Saturday, May 15, 2010

Poynter's News University: Education for Bloggers by: Nikky Raney


Online Media Law for Bloggers is a free self-directed course offered by Poynter Institute's News University.

Bloggers and others who want to know more about the laws that relate to gathering information and publishing content online should definitely take this course (as well as the MANY other courses offered by News University).

The self-directed course is said to take up to two hours, but you can start and stop whenever you want. You can start part of it now and then finish it up later. Although the course is self-directed there will be instructors helping you out (pre-recorded instruction).

The course description states, "It will make you aware of the red flags you should watch for to stay on safe legal ground. And, you'll have fun learning with activities such as "You Be the Judge" that tests your knowledge on some recent court cases involving bloggers."

The instructors for this course include David Ardia, Geanne Rosenberg and Scott Swift.

The training partners for this course are Citizen Media Law Project, Baruch College, Media Bloggers Association, and Axis Pro.

After completing this course you will know more about defamation, copyright infringement, and invasion of privacy. Even though I already know about these things it never hurts to learn more.

I am probably going to go take all the free courses within the next few days. I would recommend that (especially now that schools are almost out of session) bloggers, journalism students, writers, reporters, teachers, etc. should take a look at the offered courses and enroll. There are some courses on there that are said to take 14 hours of instruction!

This is a great way to continue learning about journalism while not being in school.

Although the BEST way to learn journalism is through EXPERIENCE, this definitely counts as a great way to learn even more. You also are given TESTS and QUIZZES to track your learning!

There are so many other courses that I would love to take, but I can't afford them. Maybe if one of the courses really sticks out to me I can save up some money! There are some courses/seminars/programs that require advanced application due to time sensitivity, group size available, and instructors availability.

I am glad that News University is available online for EVERYONE. This will help anyone who writes and publishes information online whether it be on a blog, Facebook, comment, website, etc. There are also free design training courses and the list goes on and on. Check it out for yourself.

This is definitely a PLUS for the future of journalism! Although it does not REPLACE the classroom (or a college degree), it can ADD to that as well as education for those who are unable to attend school or want to learn something specific! I am so glad that this exists. It is all done on your own free time (well, the self-directed ones). There are even design and photoshop training (free ones!)

Dear News University,

The Future of Journalism has become a little brighter thanks to you.

(As long as people use this source!)

Written by Nikky Raney

If you have anything in particular you want me to write about send me an e-mail.

I will try to incorporate more photos/visual into my posts

This entry originally was originally posted HERE

Oliver Stone Wall Street 2 Oscars - Suzannah B. Troy

Okay, I want to be the first to say "Oscars"!  There I said it.  Wall Street 2 will  be nominated for plenty of golden statues but will Oliver Stone clean up?   I am not selling him "short" or anything but will this film be on the level of Platoon and Wall Street?

I answer all these questions in my YouTube where I share just a few memories of working on the film Wall Street.   I had the lowest non-union job possible after I got, ehem, promoted, yes, that's right;  I was promoted from one of the only women parking production assistants  to craft services.   Not  really a promotion by the way and I had to feed a big crew and lots of extras.  I share my first conversation with Oliver Stone which was unforgettable, hilarious and proof I can give as good as I get if not better.

Oliver returned to NYC to film part 2 and I past the set and inquired after him.  They told me he was huddled in a hotel with bodyguards.  Yikes!   The controversial movie director has his fans and also his haters.  I am not a fan of his politics but Platoon was deeply moving and I saw it on my day off while working on Wall Street (1).   At one point we were working 6 days a week because as I recall they were afraid there was going to be a writer's strike or something.

I tell you about Charlie Sheen and a very sad memory for me now looking back having to run to the World Trade Center to pick up something for Charlie and I did not want to go on the errand.  It is really heart breaking for me to look back now and talk about that the WTC which by the way was a symbol for "World Trade" whether you are pro or con but it is now an open wound still not near healing or near completion.   Sept. 11 was mass murder and mass destruction so it gives one perspective so let us switch to happy Hollywood thoughts french style....

Bravo for all the fanfare at Cannes Film Festival with uber glamour and the exciting opening of Wall Street 2.  I can't get any reports on whether the film was well received or not.  I have a unique take on the film and whether it will do well that may or may not surprise you and I hit on the news two days ago when President Obama was snubbed here in NYC at a mega-bucks fund democratic fund raiser by Wall Street including Goldman Sachs.  Hear why I think this and other factors will effect Wall Street 2 at the box office.  Watch my YouTube!

Jessica Watson, 16, shows Miley Cyrus what "role model" is

Jessica Watson
While the media and pop culture were buzzing about Miley Cyrus, The Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video, and some were attacking Miley for not acting like the role model she is as a 16 and now 17-year-old pop star, 16-year-old Jessica Watson was battling high seas, intense loneliness, the elements, and the idea that a teenage girl could not go around the World by herself, to finish her trip around the World. Jessica Watson arrived in Sydney Saturday.

Watson's the youngest person to sail alone and unassisted around the World.

This was a story such that I wondered if her parents were even in their right mind to let their little Jessica Watson do it. But, as National Public Radio reported several times in 2009, Jessica Watson was determined to prove everyone wrong.

Watson told the waiting crowd according to the Telegraph UK: "As a little girl people don't think you're capable of these things, they don't realise what young people, 16-year-olds and girls are capable of. But it's amazing what you can do." It certainly is.

From her blog
Jessica Watson braved 200 days and 23,000 nautical miles, and reportedly consumed 32 cans of Spam, 64 cans of tuna, 32 cans of pineapple, 576 chocolate bars, and 290 freeze dried ready meals all alone in her small yacht. (UPDATE: If you want to go back in time in her journey, you can read her compelling blog, The Official Jessica Watson Blog. )

The young woman - it's not fair to call her a girl - was called "Australia's newest hero" by Austrialia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

Watson will also gain wealth and fame. She's going to be paid $700,000 to tell her story exclusively to an Austrialia's newspapers owned by Rupert Murdock and for becoming an News Corp "Ambassador."

(Does this mean she's going to be on Fox News with Sarah Palin?)

Whatever the case, Jessica Watson brings a new meaning to Miley Cyrus' Can't Be Tamed, and just in the nick of time.

Welcome home!

Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video gets Dancing with The Stars attention

A preview of Dancing With The Stars?
As if the whole Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video scandal wasn't interesting enough, it seems to have drawn Dancing with The Stars' attention.

No, Miley Cyrus is not going to be a dancer on Dancing with The Stars. Miley's going to perform her new hit Can't Be Tamed on the show, Tuesday.

While the skeptic may say the Dancing with The Stars staff probably signed her up before the Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video surfaced, the report is Cyrus was just inked for the gig yesterday.

One has to wonder how Miley will be introduced on "Dancing." How about: "Fresh from her controversial lap dance and grind action with producer Adam Shankman, here's Miley Cyrus appropriately performing her new hit Can't Be Tamed!"

If you don't know what the Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video scandal is all about, here's this blogger's video on it, thanks to

Meanwhile, TMZ's gone off the deep end with a new online game that has you in the role of Miley's father Billy Ray Cyrus, trying to corral Miley before she can get back to Adam Shankman's "gyrating crotch."

This is not a joke. It's a real game.

TMZ's Rocking the Casbah with this one.

Stay tuned.

Friday, May 14, 2010 adds to its blogroll, other than The Huffington Post, is arguably the most successful online news organization in the World today. This blogger and the growing staff of bloggers at, have been big fans of, and now we're a part of them.

OK, is a part of's blogroll, but it's an honor to be there and in a place where you can always find it: at the alphabetical end of the list, the only "Z" in the place.

We share a space with legendary blogs and bloggers like Perez Hilton, Pop Sugar, The Huffington Post, Celeb Show and Tell, and others. But most important, we're a small part of a new revolution in media. TMZ's blogroll consists of blogs that understand media is market and cover the hot stories and provide interesting commentary.

But what makes unique in the group is its video-blog component, featuring and, and what will be an increased use of CNN's iReport and And that our content is part of The Heart Corporations' online publications and featuring and Seattle

Harvey Levin: TMZ's Driving Force

Harvey Levin is a person who's face you probably recognize from The People's Court as he's the on-the-steet announcer for the show. But Levin's's managing editor and driving force. Harvey may have his critics - we all do - but he understands that news media is a kind of market, and where others may complain about its celebrity content or the controversial way it gathers news, Levin's just giving the public what it wants. TMZ's earned over $10 million annually over the past three years and over $20 million in 2008.

Here's Levin explaining how TMZ works to get news out and hit on stories it thinks will click in a "boom, boom, boom" fashion:

And here Levin attacked the Los Angeles County Sheriff s Department for illegally obtaining his cell phone to investigate who leaked the Mel Gibson "Drunken Anti-Semetic Rant" story. Levin claimed the the Los Angeles County Sheriff s Department act was a violation of his civil rights.

On CNN this year, Harvey Levin talks more about the Mel Gibson story and how that unfolded as well as the team of journalists, lawyers, and researchers that vet the stories which are posted on TMZ's website.

Zennie62 is proud to be part of TMZ's family and marks a new era in the evolution of the video-blog network I'm building.

Stay tuned.

Bernard Stollman interviewed by Jaee Logan -- Suzannah B. Troy

I helped Jaee Logan to find his Dad Giuseppi Logan through YouTube series documentary series on his Dad who he had thought had died.

When we spoke I told Jaee you need to make a documentary, a Hollywood film and I even see him writing a book. He flew in from CA to start filming with his friend and fellow musician Bobby who did the filming here.

Here is an amazing interview with Bernard Stollman.

I feel like Jaee took over where I couldn't really go. My YouTubes tend to be in the park where I first filmed Giuseppi Logan and started changing lives through the miracle of YouTube posting.

If you go to this YouTube link you can find more of the series filmed by Jaee Logan and his friend Bobby.  

This clip ends with asking Bernard Stollman about the East Village and about Malcom X who Jaee shares a birthday with.  Giuseppi Logan's birthday is also coming up.

I will bring postings of all the YouTube series on Jaee Logan being reunited with his Dad after 40 years. What is really exciting is this interview with Bernard Stollman and what he has to say about how he came to found ESP record labels and find musical talent. Also why Bernard Stollman felt compelled to document artists.

As an artist I can' express how important that is. Stay tuned...I will be bringing you a series of YouTubes and writing by Dan Orth and for jazz lovers you will not be disappointed!!!!!

Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video: TMZ update, Ashton Kutcher take

The Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video, where Miley Cyrus is giving movie helmer (that's another term for 'producer') Adam Shankman a lap dance and Shankman's trying to grind dance her before that has caused a stir, a debate, and for a time a headache for, YouTube, and this blogger. But before I get to that, let's catch up with this lap dance sex scandal.

The reaction to the sight of Adam Shankman and Miley Cyrus basically simulating getting it on and on the heels of her Can't be Taimed song release  has caused a wildly varied number of views to surface.

On CNN's Rick's List, Rick Sanchez said what Cyrus did was "disgusting," which prompted Ashton Kutcher to fire off at him on Twitter (@aplusk), tweeting the following in series:

@ricksanchezcnn you want to report about exploitation of teenagers report on this
about 21 hours ago via Brizzly
RT @AngelicaCTorres: The 44 year old man happens 2 b gay! be a reporter @ricksanchezcnn get the whole story!!!
about 22 hours ago via Brizzly
I think it's important to think about the context of the event she was at @stef_juju it's not like she was at a club w/ some stranger
about 22 hours ago via Brizzly in reply to stef_juju

hey @ricksanchezcnn ur comments on Miley R completely unwarranted. She's 17. What is this the movie Footloose? judgement is unbecoming

That exchange between the 32-year-old Ashton Kutcher and the 52-year old Rick Sanchez is common. And what's more interesting is the habit of pointing out that Adam Shankman's Gay. In my book, that's meaningless.

Miley Cyrus and Adam Shankman
What I've said in the video and I contend is that Adam Shankman and Miley Cyrus had what seemed to be a pretty chummy relationship that first surfaced over a photo of the two of them that Adam Shankman posted on Twitter last year.

Frankly, the photo was no big deal to me then and it's no big deal to me now except as gossip fodder and I didn't touch it. But now, with the video, the photo takes on new meaning. Given that both are public figures and Shankman seems to have a fun-loving taste for hedonism, it's fair to ask if they did have sex.

Being Gay is a laugher of an excuse; this blogger has slept with women who said they were Lesbian before and after sex.

Now, in a pavolian fashion, someone will angrily respond "That means they weren't Lesbian" but the bottom line is what they called themselves before and after sex. Someone who gets upset with that has massive issues. The fact is that when it comes to behavior, people don't always live in the boxes they craft.

To digress for a moment, I love the scent of a woman and smart, athletic, confident women have always been attractive to me, and it's because I "click" with them. Sometimes things happen from that, and at times it's with a woman who says she's Lesbian.

Miley Cyrus seems to "click" really well with people who are free and fun-loving. Take a look at this video from her website:

My guess is she has or had the same relationship with the 45-year old Adam Shankman as she does with 22-year-old Scotty: flirtatious and fun. The fact is that Shankman's 44 and now 45 years did not matter to anyone in that circle of people. On his Twitter account, Adam Shankman says he's an "all around immature nice guy."

From that perspective it means Shankman's not going to act his age. It has nothing to do with being Gay or not - Adam could have been straight - and everything do with being fun-loving and especially hedonistic. The question is how far did it go? The answer is only the two of them know. The fact that her father Billy Ray Cyrus think grind dancing is something girls Miley's age do (which is true) doesn't calm the waters one bit.

Given the negative heat Adam's getting about this affair, he should do a 'David Letterman' and just tell what happened, then get on with life. If he's open about it, people will love him; if he's defensive, people will dislike him.

TMZ, YouTube, and video image control

The back story to all of this is TMZ and Warner Brothers went on a rampage and took down every copy of TMZ's Miley Cyrus video on YouTube including my original one. That set in motion a complex array of communications by this blogger which ultimately resulted in the video you saw at the top of this blog.

I want to take time to thank TMZ and YouTube for their time and effort. I think the lesson in all of this is that when a public figure does something the public does have a right to know about it and see it. Miley Cyrus and Adam Shankman are public figures. That overcomes any effort to control distribution of an image because this is a story about what that person did and is not a parody of their image.

Going forward, celebrity news sites must remember that even if they have purchased the right to use an image of a celebrity, their private transaction does not overcome the public's "right to know" in the case of the actions of celebrities and politicians and the use of the image of those actions for a news or commentary related project such as a newspaper column, a video, or a blog.

Rock the Casbah!

Christine Quinn Goldman Sachs Sullivan Cromwell - Suzannah B. Troy

What do Goldman Sachs and Christine Quinn -- City Council have in common? Sullivan & Cromwell and the need for high priced New York lawyers that specialize in White Collar crime. I include the link for my new YouTube for articles on this and related issues.
What do Goldman Sachs and Christine Quinn -- City Council have in common? Sullivan and Cromwell and high priced lawyers that specialize in white collar crime. The fact Christine Quinn went out and hired Sullivan and Cromwell along with other top dog lawyers that specialize in white collar crime is old news and we would all love to know what is the actually cost to tax payers as of today, this very moment? I have asked The New York Post and The New York Daily News to run a ticker tape of the costs to tax payers by City Council and hey throw in Albany but for now Bill DeBlasio is trying to get City Council to be transparent and post spending on the city government website. For now it has not happened and my new YouTube that is a must see on corruption, NYC politics, Wall Street, Mike Bloomberg, Steve Rattner and the fact that little old city council at Christine Quinn’s lead have hired the very same law firm, Sullivan Cromwell as Goldman Sachs one of the most powerful financial brokers and wheelers and dealers but at the tax payers expense. I want Christine Quinn to list each city council and staff member and the price to date of how much their high priced white collar crime defense attorneys cost. Christine Quinn is hugely despised here in NYC for flushing democracy down the toilet aiding and abetting Mike Bloomberg who was urged on by Steve Rattner as mentioned in the awful puff piece book by Joyce Purnick to run or you could use the term steal a third term.

Now meetings are in play to discuss a referendum so the voters can vote on if we want city politicians to have a third term since Mike Bloomberg and gang cunningly worked out away to deny us a referendum. This will forever taint Mike Bloomberg’s legacy and their is more to come.  And by the way Mike Bloomberg wants to get rid of Public advocate yet again. The public advocate is suppose to represent the people of New York.

 Stay tuned. FYI: Last night President Obama was snubbed by top Wall Street firms at a high priced fund raiser where some pay as much as $50,000 to attend and among the missing was Goldman Sachs which shows you have powerful the Wall Street firms are and how much they don’t want any rules or limits set in play. Wall Street has a script of how brilliant and generous they are to us mere mortals and they don’t want to be forced off script. Wall Street wants to rule from The White House to Wall Street.

Hypochondria or not: Do you use the internet to self-diagnose your physical symptoms?

Most of us have had that "OH NO! I think I have that!" moment, after poking around online, trying to figure out the cause of our vague physical symptoms. A 2004 study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that 79 percent of Internet users -- roughly 95 million Americans -- have researched health information online. People now have access to incredibly complex medical information, with little ability to sift through it or interpret it accurately. The abundance of health information available online, valid or not, has contributed to what the media have coined ‘cyberchondria’ (researching diseases on the internet, and then worrying that you have the symptoms of that disease.) These people are often frustrated when their self-diagnosis does not prompt their doctor to order the tests and/or medications they feel necessary.

Yet after getting checked out by a doctor and getting a clean bill of health, most of us feel reassured, and are then ready to move on. For hypochondriacs however, relief does not come, and the fear of serious illness continues to fester. Hypochondria falls under the umbrella category of Somatoform Disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) and is defined as a preoccupation with the belief that one has an illness, based on a misinterpretation of bodily symptoms. To qualify as hypochondria, this preoccupation must cause distress in the person's daily life and persist for at least six months -- despite medical evidence discounting the perceived illness. About 1 to 5 percent of the population suffers from hypochondria, and the disorder is believed to strike men and women equally.
In the professional world of mental health, “Somatization” is a term that describes the expression of psychological or mental difficulties through physical symptoms. Somatization can range from preoccupation with potential or genuine but mild physical problems (as previously described in Hypochondria), to the development of perceived or actual physical pain, or dysfunction. This article will briefly explain some of the other major diagnoses that the DSM-IV-TR defines within the Somatoform Disorders category.
Somatization disorder is characterized by a history of multiple unexplained medical problems or physical complaints beginning prior to age 30. People with somatization disorder report symptoms affecting multiple organ systems or physical functions, including pain, gastrointestinal distress, sexual problems, and symptoms that mimic neurological disorders. Although medical explanations for their symptoms cannot be identified, individuals with somatization disorder experience genuine physical discomfort and distress. Review of their medical histories will usually reveal numerous visits to medical specialists, second and third opinions, and numerous medications prescribed by different doctors, often putting them at risk for drug interactions.
Conversion disorder is marked by unexplained sensory or motor symptoms that resemble those of a neurological or medical illness or injury. Common symptoms include paralysis, loss of sensation, double vision, seizures, inability to speak or swallow and problems with coordination and balance. Symptoms often reflect a naive understanding of the nervous system, and physicians often detect conversion disorder when symptoms do not make sense anatomically. The name conversion disorder reflects a theoretical understanding of the disorder as a symbolic ‘conversion’ of a psychological conflict into a concrete physical representation. Ironically, patients with conversion disorder may not always express the level of concern one would expect from someone with their described condition.
Pain Disorder is physical pain that causes significant distress or disability or leads an individual to seek medical attention. Pain may be medically unexplained, or it may be associated with an identifiable medical condition, but it is experienced as far more severe than the actual physical condition would warrant. Common symptoms include headache, backache and generalized pain in muscles and joints. Pain disorder can be severely disabling, causing immobility that prevents patients from working, fulfilling family responsibilities or engaging in social activities. Like patients with somatization disorder, people with pain disorder often have a long history of consultations with numerous physicians.
Body dysmorphic disorder is characterized by preoccupation with a defect in physical appearance. Often the defect of concern is not apparent to other observers, or if there is a genuine defect it is far less disfiguring than the patient imagines. Common preoccupations include concerns about the size or shape of the nose, skin blemishes or color, body or facial hair, hair loss, or "ugly" hands or feet. Individuals with body dysmorphic disorder may be extremely self-conscious, avoiding social situations because they fear others will notice their physical defects or even make fun of them. They may spend hours examining the imagined defect or avoid mirrors altogether. Time-consuming efforts to hide the defect, such as application of cosmetics or adjustments of clothing or hair, are common. Many people with body dysmorphic disorder undergo permanent procedures like plastic surgery or cosmetic dentistry, but are seldom satisfied with the results.
Note that Somatoform disorders should be distinguished from Factitious disorder, in which patients intentionally act physically or mentally ill without obvious benefits such as monetary gain. What motivates people with Factitious disorder is being able to play the role of a sick person. Further, the DSM-IV-TR distinguishes Factitious disorder from Malingering, a disorder which is defined as feigning illness when there is a clear motive—usually to economic gain, or to avoid legal trouble.
Causes. One longstanding theory about the cause of Somatoform disorders suggests that it is a way of avoiding psychological distress. Rather than experiencing depression or anxiety, some individuals will develop physical symptoms. According to this model, their preoccupation with the body allows them avoid the stigma of a mental health/psychiatric disorder. They end up getting the care and nurturing they need from doctors and other people in their lives who are responsive to their physical illnesses.

Treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered an effective treatment for Somatoform disorders, focusing on changing negative patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that contribute to somatic symptoms. The cognitive component of the treatment focuses on helping patients identify dysfunctional thinking about physical sensations. With practice, patients learn to recognize catastrophic thinking and develop more rational explanations for their feelings. The behavioral component aims to increase activity and self-care. Many of these patients have reduced their activity levels as a result of discomfort or out of fear that activity will worsen their symptoms. Patients are instructed to increase activity gradually while avoiding overexertion that could reinforce fears. Other important types of treatment include relaxation training, sleep hygiene, and communication skills training. Preliminary findings suggest that CBT may help reduce distress and discomfort associated with somatic symptoms; however, it has not yet been systematically compared with other forms of therapy.

Respectfully submitted by Dr. Christina Villarreal, clinical psychologist in Oakland, CA

American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th edition, text revised. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association,2000.

Phillips, Katherine A. The Broken Mirror: Understanding and Treating Body Dysmorphic Disorder. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Pilowsky, Issy. Abnormal Illness Behavior. Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons, 1997.

LeBron James called "Queen James" on Twitter (Cavs 85 Celtics 94)

The Cleveland Cavaliers, who had the best regular season record in the National Basketball Association, had the door to a possible NBA Championship rudely shut on them Thursday night. They lost to the Boston Celtics 85 to 94 and at times the game wasn't even that close.

The Cleveland Cavaliers star player LeBron James had a better cast around him this year with Shaq O'Neill, Antawn Jamison, and others. It looked like, even with their injuries, it was going to be the Cavs year. It wasn't. The end wasn't the look of resignation on the faces of the Cleveland Cavaliers before the game was over. It wasn't the press conference afterward. It was Twitter, where so many people used the term "Queen James" it became a trending topic.

LeBron James is "King James" no more. Even though he scored a triple-double, and the Boston Celtics fans chanted "New York Knicks, New York Knicks" the bloom was off the rose that he was. Queen James is a nickname that's stuck to The Golden Child and will eventually replace that name too.

LeBron James is not the kind of person who can just take over a game the way Michael Jordan could in his prime or Kobe Bryant can today. Kobe Bryant is playing the best overall basketball and stands poised to earn his second consecutive NBA ring and fifth overall.

Queen James is not Kobe Bryant. It's not enough to rack up stats and regular season wins, a super player has to have that extra gear he or she goes into regardless of sport. If James has that gear, we haven't seen it yet.

Blogging this about one that this blogger has rooted for and hoped this was his year, just plain hurts. But now some ugly truths have to be faced: regardless of where LeBron James goes he will now be considered a "bit" player who needs to have "pieces" around him and they have to be very good.

A great player makes everyone around that person better. Jordan did it. Brandi Chastain did it in Soccer. Michael Jordan did it in the NBA. Kobe Bryant's doing it now.

Queen James it is, until LeBron proves he's King.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dear Perez, Bloggers are not Columnists by: Nikky Raney

I turned on my television and saw Perez Hilton hosting “The Bad Girl’s Club Reunion” on Oxygen. . He then introduces himself as a “celebrity gossip columnist. My jaw dropped and I could not believe what I heard. Hilton of writes news about celebrities on his blog and uses digital paint to draw things on celebrity photos. He occasionally posts the link where he found the article and he always inserts his opinion. Ironically, he will always post the link where he obtained the images he defaced, but he is not as concerned with posting the link where obtained his news. Hilton is one of the many bloggers on the Internet claiming to be columnists and citizen journalists. When is blogger considered a journalist?
Most bloggers, like Hilton, obtain news from other sources and then put in their own comments and analysis. I would consider that as someone doing a review of the news and relaying the news to others, which is something that many people do in order to let other know about the news. This is done verbally without the person calling him or herself a columnist, but when Hilton creates a blog, copy and pastes news from a source, and then gives his opinion, he considers himself a columnist? Wouldn’t that make anyone who has ever showed an article to someone else and then given commentary about the article a columnist?
Michael Lewitts of the Huffington Post has created the web site . The site patrols hundreds of blogs daily in an effort to separate then fact from the fiction. The site exposes Hilton for his inaccuracies which include his reports on: Cuban leader, Fidel Castro’s death, Brad Pitt purchasing his children an extravagant gerbil run for $82,000, and Charlie’s Angel star Jaclyn Smith’s suicide; all of which were proven to be false.
Contemplating between "bloggists" and "journaloggers"
Contemplating between "bloggists" and "journaloggers"

Lewitts’ says he hates what Hilton has done to journalism; “He routinely reports rumors as if they are real stories without bothering to fact-check them. Consequently, because of his tremendous reach, inaccurate gossip becomes gospel.” According to a study released by PR Week and PR Newswire, 52 percent of bloggers surveyed consider themselves journalists.
If Hilton were hired as a columnist for a web site or paper his false reports and constant defamation would certainly not be tolerated. Stephen Glass was a reporter for The New Republic , until he was fired for fabricating his articles. Glass had his stories published in numerous publications as a paid journalist, but what if Glass had made a blog and published these stories. Would the movie Shattered Glass, based on his deception of journalism, still be made? If paid journalists are responsible for adhering and following the ethics and standards, then shouldn’t bloggers calling themselves journalists also be held accountable?
The Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics entails that journalists always test the accuracy of information prior to publishing, never plagiarize, be objective when reporting news, make it clear before inserting an opinion, show good taste, clarify and explain news coverage, admit mistakes and correct them promptly, etc. Although this is not legally enforceable, journalists embrace it. created a “Bloggers’ Code of Ethics” based on modifying the Code of Ethics I mentioned previously. The code includes many of the previously mentioned guidelines reworded for the purposes of the web. It is recognized that bloggers are not the same as journalists, but “should recognize that when publicly publishing on their blogs they have ethical obligations to their readers, the people they write about, and society in general.” is also agrees that bloggers cannot ignore basic journalism ethics. If those who call themselves bloggers are being held accountable, then why wouldn’t bloggers identifying themselves as journalists also adhere to the guidelines? Just because someone writes a blog with links to credible news sources does not make that person a journalist. writes, “The blogging community has often given the impression that they are totally separate from professional journalists and in some sense not subject to their ethical standards.”
Joshua Brown runs the blog The Reformed Broker, . He, as a blogger, recognizes that he is not a journalist and wants to make that clear to other bloggers, “There are journalists and there are bloggers. And then there are journalists who blog, there are also bloggers who turn in a piece of journalism here and there. But the two terms are absolutely not interchangeable - and that's not a slight against either camp.”
Brown defends his claim by stating, “Journalists are responsible for the originality and truthfulness of what they put out. Bloggers may feel that they are and in many cases try even harder to maintain journalistic standards, but at the end of the day, they simply don't have to.’” He ends his entry with, “So no, I don't pretend to be a journalist, even though I've written some journalism-worthy articles on this and other sites. You shouldn't either - it's just not the same thing yet.”
The title of Brown’s blog entry, “Sorry Bloggers, You Are Not Journalists,” makes me feel better. It’s great to see that someone else out there understands my argument, but that won’t change the fact that there are bloggers who are still going to label themselves as journalists.
Hilton will continue to call himself a columnist, and bloggers everywhere are going to continue to consider themselves journalists, but what matters the most isn’t the title. What matters is that the audience is able to acknowledge that what is presented on a blog may not be accurate. As long as the majority of people aren’t looking at as a primary source for news, he can call himself whatever he wants. Journalists will continue to produce news for bloggers to duplicate and comment upon, but ultimately it is up to individuals to choose what source to obtain news from, and hopefully they make the right one.

EDIT: For those who do not know, I was a paid freelance columnist for Foster's Daily Democrat in 2008, so I do know a thing or two about being a columnist.

Written by Nikky Raney @
Article originally posted at: THE DIGITAL LIFE WIKI

Avatar NYC the good bad the ugly - Suzannah B. Troy

There is so much to tell you and I felt the love and beauty of such a diverse group of New Yorkers from poverty level to rich, the  super spiritual, from black to Asian to the pink haired.   

Before I get to the happy thoughts I wanted to take a moment to remember those that died from violence here in NYC and they were mostly females from babies to grandmothers .... Has Nyasia Pryear's murderer been caught yet?   She was murdered the night before President Obama's inauguration.  Instead of her family celebrating, they grieved. 

By the way I wrote President Obama asking him to help us because the East Village has been mega-dormed to death and they use the term "community facility" to bust through zoning and they exclude the community.  Here is my YouTube with my letter to the President asking for his help to get us community outreach resource center in every one of those buildings that are called "community facilities" but exclude the community and actually help to displace the community and small businesses. I also asked the mayor on the John Gambling Show  Hear me confront Mayor Bloomberg on the John Gambling show about the tsunami of community crushing development and the need for community outreach resource centers. pick the top option for "archived link" which gives you the stream with out down load move the cursor to 29 minutes (almost the end!!!) OCTOBER 19, 2007 . If these community outreach resource centers were in every mega dorm, the college kids would be forced to recognize the people are struggling and get involved in helping the community rather than being involved in the push out.  Let us face it, John Sexton, the president of the evil empire aka NYU, the purple reign of terror needs to find another job preferably in Nantucket where I think he lives and I am still wondering if he can even vote in NYC considering he rushed down to testify we needed king Mike, the developer's mayor or is he like so many rich people here that can't vote because they refuse to declare NYC their home for tax reasons.  They call Florida, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Conn., anywhere but here their real home but rush to say we need Mike Bloomberg for a third term. Watch my YouTube review on Avatar for more on NYU, Cooper Union, Columbia University and any U. with a mega dorm in the East Village including The New School, NY Law, SVA so get insight on how the people feel.  

NYU mega dormed the East Village to death and has helped every university possible to follow NYU's community crushing lead confusing the East Village, Bowrey, Lower East Side Bowery with dorm fodder.   Click here to read the latest and it is from Crain's about 3 Universities banding together to occupy a big dorm on the Lower East Side on Delancey Street not far from where my Grandfather was born in 1904. The only thing worse than the mega dorms is The Red Square with Lenin on the roof (Mike Red Square Rosen's rich man's toy) looks like a pro-type of the mega dorms with balconies.   Please remember that developer Mike Red Square Rosen demands you call him a community activist!  

Actually NY Law mega dorm on 3rd Street has balconies just like the Red Square and when the Hell's Angels were raided the college kids stood out on their balconies in their pajamas watching the NYPD in action as well with Ron Kuby giving a stunning performance in a lawyer working the media very effectively.  I can't tell you who won the Oscar this year for best actor but Kuby's performance was unforgettable.   The tax payers will be paying dearly as usual but I don't think the "balconied would be lawyers" will be doing anything much but corporate law or maybe real estate. Clearly the community is an inconvenience and the only thing they have not done is provide NYU buses and trolleys to bus us out. 

The tenants of Stuy Town meant to be affordable housing way back when and by the way NYU has student housing there as well and Peter Cooper Village are trying to find an ally to buy the property. Good luck and Blessings!  

The FBI made some raids today but I do not think they made arrests although they did get yelled at.  

True or false?  I contacted the FBI about issues closer to home...?  I am learning more and more about the NYPD and special units they have? Not true.  One is true.  All are true.  I will let you know if you guessed correctly. Never a dull moment.  

Just to hit the rewind button.  Betty White is proof that some people age better with dignity and a sense of humor as she achieved monster ratings for her presence on Saturday Night Live and people loved her Super Bowl commercial.  She is sizzling hot.  

Oh by the way, I saw John Thain today getting in to a chauffeur driven mercedes on Central Park South...ho hum.  I bet a meg-million he is happy he is not chair of GS right now although he had his share -- not talking about a mother load of shares -- but share of trouble,less than golden after leaving Goldman Sachs, right?  He sure looked smooth today.  

Prediction -- major fall-out over Steve Rattners pension fund scandals -- that scandal"s" with an s coming and splish splash it is going to splatter on king mayor Mike Bloomberg, just a little.  Mike Bloomberg, what is the name of Steve Rattner's new firm he created just to manage you 5 billion dollars.  Mayor Mike said Steve should not have to step down from his job at The White House and clearly Mike Bloobmerg still is supporting his good friend Steve Rattner.  All is quiet on this front for now but get ready for more head lines on this....  

Apparently President Obama has a fan that thinks he is sizzling hot.  I don't find the Pres. sizzling.  I am not sure he is doing a great job but I do think he is a nice guy and compassionate.  I can't say New York is feeling any of his benefits.
For Giuseppi Loagn fans -- Time and Place
Time:Tomorrow at 9:00 pm until Sun May 16 at 9:00 pm
Venue:5/14 IPR 5/16 Brecht Forum
2 chances to roll with brother Giuseppi Logan May 14th at the Issue Project Room (G plays around 10,.headlining) May 16th at the Brecht Forum (G plays around 9,.headlining) with Matt Lavelle,Francois Grillot,and Dave Miller.. *special guest Chris Forbes 5/16 and remember my YouTube series To follow Matt's booking for Giuseppie join his facebook page Remember my YouTube I posted when people thought he was dead and long gone.... so follow my YouTube documentary series and now his son's.  I will have more information on that soon.   I spoke with Giuseppi Logan tonight.  I told him his son is returning which of course made him happy.  I asked him to play "Suzannah" a song he composed.  I told him I would see him very soon!