Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mike Bloomberg running for President? by Suzannah B. Troy

Is Mike Bloomberg running for President?  As of right now, king Mike Bloomberg says, "no" he is not running for president.  I do not believe him because he also said he believed in  having term limits and went against his word.  Bloomberg with the help of Christine Quinn denied us a referendum.  What few people have been paying attention to is Mike Bloomberg appointed his people to the Charter Commission and this year, right now in fact they have extended term limits for city council members without our say (the people of NYC) again!  That makes two years in a row king Mike has flushed democracy down the toilet.   Bloomberg has thrown democracy to the wind for his gains and than he uses the word democracy when touting the mosque by the WTC.

I have been blogging about this a lot of my blog but today Clyde Haberman,  I am sure a nice guy but my least favorite writer at The New York Times wrote a piece on this debacle and all I can say is thank goodness and why isn't this making the news?

I do not believe we can count king Mike out of the running for President of the U.S.A.  King Mike hired his campaign people City Hall post the most expensive and humiliating win in NYC history to the tune of an estimated $2 million in the midst of a massive budget crisis.  Why?  My theory is he is having them do statistical research on if he can win and he will be having them do so up until he has to come face to face with the reality he will not achieve his dream to become President.

If he was hoping to run on the Republican ticket he burned that bridge over his support of the Mosque which one might compare to the war in Iraq and oil, if he did not have financial dealings in Dubai for instance he might be treating this issue the way he is treating the Seneca Indians and the middle class and the poor and that is not with sensitivity

Bloomberg forced through a third term which many of us feel is tainted because he denied us a referendum and certain city council members that voted to extend term limits may be going to jail and one Miguel Martinez already is in jail for stealing tax payer money.  To add insult to injury Bloomberg's hand picked Charter Commission have extended city council members terms to 3 again circumventing the people of NY.

Way before any media company would report the news they were forced to report the night of the election I made YouTubes warning people Mike Bloomberg might now win, do not believe the press, the voters are angry.  Here is one from May 4, 2009.

I am not a palm reader or fortune teller but I can tell you if Mike Bloomberg runs for President he cannot win.  Why we have to pay his campaign staff 6 figure salaries he can easily pay out of his own pocket is confounding especially considering harsh budget cuts to come.

Bloomberg as a business man did not help the people of New York but anyone doing major real estate dealings benefited and an end result is mass displacement.   Rumor has it that king Mike wants to put Christine Quinn in place and if he can't be President he will run NYC for a 4th term from the golf course. He is rumored to have made a back room deal with Christine Quinn.  If she supported his push through of a 3rd term denying us a referendum and supporting his run than he would support hers.

Folks blogger mysteriously cut me off and I lost the last few paragraphs so here goes.

Mike Bloomberg is burning bridges like he is an emotional pyromaniac.  He has zero chance of becoming President.  Do I think he has his campaign people situated at City Hall, all with 6 figure salaries checking polls and stats on the possibility of Mike as President.  Yes and he will continue to do so but there is no way Mike Bloomberg will ever be President of the United States.

Blogger locked me out and in a sense robbed me of my writing because I did not have a chance to hit "save now".  It was a better piece but you get the jist.   We voted for him thinking he was a business man but that became his worst attribute as he displaced so many New Yorkers and crushed the middle class all for developer's deals on "old NY's infrastructure.

The Haggerty trial may be Mike Bloomberg's Watergate.  The sentence before has a link to a Wall Street Journal and here is my unusual response to that article.

Mike Bloomberg ambition was his undoing and if he had left after his 2nd term as mayor he would have been making a very smart move.

ESPN's "Around The Horn" Jay Mariotti Talk Classless

Yesterday, ESPN's Around The Horn TV Show took up the "awkward" subject of the problems of one of its own, ESPN Personality Jay Mariotti.

As sports fans know, Jay Mariotti was arrested on suspicion of domestic assault against a woman said to be his girlfriend.

Jay Mariotti was known for flaming athletes accused of domestic assault, so its weird still that he's accused of doing the same thing.

And while Jay's being raked over the coals for all of that in the media, and he should be, it just seems totally classless for his own show to talk about it. Here's the video:

That should be the one place where they at least take a wait-and-see out of respect for Jay. It's like this: Jay cracks on athletes for domestic abuse problems, Jay gets cracked on for his domestic abuse problems, Jay's own show cracks on him about same problems. So what"s next?

Maybe they don't have respect for Jay?

The logical next step is for someone else at ESPN's Around The Horn to get into the same trouble so they and we can talk about that person.

Does it ever end?

ESPN's Jay Mariotti Done At "Around The Horn?" Photo Of Girlfriend Posted

Jay Mariotti and Girlfriend (?) (Deadspin.com)

UPDATE: Mariotti gets deal, avoids jail.

UPDATE: Court date pushed back to October 1st.

ESPN's Personality Jay Mariotti of Around The Horn was arrested on Saturday, August 21st on suspicion of domestic abuse after an altercation with a woman described as his girlfriend that with an argument at a club in Santa Monica, California and then ended with Jay's reportedly violent confrontation at her Venice Beach apartment.

Mariotti posted bail and was immediately tossed into the court of public opinion as being a hypocrite for allegedly doing to his lady friend what he used ESPN and print publications to take time to flame some male athletes for doing: hitting a woman.

In the wake of that event, Jay Mariotti was suspended from his duties as a columnist at AOL Fanhouse, and now it appears he finally may be done on Around The Horn, according to sports radio personality Ben Maller.

On top of that the blog Deadspin.com published a photo of the woman that is claimed to be his girlfriend and a text of an eyewitness account that, if true, could be permanently damaging to Mariotti.

ESPN's Jay Mariotti Done At Around The Horn?

Ben Maller, who at one point was an ESPN radio personality, and so has connections at the place Dan Patrick refers to as "The Mothership," says that a source told him Mariotti is "done" on Around The Horn. Maller says ESPN has not confirmed or denied the rumor. Also, he reports that few if anyone anything good to say about him on or off the record. It's not clear if he is referring to ESPN to around the sports media industry.

Photo of Jay Mariotti And Girlfriend Posted

Deadspin posted this photo of Jay Mariotti and his alleged Girlfriend that was taken by an alleged eyewitness who reportedly called the police to report the incident. What's interesting is that someone actually took the photo at that time. In other words, of all of the occasions to take a photo of Jay and his girlfriend, why at that time?

Deadspin also has a rather chilling account by the same eyewitness of the events leading up to Jay's eventual arrest. Now, it's not clear if he was the person who also took the photo of Jay and his Girlfriend. The Eyewitness said that he was parked to pick up his girlfriend at The Air Apartment Complex, at the corner of Rose Avenue and Ocean Front Walk. He called the police at 3:13 AM Saturday, August 21st. This is what he told Deadspin.com:

I was down there, outside across the street in my car picking up a girl at the end of the night. While i waited i saw a couple having an argument. I first thought it was a bad blind date that was having a kiss goodbye stalemate...but as i watched it unfold I could tell something bad was going to go down. It got heated fast. He was boxing her out every time she tried to get around him. He was d-ing her up like Gary Payton. He mirrored every side step she made. When my girl got in the car i told her we had to wait to make sure he didn't do anything to the woman. I honked my horn at one point as to say "Hey someone is here watching you" as an escalation deterrent and once that didn't work i was pretty sure the cops were going to be needed.

"She punched her code to get into the lobby of her building...and when she did that he fired the door open and followed her in..and that's when it began. Lucky for me her lobby was a giant glass one so i could continue to see everything that was going on when they went inside.

She sat on a couch and he grabbed her by the hair and whipped her around a bit — ripped something out of her ear and shoved her around. With those actions I told my girl to call the cops and i went to the trunk of my cart to get my black wiffle ball bat to try and put the fear of god in him...but before i could do so he fired her into the elevator and they disappeared. Being the resourceful guy I am, I went up to the door and found out what floor they stopped at so i could relay that info to the cops. I'll tell you this much. the guy has a serious rage problem...[H]e was ripping stuff off the walls and firing it in the lobby too. some papers or something. i guess to show how macho he was.

That, if even a little true, is damaging to Mariotti and could figure prominently in his court case.

ESPN's Around The Horn talks about Jay Mariotti

On Monday, ESPN's Around The Horn personalities used ay Mariotti's situation to build up some buzz about the show. Here's the video from that television event called "It's Out Of Bounds":

While not one of them was willing to throw Jay under the bus entirely, they did express regret that the situation happened to him. Woody Paige said it best: we all live in glass houses.  But talk about eating one of your own!  ESPN waisted little time in using Jay's issue as a buzz generator for the show he was on!  I don't know what to call it, but the term classless does enter my thoughts.

Stay tuned.

Roger Clemens A Wake-Up Call? by Suzannah B. Troy

Roger Clemens in his most natural pure state is a great athlete who needed no extra boosts although he convinced himself he did. His mental strength on the pitching mound can be seen in the court house as described in a well written piece by Mike Vaccaro in The New York Post. I point this out because in The New York Daily News there is a piece with the words "voluminous evidence".  Actually the title is, "Ex-Yankee pitcher Roger Clemens  pleads not guilty to perjury but Feds have 'voluminous evidence' and sums up the entire story.

Roger Clemens needs to make a very long list of all the good deeds he has done and I am sure there are many and throw himself at the mercy the powers that be.  Clemens needs a wake-up, a reality check but all the tools that helped me to be a great pitcher like steely calm on the mound and mental toughness are helping him to dig a hole so deep he won't be able to wiggle out of.  I wrote in my Naomi Campbell post on the Blood Diamonds, super models don't go to jail.  Roger Clemens does not have have the Naomi Campbell luck and at the rate she is going she is going to run out of luck.

When celebrity believe their own celebrity and that they are above the law at some point they are in for a harsh awakening and Roger Clemens has clearly not hit that point yet.

Babe Ruth, Thurmon Munson are among my favorite Yankees and I can't imagine either of them doing anything foolish to have a competitive edge.  In fact Babe Ruth seemed to do just the opposite.  His Yankee coaches had to ask him to stop eating in the dug-out as I recall reading a biography.  Babe Ruth hardly ate the breakfast of champions, trained like an obsessed athlete trying to break records at the Olympics.

I do think that baseball statistics will have to be reported differently with an "S" after any athlete that has been proven to have used steroids any other letters to indicate any other enhancing edge that was not kosher.   Looking around at a lot of professional athletes and Hollywood actors it appears to me that they are using illegal substances to make their bodies look and perform beyond Mother Nature's gifts and for me it is creepy.

I have even greater admirations for athletes male and female who achieved their goals naturally and honestly and did not crack to the pressure of wanting to win so badly they would cheat.

Getting back to Clemens....he hold hard and fast to his "not guilty" plea to perjury and this is the worse pitch of his life.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The power of a little Wall of Shame

Oh the power of a little Wall of Shame is truly remarkable. I was not completely aware of the power of a little Wall of Shame when I started my website Jobless Unite little more than 4 month ago. I wanted to inform the unemployed masses about what was going on and how to advocate for our badly needed benefits as well as get the word out about the massive suffering within the American Unemployment community.

There is a great deal of information within the 14 pages published on that site, including petitions, videos, great cartoons, chat, Twitter, a full legislator contact list, current events and our lobbying efforts to name a few. In a relatively short period of time, that site has almost a half a million hits. Jobless Unite free, no membership website dedicated to the unemployed masses in America. Our fight - to stay alive, our cause - to get benefits until there are enough jobs for those who need them.

Of all the pages on this website, the most popular and most feared seems to be our WALL of SHAME. All who appear on this page are sent an email of welcome to inform them of why the are listed here saying: WELCOME to OUR WALL of SHAME and providing them with the link to view it for themselves.

This page has gotten the attention of Congressional staffers all across the country and Washington D. C. as well. In my interview with a reporter for CNN Money last month, I told the reporter I was not very happy with the tone of her last piece. Her immediate response was: "Please don't put me on your Wall of Shame!" To that I replied "Then don't do anything to deserve it!"

A few months back, a web blog called erroneously reported HR 4851 as our holy grail: Tier 5. I promptly placed them on the Wall of shame and had all my website visitors contact them to voice our disgust. The article was pulled days later and that news blog began to publish very accurate, positive articles about the 99ers and the unemployed in general. Eventually my viewers voted in favor of removing that party from the Wall of Shame, but for some reason I do not see much from them on the net these days.

After I added a blogger from Syracuse.com to the Wall of Shame, I received a response of protest from her and her staffers via Twitter. The tweets urged all to stop following me (@Paladinette) and said other disparaging things about my character. In less than 1 hour I had nearly 50 more followers and did not lose a single one. They shut up pretty fast after that.

A staffer for Montana Senator Max Baucus actually said to me recently, when I called and gave my name as Paladinette, "oh you're the one who put up the video and the Senator is not very happy about that." (referring to the YouTube video of Mr. Baucus Drunk on the Senate floor last December up on the Wall of Shame) To which I replied: "That is really too bad. I for one am not very happy about Mr. Baucus letting the 99ers and other long term unemployed starve. So I will make you a deal, (Washington loves deals) when we get a Tier 5 for all states extending unemployment benefits for Americans who have exhausted them, then I promise to remove both Baucus related Wall of Shame posts from my site."

More recently I have actually been threatened with a lawsuit from one Shame alumni member. Since we still have the right to free speech in this country and I have done nothing but let him defame himself by his own words and actions, I am not at all worried about such empty threats.

What this all boils down to is there is a way to try to hold accountable those who publish with impunity their opinions on the net and claim them to be fact. Anyone who posts articles claiming 'those of us who cannot find a job are lazy and living off the government' need to check the facts.

Fact is we have lost between 8 and 11 million jobs in the past 3 years in this country and have created about 500K all year. You do the math and it is not hard to see that the jobs just are NOT out there for us. Add to this the fact that of the longest term unemployed is the USA today, 47% of them are age 50 and older. Potential employers are more guilty than ever before of age discrimination and they disguise it with terms like "Sorry dear, you are over qualified."

Anyone, including Congress who is so callous as to badmouth the unemployed in these difficult times and refuse to help us out of a problem that Wall Street created needs to be voted out of office, called on their behavior or boycotted completely (especially blogs posing as news services). If nobody is reading their drivel and their ad revenues dry up then, oh well they will know what it is like to be unemployed soon then won't they?

99er featured on Ed Schultz MSNBC

Looking very professional and poised, Connie Kaplan appeared on the Ed Schultz Show on MSNBC today. She announced her trip to Washington DC to deliver 99er letters to the RNC, DNC and the White house, asking for their help.

Kaplan blamed the Republicans for their obstruction, time and again on the unemployment and Jobs Bill issues. Ed asked Connie, if 99 weeks is not enough, how long should UI benefits be extended, to which she replied, “The benefits have to last until we have jobs in America.”

She went on to discuss green jobs in America and how most citizens are unaware of the green jobs training available today.

The letters Connie will carry to the DNC and RNC, mainly put them on notice that if they want to be the recipients of 15 million votes for their party, they had better see to it that the Americans Want to Work Act passes first thing in September.

The letter Kaplan is delivering to the White House expresses the 99ers’ disgust with the current administration being silent on the Tier 5 issue. The 99er letter goes on to request a town hall meeting between President Obama and the 99er Nation.

Though Connie Kaplan, seems to be the most recent face of the 99ers of late, the letters she will carry were written by several key leaders in the 99er movement. Cindy Paoletti, Rob Curtis, Scott Mathewson, LaDona King and Sandy Monroe, all members of the PalTalk room: Tier 5 to Survive -Unemployed Unite. Many 99ers have worked long and hard to break through to the media in order to get the attention of America on the plight of the long term unemployed, now without benefits for 8 months.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Tiger Woods won't say he loves his ex? by Suzannah B. Troy

Tiger Woods will not answer questions if the question is "Do you love your ex-wife?" which he was asked quite a bit by Andrea Peyser of The New York Post until she was escorted  out of The Barclay Tournament.  Lucky for her, she was not stoned but sports bloggers came very close to doing so.

In theory it is none of our business but when Tiger Woods made himself over in to a multi-billion dollar brand and he used photos of his wife and children to express a wholesome family man image than he opens the door to these questions.  Acting like a bachelor  porn king and not a devoted family man, giving mistresses millions of dollars pay-outs and a very large undisclosed amount to his now ex-wife does leave some people, not me wondering.

As an adult child of divorced parents here is unsolicited advice to Tiger Woods or whom ever his handlers are.  Tiger, when reporters or anyone ask you, "Do you love Elin Nordegren?"  The answer is a no-brainer.

The answer is "Yes!"   She is the mother of our children."  That simple.  Why would I say that.  Not for your world wide audience of fans Tigers but for your kids.

As they grow up their peers may taunt them like throwing DVDs of porn parodies at them or taunt them saying your father did not love your mother.

Tiger tainted his reputation, his career and hurt his family  That was all Tiger's doing with the help of his enablers -- alleged friends.  My gut feeling is he has still not taken full responsibility and his silence when asked about if he loves Elin is just another clue.  Any fan that comes to his defense is not helping him.  He put himself in the global media's head lights and that helped fuel his fortune and now he has to take responsibility or not.  He could buy Hugh Hefner out and take-over his crown and scepter.  It is his call and his choices but Woods can't escape the glare of the media spotlight; I believe it is his cocaine.  He could walk away and live a quiet life and he doesn't.  If he wants to play golf and be a brand he has to stand up and take responsibility and smarten up.

Tiger, it is a simple answer to a simple question and you answer it for your two children.  Yes, I love my ex-wife.

By the way Tiger if you want to pay me for my words of wisdom you would have to pay a lot more than you paid women to be silent.  Good luck and err on the side of love for children's sake.

A note of praise for Elin Nordegren.  In my blog piece posted here asking if the "old Tiger was back sexually?" I had written I hope she does something good to help others.  I read some where she is going to do something wonderful with some of that money and it may be centers to help people that have gone through the trauma of emotional issues from family breaks up, etc.  I wish I had a link for you but the center and I hope there will be more than one will be in Florida.  Bravo Elin.

If Tiger wants to move the healing process forward share the love and gratitude for the mother of his two children to the world who has looked in from their very birth on.

99er Connie Kaplan on Ed Schultz tonight

99er Connie Kaplan, who Glenn Beck called un-American, will be on the Ed Schultz Show (MSNBC) again tonight.

Connie, a resident of Queens NY, is currently in Washington D.C. where tomorrow she will be delivering the 99er Nation letters to David Axelrod and the National Headquarters of both the DNC and RNC. The letters express the anger of the longest term unemployed at being ignored by both parties and put each on notice, the 99er Nation will use their political clout in November to punish all those responsible for neglecting this important issue.

99er Media is in the process of arranging media coverage by multiple news organizations to cover Connie Kaplan’s journey to the White House and both DNC and RNC offices in our nation’s capitol this Tuesday.

The Axelrod letter specifically requests Obama to hold town hall meetings with the 99er Nation immediately. With the midterm election only 2 months away, time is of the essence. The 99ers hope to persuade President Obama to use whatever leverage he has, in addition to the bully pulpit, to assure the Americans Want to Work Act is amended to include all states and passed immediately when Congress reconvenes in September.

With 15 million unemployed Americans in this country, their vote can easily make the difference this November. We the people are in the driver’s seat on election day, what a tremendous responsibility for us all.

Connie Kaplan on the Ed show August 24, 2010:

Edie Falco Wins Lead Actress Comedy Series - The Emmys | 2010 Emmy Awards

Edie Falco Wins Emmy (Gawker)
Favorite Edie Falco won Lead Actress Comedy Series for Nurse Jackie and looked hot in blue dress in the process of moving to the stage to accept her award.

While there was some question where Falco would go after playing Carmela in The Sopranos, it can be said she landed on her feet with glee.

No pun intended.

It's the first time in Emmy awards history that a drama winner later won for a role in a comedy. Edie won the award three times while playing Carmela.

Falco beat Tony Colette (The United States of Tara) and Tina Fey (30 Rock) for the Emmy.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Emmys | 2010 Emmy Awards Takes Over Twitter and Social Media

Here's a bet that the 2010 Emmy Awards was the most-watched in history and due in no small part to social media, and more pointedly, Twitter.

As this blogger was live-blogging the Twitter Top Trends went from having The Emmys and #emmys10 as two of the entries, to Tina Fey, Mad Men, Temple Grandin and it seems almost every presenter as part of the famous list.

Near the end of the telecast of the 62nd Emmy Awards, personalities in it served to dominate the Twitter Top Trends. That's never happened in Emmy Awards history.

In fact, as of this writing, the 2010 Emmy Awards still represents seven of the ten Top Twitter Trends. From top to bottom, the Top Twitter Trends are: Temple Grandin, Hugh Laurie, Jim Parsons, Emmy Awards, #emmys10, #somewhereintheworld, Modern Family, Indiana Jones, and Jane Lynch.

Twitter Used As Ambush Marketing

Encapsulated within the amazing dominance of The Emmys On Twitter were it seems countless numbers of tweets of observations and congratulations from people, studios, actors and actresses and companies. @BoironUSA, the self-described "world leader in homeopathy," using what is a new form of ambush cyber-marketing, held a tweet-related contest linking its Facebook page with its tweets to give out prizes for those who re-tweeted their tweets. A real smart use of Twitter to give visibility to a brand I've never heard of. @BoironUSA is not an Emmy Awards sponsor!

2010 Emmy Awards Dominates Social Media

According to SocialMention.com, the term Emmy Awards was mentioned on a website or blog every 15 seconds during and after the telecast. Twitscoop.com reports that as of this writing, Modern Family, the Best Comedy Series Award Winner is at the top of Twiter Trends, with 20,101 tweets devoted to it, and counting.

This shows a new phenomenon in media of television shows creating their own volume of social media activity that becomes a new form of impression marketing. Now, millions of Twitter users around the World know about Modern Family and of that many will want to learn more about it.

If we look over to Google Trends, the majority of hot searches concern the 2010 Emmys and people related to it. None of this could have happened were it not for a large television audience that's already plugged into communicating about their favorite shows online using Twitter. In retrospect, because the fans of these shows converge on Twitter, Twitter has become the unofficial online nexus for the 2010 Emmy Awards.

What all of this means for the future of media is something to be discussed because the unanswered question is how to effectively put this dynamic to use in the entertainment business. The 2010 Emmy Awards use of Twitter in the idea of having tweets of lines to introduce presenters did not go over well, and simply because it was not used properly.

2010 Emmys Host Jimmy Fallon referred to Twitter as the punch line of a bad joke rather than as a tool to help advance and promote the telecast. Much more could have been done and with dramatic results. Stay tuned.

Lady Gaga Rainbows Love NYC's her drug by Suzannah B. Troy

"Little monsters heart I keep, and as I lay me down to sleep, I dream of rainbow roads to love, for now New York city's my drug" Tweet or should I say poetry from Lady Gaga.  I took a peek at her schedule which is impressive and left me tired....I do not know how she does it!  She will be playing at Madison Square Garden Feb. 21 and 22nd.

I don't own an album of Lady Gaga's.  Do young people even use the word album anymore but the Vanity Fair article where she also graces the cover really intrigued me!  I have written some pieces on her that seem popular like "Lady Gaga was that you?" and her is the first one I wrote about her vachina reference. 

Lady Gaga has sky rocketed to fame and that is understating her meteoric success and even if I don't own an album I want to hear what she has to say.  It is said she is going to be bigger than Madonna and she has a far better voice.

As someone almost double her age (not quite) I am interested how she evolves....This tweet about rainbow roads and how much she loves NYC and her fans inspired me to follow her on twitter.


True Blood Sunscreen For Vamps Outstanding by Suzannah B. Troy

True Blood outstanding as usual but tonight was somehow even better for me. How about you?

I don't know where to start so I will say the one thing you all aren't thinking about...like Eric's walk in the sun this episode took me to a different place in the True Blood world....  I felt this episode had the most depth of emotion and the best sense of humor.  Even the confrontational scene between Eric and Russell which should have ended in a bloody mess had laughs so bravo.

This episode has a pre-show warm up by bidding farewell to the cast of characters that have passed on in the fictional story which was fun.  The creators  know we are dying with anticipation and upset that this season is drawing to the close so they are giving us a little consolation pre and post the show.

Wow!  Tonight amazing!!!!!!  Not giving a lot of details but wow!!!!!!   The way they (writers, director, great acting) always bring you back to basic human themes we all wrestle with like revealing our true selves to the people we love and the fear they will reject us or Sam letting lose and giving up being "so nice" as so many of us secretly desire.....and those are just a few examples which is why the show is superb!

Russell and Eric are at the forefront of my mind and I can't wait until the next episode.  The brief sex scene between Baby Vamp Jessica with Hoyt was outstanding.  He gives her permission to go for the gold, rather his throat but she takes the long way to the destination with kisses before fangs...True Love...a running theme in True Blood but with complications or it would not be the best Vampire soap opera on TV.

Hoyt's mom has returned and the actress is superb.  She reminds me of a female Devine.

The coming attractions have me terrified the writers are going to go to the extreme like last season which really turned me off big time but so far the writing, directing and new characters continue to be outstanding.

Fangs away!