Friday, September 17, 2010

Just instaled Jott mobile...

Just instaled Jott mobile Voice to Text service for zennie62. This is a test to see if it comes up in the blog. Very excited. Use this new service. listen

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jon Stewart Rally to Restore Sanity By Nikky Raney

Daily Galaxy Image
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart announced on his show Thursday, September 16 at 11 pm EST that he will be hosting a "Rally to Restore Sanity".

This rally will take place on October 30, 2010 in Washington DC. This rally is obviously a way of mocking Glenn Beck's rally. This event is also dubbed "Million Moderate March."

Signs will be made available. The slogans on some of the signs will say: "9/11 was an outside job" and "I Disagree With You But I'm Pretty Sure You're Not Hitler.

Stephen Colbert announced on The Colbert Report that same night at 11:30 pm EST that he would also be hosting "March to Keep Fear Alive" the same day as Stewart at DC's National Mall.

The event will attempt to gather 70-80 percent of American's who are not extremists on either side.

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt Trashed Rental House by Tina

Heidi Montag and Spencer pratt seem to have been keeping a lot of secrets this summer. It seems like the divorce was really just another PR ploy - a long string of them - and that they lived together all summer in secret!

Heidi and Spencer rented a home in Malibu, where they hid away as husband and wife, also happens to be trashed! The house is worth millions of dollars and has a price tag of $20K per month to rent.

Heidi and Spencer took their four dogs with them and the dogs did damage to the inside and the outside of the home. I can imagine...

Even though the pair dropped a large security deposit, they aren't getting it back and will probably have to pay more for the damages. I smell a lawsuit coming on!

Do you think Heidi and Spencer will pay for what they did?

3D Summit - 3D Gaming and Content Panel

This panel consists of some major heavy weights in video gaming.  The moderator is John Gaudiosi who is from the 3D Gaming Summit. 

One of the people this blogger knows is Lorne Landing of Odd World Inhabitants and Chief Creative Oficer of Oddmobb Inc.  Lorne says that all the major new games coming out will have 3d. 

Avatar shows the way

Corey Bridges gives James Cameron hi marks for his.understanding of 3d immersive gaming.    And once again Avatar has established the standard for 3d entertainment.

Creating a story around the engine.

Matty Rich says that the story has to fit around the 3d engine.  It is hard to do but doing so is worth it.  

Lorne says Hollywood doesn't get video games because its not tech oriented.

In other words a VC wants to know what you failed at. Hollywood is afraid to fail. 

More soon.  

Kim Kardashian ILLEGALLY Took Pictures of Mona Lisa by Tina

Kim KardashianImage by zennie62 via Flickr

Enhanced by Zemanta

Kim Kardashian and her mom, Kris Jenner, are in France for Kim's projects. The pair thought it would be a great idea to hit up the Louvre, the famed art museum in Paris.

What they didn't do ahead of time was read the RULES of behavior for the museum. It is against the rules and illegal to take pictures of the famous works, including the Mona Lisa. It has been a banned activity since 2005, so the women can't say they didn't know because it was a "new rule."

This is twice where high profile people have gotten bitten in the ass because of what they posted on twitter. First, Paris Hilton and her purse that's not really her purse. Now, Kim and the Mona Lisa in the background.

Do you think Kim will get in trouble for it? After all, it's illegal!

Finally 99er Factions Unite for Political Clout - Survival

Finally 99er Factions Unite to Strengthen their Political Clout and for their very survival, to push the Senate to pass S3706.

Advocacy groups from all across the Country have put aside any and all differences and have now joined together for one specific initiative and one common purpose: saving American lives while in turn rebuilding the American Economy.

New Press Release from the 99er Nation

PRLog (Press Release) – Sep 16, 2010 – In a show of unity, the various 99er Advocacy groups have coalesced into one large united force to lobby Washington for the Tier 5 Americans Want to Work Act. The Umbrella group will be known as The American 99ers' Union

The 99er Nation has, for the most part, been without their lifeline Unemployment Insurance payments for nearly 8 months. It is no coincidence that the American economy began to slip backward into double dip recession territory just weeks after the 99ers were cut off from their Unemployment Insurance. Millions of Americans unable to participate in our "consumer based" economy cannot help but make a negative impact on the fragile recovery.

The macroeconomic benefits to the entire American economy, with passage of this Tier 5 bill is staggering and would bring about immediate results. EXAMPLE: 5 million Americans who have exhausted UI benefits X $300.00 (average weekly benefit) would inject at least 1.5 billion dollars directly into the economy every week. Based upon the law of 'Supply & Demand', through the purchase of goods and services, S3706 would provide the demand required to keep the recovery going in the right direction, prevent further layoffs and stimulate the creation of jobs within the individual communities throughout America.

This coalition consists of (in alphabetical order):
Advocacy For the Long Term Unemployed (AFLTU)
Extend Unemployment Benefits
Jobless Unite
Now: Jobless / Next: Homeless
Tier 5 Unemployment Extension Needed
Tier 5 To Survive Unemployed Unite
The Unemployment Examiner
U-Cubed (Union for the Unemployed)
Unemployed States Of America
Unemployed Voices
Unemployed Workers Action Group (UWAG)

"Our coalition under the banner of The American 99ers' Union, has decided that the best way to convince the Senate to vote The Americans Want To Work Act into law is to ask all of our members to Take Action on Wednesday, September 22, 2010."

All members of The American 99ers' Union acting as one will fax, email, and/or make phone calls to their own two Senators, urging them to immediately support and PASS The Americans Want To Work Act, S. 3706. [The exact letter to be sent can be downloaded at]

The recommended action is strategically designed to:

1. Show that we are united in a grassroots movement that is growing in strength and numbers to greatly impact the midterm elections.

2. Provide sound reason and fact as to why this is not only the right thing to do for 99ers, but also supports America's economic recovery by stimulating the economy

3. Inform our Senators that we are watching their votes very closely and we will vote against those who oppose this bill in the November election, encourage our friends and family to vote against them and use the internet and media to encourage the general public to vote against those who will not help Americans who are suffering without unemployment insurance during this national emergency

4. Demonstrate our commitment to use our combined influence to ensure millions of 99ers all across the nation perform the one job they still hold on November 2nd - VOTE for those who have represented and continue to represent our desperate need for extended unemployment insurance and jobs

S3706 is currently languishing in "Committee limbo" within the Senate Finance Committee. This bill MUST be brought to the Senate Floor immediately and passed in time to allow the House to do the same, prior to the next scheduled Congressional recess on October 8, 2010. Passage of this bill before the election is crucial in order to save the lives of millions of hurting Americans currently on the brink of complete financial disaster, hunger and homelessness.

To those who doubt there are 5 million 99ers in this country, one must simply do the math. There are at least 15 million unemployed Americans and 10 million of those are collecting UI benefits. Clearly the DOL figure estimating 1.4 million have exhausted benefits, whether by design or intention, is a grossly underestimated statistic.

So, now it is time for us to show our strength and numbers to the Senate!

With the midterm elections shaping up to be a tight race, for eventual control of both the House and Senate, unemployed Americans can easily be the deciding factor in who keeps their legislative jobs and which members of Congress join the unemployment lines in November.

To contact The American 99ers' Union call 202-579-9377

****End Press Release*****

Unless the 99ers push hard for this bill now and everyday until it is passed, nothing will be done and more Americans will die.

What can you do to help?

All unemployed Americans MUST contact the Senate Finance Committee (202-224-4515), fax (202-228-0554) and DEMAND this gets to the Senate floor immediately.

Contact your Senator and every other Senator you can to demand we get this Tier 5 bill (S3706) voted on NOW. A complete list of legislators can be found at:

Call the White House comments line to demand the same. White House Comments Line 202-456-1111 Comment line is only open 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday thru Friday EST. ***REMIND the President that this is an emergency.

Christine O'Donnell: Karl Rove Says She Has "Personal Background" Problems

Well, the Republicans are eating their own, or at least trying to.

Here's Republican strategic mastermind Karl Rove throwing new GOP Delaware Senate Race representative Christine O'Donnell under the bus, saying she has "personal background" issues. Check out this video:

In the video, Karl Rove says that Christine O'Donnell (picture at left) now has to answer for her own checkered background. Then says "I've met her. I'll tell ya, I wasn't impressed with her abilities as a candidate."

Rove asked about her misleading voters about how she makes a living, why it took her two decades to pay her college tuition. Rove says essentially, that there's "a lot of nutty things she's been saying."

Sean Hannity saying he found Christine O'Donnell "quite impressive" causes this blogger to ask "impressive" in what way? Hannity didn't explain that. 

Knowing Sean, he was referring to her looks rather than her intellect.

More on the nutty things Christine O'Donnell was saying, later.


Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt Caught Kissing by Tina

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt must be getting along fairly well now. They were caught kissing while visiting the zoo in Santa Barbara with a bunch of their friends. No, the animals weren't their friends, though they should be!

Heidi and Spencer were each holding a glass of champagne, when cameras caught them kissing.

Now, the real question is, was it on purpose for the camera or not? We know these two can never seem to keep their stories straight. Are they getting divorced? Did they ever intend to divorce?

I doubt it. What do you think?

Who is April Macie? by Tina

Have you heard of April Macie before? probably not, unless you are big in to comedy or the Howard Stern Show. April has been a stand up comedian and just won the "Funniest and Hottest" comedienne contest from the Howard Stern Show.

Will it get her a comedy show? Maybe. She's funny, but she already offended people with her "...all kids need a beating" joke. Funny. Probably. In poor taste? Probably.

Have you heard April before?

Tiger Woods Won't Let Rachel Uchitel Pose for Playboy by Tina

It seems you can't outrun the long arm of the...Tiger Woods team. Rachel Uchitel was scheduled to pose for Playboy sometime this month for a paycheck of about $300,000. Except Tiger or his people, came in and put the kabosh on her deal.

Tiger supposedly paid Rachel $10 MILLION dollars as hush money last year, and obviously that means keeping a hush on her body too. If she poses for Playboy she loses her lucrative shut-up deal.

Do you think Tiger ponied up some more cash so she didn't miss the $300K?

Dessert Recipes: Butterscotch Brownies by Tina

This is an old recipe my mom made back in the 70s

Melt 1/4 c butter in a medium saucepan. Stir in:
1 c light brown sugar
1 egg
3/4 c flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 c walnuts

Spread in an 8x8 pan and bake at 350° for 25 minutes. Cool completely before serving.

Fall Baking Recipes: Carrot Bread by Tina

This carrot bread has lots of veggies in it, but you won't think of it as good for you! This moist and delicious bread is more like eating dessert!

1 c oil
2 tsp soda
1 1/2 c sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
3 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
2 c grated carrot
1/2 c walnuts
1/2 c raisins
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 c coconut
2 c flour

Mix all of the ingredients together until moistened. Pour into greased bread pan and let stand for 20 minutes before baking. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Cool completely on a wire rack before cutting.