I had written an earlier piece questioning is
Sandra Bullock becoming Angelina Jolie or something like that and now
TMZ points out that both women were married to their (I injected the bad) bad boys spouses and both where in the midst of adopting when their marriages broke up and they took the single parent adoption route. I am guessing that Sandra will adopt another child ...just a guess.
Harry Levin of TMZ also pointed out,
The People magazine scoop on Sandra Bullock and baby Louis shows the power of the publicist is back.
In "old" Hollywood, the studio heads controlled the stars, how they were perceived and just about everything else. There were strong actresses that were able to wrestle some control from the powerful men that ran Hollywood but now many actresses run the show, These actresses also run their own studios and do their best to control how the public perceives them. Behind Sandra's publicist is Sandra Bullock very smartly engineering her way back from a Hollywood marriage disaster where if they were giving out the
Razzie Award for worst Hollywood marriage, Sandra would have won that trophy. Sandra's nightmare, other than the one she was unknowingly living with Jesse James (and I have no doubt that he was also "the Jesse Sandra knew") would be a montage of clips of Sandra praising him and images of his mistresses and unflattering photos of James in Nazi garb playing at the same time. It is shocking the disconnect between Sandra's "movie script" of her marriage to James and the truth like a special category for bad reality flicks for the AVN adult award show (and Tiger Woods would give stiff competition) ....but that is now washed away.
The public awaits the People magazine exclusive and Sandra Bullock's up coming interview later this year with her friend George Lopez.
Like the film Sandra Bullock starred in with Ben Affleck, clearly she is a "
Force of Nature" and indestructible.
She remains "the girl next door" and is protected writes Joanna Molloy. I do want to say "the girl next door image" always evokes
Doris Day who got involved with one bad boy after another and it really took a toll on her life. No woman can live up to that "girl next door" fantasy or maybe with it comes the fantasy and reality of the "girl" being all to human. My dear friend writer and theatre critic David Kaufman, wrote the new biography on
Doris Day: The Untold Story of the Girl Next Door and no other book could be written more lovingly put proves in my mind "the girl next door" is a Hollywood fantasy conjured up by movie moguls.
Doris Day is one of the most under rated superstars of the Hollywood machine with a stunning contribution that still entertains audiences around the world now and greatly influences the most famous celebrities in their acting and singing careers including such stars as Reese Witherspoon, Madonna, Britney Spears and perhaps Sandra Bullock who is often described with the very same phrase as Doris Day, "the girl next door". Also note that although Doris Day did not turn to adopting babies as so many celebrities. Doris did want to adopt a little boy who played a cub scout in the film,
"It Happened to Jane" with co-star Jack Lemon but her husband Marty Melcher said no to the adoption. Doris turned her energies to rescuing animals. She was and remains an outstanding animal activist with her own
organization to help animals to this very day!
he New York Daily News has a visual montage of celebrities adopting babies that you can flip through starting with Sandra Bullock.
Sandra Bullock made a very smart move giving People Magazine the world wide scoop with a cover that will be unforgettable with Sandra's own best kept secret and this means big sales for People. Is it any coincidence that in the top right hand corner is a small picture of Julia Roberts, the actress that turned down the role "In the Blind Side", a role that Sandra took and it won her an Oscar? Sandra Bullock has come out on top and this cover was a winner for Bullock.
Sandra's career remains intact and will be even bigger. I do not believe
Jesse James career will be hurt in anyway because it falls under the mystic of his bad boy brand. I do see him married in a few years with a wife and an understanding. I see Sandra single and an adopting another child so Louis has a younger sibling. Sandra Bullock has landed on her feet and she couldn't have a more positive loving focus with Louis named for New Orleans very own, Louis Armstrong and his song, "What a wonderful world".
Harry, I don't think it was a publicist calling the shots.