country we live in eh? Speaking of people interested in NFL Head Coaching Jobs, the Jets have indirectly caused the firing of Boston College's Head Man, Jeff Jagodzinski. BC's AD Gene DeFlippo warned "Jags" if he Interviewed for the Jets job he would be terminated. Meanwhile he claims he has a "Stack" of interested head coaching candidates from other schools. Isn't that kind of two faced Gene? You fired your "Close Friend" for wanting to see if he could possibly return to the NFL, but you have no problem poaching a coach from somewhere else? What a Country.....