Friday, September 24, 2010

Hey Bishop Eddie Long You're Wrong: Local Critic Sounds Off

I’m not always one to come with the harsh language, but this sister here brought some serious heat to this Bishop Eddie Long situation where he is accused of coercing young men who at the time were minors in his church to have sex with him.
A series of pictures he supposedly sent out of himself have surfaced and have been making themselves around the net.
Long denies the allegations and was set to speak about the issue on the Tom Joyner morning show the other day but at the last minute pulled out and had a lawyer read his statement. He intends to address his congregation this Sunday at New Birth. For folks who aren’t familiar, new Birth was the church that hosted Coretta Scott’s funeral where actor/activist Harry Belafonte a long time friend and financial backer of the King family was un-invited at the last minute. Many speculated because of Belafonte’s critcisms of Bush who was in attendenace and has been friendly with the church.
She talks about the importance of us to be able to discern and warns us not to fall for some Jim Jones type character. She says ‘even with my channel shades on I can see the light.’..Not sure if she’s a member of his new Birth church or not but she definitely goes in..*Warning do not play this at work unless you have headphones. and if you’re easily offended by language don’t watch.. .
For a more indepth breakdown of this situation.. peep the Colorlines article..

AT&T and Tea Party Joining Black Leaders to End Net Neutrality? by Davey D

These are indeed strange times we live in where even when we’re repeatedly told we should not be surprised as to what goes down, especially in the world of politics-goes down. It was surprising to learn that AT&T is one of the biggest backers of the Tea Party and together they are working overtime to try to get rid of the Democratizing concept that has made the Internet so powerful called ‘Net Neutrality‘.
I guess one shouldn’t be shocked at the hypocrisy of the Tea Party which claims it takes issue with big corporation but then generously supports their agenda. I’m more upset with Apple which uses AT&T and upset that my hard-earned money which pays for this Iphone is going to uplift a political party that many of feel are racist and in opposition to many of our concerns.
As for Net Neutrality, for those who don’t know about this concept, it essentially says all data is to be treated equal. This means the little blog in the middle of Iowa can be accessed just as easily as the NY Times in NY. All websites are essentially one click away metaphorically speaking.
What telecoms have been doing to the tune of over 100 million dollars in lobbying money in 2009 alone with AT&T leading the way is try to change the basic structure of the internet and re-create the very conditions that drove us away from traditional media to the internet in the first place. Instead of everyone being ‘one click away’ they want to create a tiered system where websites and companies who pay top dollars are one click away while everyone else could be 2, 3, 4 or not even on the system at all.
This means if I am living in Oakland, California and wish to present additional information to the rest of the country about some important event like the tragic Oscar Grant shooting from 2009 I would no longer be on par with the mainstream outlets. My information could be slowed down or even blocked.
Hence, someone in NY might click on the Oakland Tribune site and get the information immediately, but it might take a couple of hours or maybe even a day or two to be visible to on my website or the websites Indy media SF,Colorlines, Youth Radio or the SF Bayview. The sad part is that person in NY might not even know this additional information had been slowed down or suspended by AT&T, Comcast or some other ISP that may have a political agenda that they want to carry out that is in stark contrast with your content.
The person on the receiving end of the information will do as they’ve always done since the internet been around and click on a link expecting to move seamlessly from one site to the next. When one site is slowed down or not accessible they move onto another. So again what AT&T wants to do is make sure the NY Times loads up quickly while the small blogger comes up slowly.
When one considers how so many people have been able to come up, challenge traditional media with other facts and various narratives to a story, net neutrality has leveled the playing field. Unfortunately the big telecoms do not want this..and apprently neither do the Tea Party and several prominent gatekeeping civil rights orgs and politicians they have spent money on.

AT&T sponsored National Urban League Centennial Celebration. Was that part of their strategy to reach out to Civil Right orgs and get them to echo GOP talking points on Net Neutrality?
Initially the Net Neutrality debate was partisan with mostly conservative folks against it.AT&T decided that one of their strategies would be to use their money and influence to get key civil rights leaders to come on board. This may have included generous sponsorships they’ve given folks over the years with everyone from Jesse Jackson of Rainbow Push to Marc Morial of the National Urban League whose centennial celebration they recently sponsored. Their defection and non-commital responses to supporting net neutrality was even welcomed and celebrated by top conservative bloggers like Andrew Breibart the man behind the Shirley Sherrod controversy .
Jackson has noted both in his statement to the FCC and publicly that he and Rainbow Push give ‘voice to the voiceless’. How does one have a voice without Net Neutrality protections?
Even more troubling is seeing members of the Congressional Black Caucus standing alongside the AT&T/Tea Party. How does this happen in 2010 where CBC members were just a couple of months ago complaining about racism where they were called ‘Nigger’ and being spat upon by the Tea Party members, are walking now hand in hand? Oh yeah that happens when big time lobbying money enters the picture. I guess folks can afford to buy a clean handkerchiefs to wipe away the spit and ‘let bygones be bygones’ as far as the racial insults are concerned as they all stand under the money tree-lined umbrella of AT&T. Peep this article called ‘Hey, Capitol Hill: Who’s Your Daddy ? AT&T‘ to get a better understanding the pervasiveness of this telecom giant.

NAACP head Ben Jealous
AT&T and the telecoms even gotBen Jealous and the NAACP which relied heavily on the freedoms of the internet to launch a campaign to try to save Troy Davis from being executed to take a ‘neutral position on Net Neutrality. Remind me to let Ben know they spelled the word ‘endorse’ wrong in their clarification statement.
In recent days an online petition was put together by Color of Changepushing CBC members to step up and get on the right side of this issue.That would be away from the position of the huge telecoms.
It’s our hope that all of us stop and take a long hard look at what’s going on with Net Neutrality and not allow this important issue to get away from us the way it did when it came to media consolidation. If you recall, back in the days leading up to that landmark telecommunications bill of ’96 we heard similar arguments from the big media corps on how giving them all this power would be a good thing for consumers. We also saw there were handfuls of Black and Brown folks who tried to jump in bed with the Clear Channels of the world. They were told they would have better opportunities. Have things gotten better since the Consolidation? Turn on your local radio station and the answer is more than obvious-’Hell Naw’.
The ‘Clear Channeling of media has been horrific. Again, its the main reason so many of us fled to the Internet. We wanted something better. We wanted our individual voices to be heard. If we allow the telecoms to gut Net Neutrality with the help of the Tea Party and a handful of civil rights leaders leading the charge we will be talking about what a big mistake this was 15 years from now. Don’t let history repeat itself.
written by Davey D

Oakland Mayor's Race: LWV Forum Draws Oakland's Older Folks

Oakland Mayor's Race Forum first take. (Which means, there's going to be more of these posts on last night, because a lot was happening.)

This just in: The Oakland Tribune's out of touch with Oakland. A number of attendees of the 450 estimated said they learned of the Oakland League Of Women Voters via "the newspaper." All of the people who made that statement were over 50 years old.

Still, the forum, which attracted every candidate except Dr. Terrance Candell, was a success. The auditorium at 300 Lakeside Drive seats 380 people, so if you do the math, it was about 70 over capacity.

The crowd was a happy mix of supporters of candidates and long-time observers of the Oakland political scene. The one complaint they had was there wasn't enough time to hear what the candidates were about.

That wasn't because there were too many candidates, but due to the format. Either Oakland Tribune Editor Martin Reynolds or the League of Women Voters, or both, decided to throw every question known to Oakland-kind, from the good (Will you spend public money on an A's stadium?) to the bad (Will you commit to a smaller forum with candidates who have a "real chance"? Or words to that effect). Too many questions and not a conversational format.

Still, errors aside, the forum proves there's a keen interest in the race for the next Mayor of Oakland.

Three Events Come To One Event

As reported there were at first three events, but the one for the Calvin Simmons Theater was scrubbed when the Oakland League Of Women Voters and The Oakland Chamber of Commerce saw the light and opened the forum to all of the candidates. Then there was Dr. Candell.

My original intent was to visit his one-candidate show, but the action at the Kaiser was too good to leave. Moreover, Terrance didn't tell this blogger about his event via phone or email.

As an aside, my job as I've crafted it, is to cover the campaign and not support a candidate. I make an exception only in the case of Libby Schaaf, who I view more as family than candidate.

Other than that, this blogger calls it plain and true. No B.S. Dr. Candell is a compelling candidate and individual, but as I've explained to him he has to sell his message to all of Oakland, not just those who he's comfortable with.

Who Won The LWV Forum?

Who Won The LWV Forum? Working backward and focusing on impressions, Marcie Hodge was a disappointment because she was far less confident and self-assured than at the Oakland Jobs Forum. Hodge paused, stuttered, and in general seemed nervous.  This blogger was surprised.

Arnie Fields has to work more on specifics that concern Oakland policy.  Well-spoken and confident, Fields is, but comfortable with the technics of policy discussion he does not appear to be.  "I'm going to have a bake sale" to raise money for Oakland doesn't work with the electorate.  When Fields started his sentence with that, I expected a great follow-up but he stuck to the idea!  A bake sale?

Dude, you've got to be kidding!

Oakland Councilmember Jean Quan had that "I have to be here with these people" look on her face again, and this blogger really wishes she would stop doing that.  Jean has to erase that "What are you bitches waiting for, elect me!" attitude she carries around from time to time.

A frank aside.

Councilmember Jean Quan could have won the Oakland Mayor's Race if she were less imperious and more gracious. She's an Oakland female Asian politician who's timing is perfect, but execution is horrible.

Quan's high-handed approach is alienating, and it's borne of an insecurity Jean does not need to possess - and I know this because I have the same problem, so I can see it in others.

When Councilmember Quan is open, she's a wonderful, loving person who one wants to get behind and help. But when she goes into "Queen Iron Lady" mode, it's off-putting and not in the best sprit of The Soul Of Oakland.

My mother would say to Jean Quan what she said to me, and since I don't heed it all the time, I know what I'm talking about: read Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People.

Or, to put it another way, make people know you like them. Sometimes Jean doesn't seem as if she does. That's not true, or course, but it's an impression she gives off from time to time and many people have stated that.

Jean's very intelligent, and doesn't suffer fools gladly.  But what I've learned is that the problem in a complex society is the smartest person one encounters may not look the part, so the one who thinks they're smarter than everyone else, is often proven wrong.  One has to open up to everyone and embrace them, especially in politics.

Again, Jean's other side, if it were presented 24 and 7, would seal the deal. With that, it may be too late for her to change so dramatically.  Jean could take lessons from Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, who is that warm, loving person.

But Rebecca's image, and some will take this the wrong way but it must be said in a true evaluation - the gender-bending affect - at times places her on the fringe of some voters views, and that's why Jean moves ahead but only by just a beat.

Rebecca's crowd, much younger, wasn't there in force last night.  Much more used to such an image as Rebecca's, and therefore able to see beyond it, Oakland's younger crowd could push her into City Hall.  What's great about Kaplan is her boundless sprit.

Boundless sprit also describes Larry Lionel Young, who really has a bright future in politics. If he becomes more comfortable with the discussion of Oakland policy technics, he will do well. A keen expression of understanding of policy and politics, combined with the presentation of sound judgement can at times overcome lack of political experience. That's why Joe Tuman has done so well.

Working our way along, let's move to the top and state that it was a tie between Joe Tuman and Don Perata. Green Party candidate Don Macleay and Councilmember Kaplan tied for third. Greg Harland was fourth, then Quan, Young, Fields and Hodge.

Don Macleay says he's not a politician.  But he has to make a clear case for what he stands for other than being a nice guy.   Don needs a message.  A hook that resonates.  He did much better this time than at the Jobs Forum.

Terrance Candell should have been there.  He could have sat next to Don Perata.

Senator Perata I'm certain would have liked more time. But one action which would have helped him would have been to stand up and talk. For some reason, Don on the stump presents better than Don sitting down. Of course it's all image, but as much as you may want to, you can't discount it. Don did nothing to hurt his chances to win.

Perata clearly wants to be Mayor of Oakland, and expresses that singular desire in speech and affect far more than all of the other candidates except Tuman and Kaplan. Joe Tuman's clearly taking votes away from Perata, however. They appeal to the same groups, but which candidate can get Oakland's younger voters is key.  If they don't do that, Kaplan could run away with the prize.

A New Diversity Of A Sort

The placement of three of the four white guys running - Perata, Tuman, and Harland - in a row was interesting because let's face it: Oakland's not seen that since the 1960s. It's also a sign of how Oakland has changed. In the past, Oakland had a lot of well-qualified black candidates running for office; not so today.

The reason for the change goes back to something now-former Oakland Mayor Elihu Harris told me when I worked for him between 1995 and 1999. The reason there have been so many blacks in politics is that discrimination closed out other opportunities in the private sector in the past and up to around 1990. Now, with so many blacks in high-level private sector positions and running companies like American Express, it translates into fewer candidates for the Oakland Mayor's Race.

Part of me thinks that's a bad thing; part a good thing. I have a complex set of reasons for that sentence. More on that later.

Lindsay Lohan in Custody and Denied Bail by Tina

Lindsay Lohan is in custody and was denied bail! Sources said they didn't think Lindsay would be in jail for more than an hour, which is all processing time, but they were wrong! the judge did not set any bail when he ordered Lindsay in custody. That means she might be sitting there for 30 days!

Judge Fox did not hear any argument from the lawyers before making his ruling.

Lindsay was handcuffed in court before being taken into custody.

It's shocking because the underlying offense is a misdemeanor, and people connected with the case were telling us the judge had to offer Lindsay bail.

As for Lindsay's reaction ... she was shocked when the judge remanded her into custody. Lindsay looked at her lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holly, before being taken out of the courtroom.

Cameras were still waiting outside the courthouse for Lindsay to exit, however she might not be exiting! I wonder what kind of insanity while ensue as Dina denies Lindsay has a problem, Michael yells from the steps and Lindsay - who knows what Lindsay is doing!

Do you think Lindsay will stay in jail for the next 30 days or so until there is a hearing? WIll it teach her a lesson? If nothing else, this should tell Paris Hilton how lucky she was to not be made an example of and that her butt is not sitting in jail somewhere because of the drug charges.

CNN's Susan Roesgen Taking On Tea Party Was Good Television

If you're wondering what ever happened to CNN Reporter Susan Roesgen, who's was famous for this April 2009 verbal joust with the nutty members of the Chicago Tea Party group, she was indeed "not renewed" and her CNN website page taken down.

That's too bad, because in retrospect, considering CNN's ratings drop, actions like brawling with Tea Party people rather than supporting them was good television.   With reporters like Susan Roesgen on the scene, it would have been worth tuning in to CNN.

This blogger can see what Susan Roesgen was trying to do: expose the Tea Party people as not having any other real agenda than being angry America has a black President. None of the statements by Tea Party People in the video below make any sense:

The Couch Potato Conservatives went nuts over Susan Roesgen's combative approach, calling her biased, unprofessional, and, oh, a "leftist cunt" in the case of a blog called "Big Dick's Place.

But Susan did America a favor by showing just how biased and stupid many of the Tea Party members can be. Whatever happened to her? She's gone into hiding it seems.

Too bad.  Bring Susan back to CNN, or at least television.

Eddie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds' Hubby, Carrie Fisher's Father Passes

Berkeley resident Eddie Fisher passed away at the age of 82 Wednesday. Fisher, the husband of Actress Debbie Reynolds, and the father of Star Wars Legend Carrie Fisher, was a popular "Top-40s" singer. He passed away of complications due to hip surgery.

According to Reuters, the family issued this statement:

He was loved and will be missed by his four children: Carrie, Todd, Joely, and Tricia Leigh as well as his six grandchildren," read the statement, according to Reuters. "He was an extraordinary talent and a true mensch."

According to MTV and the Associated Press, Eddie Fisher was the father of seven children and born to Russian-born Jewish immigrant parents in Philadelphia on August 10, 1928. He started singing as a child and eventually dropped out of high school. He was so good he eventually landed a $1 million contract to be Coca-Cola spokesperson and headline the first TV series "Coke Time With Eddie Fisher."

Fisher was first married to Debbie Reynolds, with whom he had two kids, one was Carrie Fisher. Unfortunately the marriage was interrupted when it was revealed that Fisher was having an affair with Elizabeth Taylor.

Later, Elizabeth Taylor would fool around on Eddie Fisher with Richard Burton.

Fisher later married Connie Stevens, then was associated with Marlene Dietrich, Dinah Shore, Angie Dickinson and Kim Novak.

Eddie Fisher later married twice more, and to Terry Richard and then to Betty Lin, who passed away in 2001.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oakland Mayor's Race: THREE Forums, Same Time, One Night

Oakland Mayor Candidate Terrance Candell
The Oakland Mayor's Race gets crazier. In 90 minutes something is about to happen that's never went down in Oakland's history.

At 6:30 PM, three Oakland Mayoral Forums will take place at the same time. One, the "first planned" one, is the infamous Oakland League Of Women Voters Forum that was going to have just two candidates, then opened it to all of them. The other, the "counter-forum" as this blogger calls it, is being produced by Terrance Candell.  The third is the "other candidates" forum at Calvin Simmons Theater at 10 Tenth St.

The Oakland LWV Forum is being held at The Kaiser Center Auditorium at 300 Lakeside Drive; Terrance's one-man Q&A is being held at the Laney College Tower Forum. And the "other candidates" forum is at The Calvin Simmons Theater across from Laney College.

All three start, as mentioned, at the same time.

Dr. Candell's forum started in response to the idea that he was going to be excluded from the Oakland League Of Women Voters Forum. But last week, the LWV elected to open the debate to all of the candidates, partly because of intense pressure and also because had they not, only two candidates (at best) would have appeared.

Overall, was it a smart move by Terrance? Maybe, but also he's not getting as much media out of it as he would if his name were Don Perata.

Follow me at

Zuckerberg 's Facebook Is Up For AT&T Users Not Others It Seems

It seems Mark Zuckerberg has a good friend in AT&T because for users at the Starbucks at 3347 Lakeshore Avenue in Oakland, California, where AT&T is the service provided, it's working just fine while for others, Facebook is down.

This blogger's using a T-Mobile wireless connection and getting the same "service unavailable dns failure" message that thousands are complaining about on Twitter and millions are experiencing.

And "Facebook Isnt Working" is still the third highest trend on Twitter. Facebook's down.

Even Facebook took to Twitter to inform users.

Facebook - Facebook may be slow or unavailable for some people because of site issues. We're working to fix this quickly.
about 1 hour ago via HootSuite
100+ Retweets

Unless you're on the AT&T network.

The gentleman I happen to be sitting next to was kind enough to allow me to take this photo to prove it. The picture, taken at 2:03 PM, PDT, shows that Facebook's working.

Mark Zuckerberg can at least thank God for AT&T.

Mark Zuckerberg Is Up, Facebook Is Down - God's Lesson To Mark

Just days before the October 1st release of The Social Network, the movie about the creation of Facebook and the players behind it written by Arron Sorkin, Mark Zuckerberg is enjoying a crush of media exposure: he gave $100 million to the Newark School System, and at 26 he's a billionaire and richer than Apple's Steve Jobs.

Oh, and Facebook is down. "Facebook Isnt Working" is the third highest Twitter Trend as of this writing.

For some reason 500 million people can't get on Facebook. The Twitter speculation on the reasons are just plain funny:

about 1 hour ago via web

AyyddG - i love the way @facebook has to use @twitter to tell everyone why it isnt working. #fail. 28 minutes ago via web

JimmySJay‎ - Kinda funny with all the #Mark Zuckerberg hype, #Facebook isnt working right now!
Twitter - seconds ago

fivedollarcouch‎ - mark zuckerberg must be holding facebook servers hostage to ensure that "The Social Network" doesn't get released
Twitter - seconds ago

Facebook is down. "Facebook Isnt Working" for this blogger either. For the third time in six minutes, this message appears:

Safari can’t open the page “” because Safari can’t establish a secure connection to the server “”.

The Fragility Of Wealth

Facebook's problems today show just how easy it is to achieve vast Internet wealth and just how quickly it is to lose it.

That "Facebook Isnt Working" is God's lesson for Mark Zuckerberg. A way of saying: be thankful and humble for what you have, because it can be taken away from you in a flash.

Hopefully, Mark gets the message.

Warning: Las Vegas-Based Righthaven Law Firm Is Suing Political Bloggers - Davey D

As the battle over a free and open internet rages on with telecom companies like AT&T and Comcast pushing and paying folks to allow an unequal playing field and get rid of Net neutrality, another more sinister tactic and player has reared its ugly head.

There are now group of lawyers out of Las Vegas who are connected to the Las Vegas Review-Journal running around suing small non profits and individual bloggers for ‘copyright’ infringement. On their side is the Draconian, hastly done DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act ) rules and the fear people have of expensive litigation and subsequent judgement.
Eva Galperin of San Francisco based Electronic Frontier Foundation penned this recent article warning bloggers what’s at stake…
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is seeking to assist defendants in the Righthaven copyright troll lawsuits. Righthaven, founded in March of 2010, files hundreds of copyright infringement lawsuits on behalf of newspaper publishers against bloggers who make use of news content without permission. To that end, Righthaven searches the internet for stories and parts of stories from the newspapers that they represent. Once they find content that has been re-published, Righthaven purchases the copyright to the article and sues the owner of the blog.
Galperin goes on to note that this company is doing what amounts to a copyright shakedown ala the RIAA who ran around suing thousands of people for downloading songs and then settling for a 2-3000 dollars. The two people that tried to fight the lawsuits found themselves being hit with huge judgements totaling over 600 thousand dollars. Eventually the RIAA had to abandon its strategy as 1-downloading did not diminish and 2-Record labels spent a whooping 17.6 million dollars in legal fees to collect 391 thousand in settlements. That of course is just for one year 2008…Looking at the RIAA books the numbers get worse. For example in 2007 they spent over 24 million to collect around 500 in settlement fees.
So while the labels themselves lost money, the law firms who aggressively came after people made tons of it. In addition most of the people who got hit wound up settling with the 2-3 thousand dollars being quite a hit in the pocketbook for many.
With this group of lawyers coming after bloggers, there appears to be a few things to keep in mind. First they were specifically formed to make money doing this ‘lawsuit/settlement strategy. In a Wired article that that profiled Righthaven and their CEO Steve Gibson, he was pretty upfront and brazen with his key intentions. They say in the article:
Gibson’s vision is to monetize news content on the backend, by scouring the internet for infringing copies of his client’s articles, then suing and relying on the harsh penalties in the Copyright Act — up to $150,000 for a single infringement — to compel quick settlements.
It was pointed out that the company was aggressively expanding its business trying to get other newspapers to sign on so they can sue on their behalf. They have over 70 newspapers on board.
The second thing about this group which is even more disturbing is that they are not issuing warnings or DMCA take down notices. They are just going out and suing folks which is seen as unprecedented in this industry. Many see it as abuse. Sometimes people quote from articles they gotten via email. Others pull from sources where no credit is given. Some think they are being compliant because they gave a link back and only used a quote or two. Apparently thats not good enough for this group.
According to Galperin’s EFF article, she points out that they are also going out and purchasing the copyrights to articles so they can go after folks. So maybe you copied something a couple of years ago and it was no big deal, in fact maybe it was from a local newspaper where they actually appreciated the extra attention you brought to their publication. Now with this group of lawyers they are going around and offering to purchase the copyright and then coming after folks. This is beyond chilling.

Eva Galperin of Electronic Frontier Foundation says EFF is helping fight those who are victim to Righthaven Lawsuits
Galperin continues in her article on Righthaven where she points out that one of their main targets are the non-commercial, political leaning websites and people and organizations written about by the newspapers. In other words, the newspapers that this group represents may do an article or profile on you. You like what’s written and thus want to share it with folks and post it up on your site and along comes these lawyers with no warning issued. They sue and push you to settle.
Just like the US Copyright Group shakedowns, and the RIAA shakedowns of the recent past, Righthaven relies on the threat of enormous statutory damages associated with the Copyright Act to scare defendants, often individual bloggers operating non-commercial websites, into a quick settlement, reportedly ranging from two to five thousand dollars. The Righthaven lawsuits are of particular concern because they sometimes target the operators of political websites who re-publish newspaper stories, chilling political speech. Righthaven has also targeted the newspaper’s source for the very articles allegedly infringed.
So basically what I did with this article from EFF where I reprinted parts of what they wrote might get me in a whirl of trouble with this group of lawyers. might get me caught up I guess on one hand folks should not be surprised at what’s going on especially during these hard economic times. The tactics folks are using are increasing ugly and causing or the threat of economic distress is one way to really shut things down.
One has to wonder who’s next? Will they now go after restaurants for posting favorable reviews on their websites or movie houses for highlighting good reviews? Will they come after parents who highlighted the sporting or academic exploits of their kids which may have been covered in a newspaper?

Tea Party Candidate Sharon Angle was recently sued by Righthaven for posting articles of herself on her website
We know that in recent weeks they launched a lawsuit against Tea Party candidate Sharon Angle for posting up material about herself on her campaign website. They want 150 thousand dollars and her domain name.

Although I’d be the first to say I disagree with everything this woman stands for on a political tip, she shouldn’t be sued. After all aren’t these outlets making money off her via their coverage? If they have an issue ask her to take down the articles-end of story.
Righthaven has also sued Ron Paul‘s Daily Paul newsletter and Alex Jones of Infowars.
Jones asserted that the lawsuit is without merit and that he intends to fight back and not be squeezed for money.
Some are saying this is a coverup to the groups main tactic of going after small bloggers. Whatever the case these lawsuits can and are already having a chilling effect. If the stories about President Obama being connected to Gibson and Righthaven because they worked at the same law firm Sidley Austin LLP in Chicago that is also disturbing if he agrees with their tactics
Eva Galperin points out in her article that EFF is seeking out people who have been targeted by Righthaven. You casn drop her a line at or visit their website
written by Davey D

Kevin Powell To Congressman Ed Towns, Brooklyn, and Black Leaders - by Davey D

This open letter may open up a can of worms but its necessary. Kevin Powell who many people know from the first season of MTV's Real World raises some compelling points when it comes to the issue of Black leadership. He feels that too many folks are stuck in era where there was one or two voices who set the pace vs a collective body of people chiming in..In 2010 that leadership model has resulted in what he coins 'Ghetto Dictatorships' this a trait you recognize?
-Davey D-

Kevin Powell: 
I first want to say thank you to God for giving me an incredible opportunity to run as a Democrat for Congress in 2010. I am so profoundly in love with Brooklyn, New York, with the residents of Brooklyn, because I truly believe in one Brooklyn, and I believe that Brooklyn is America with its great diversity and creativity and magic. Be it Russians in Starrett City, or Chinese immigrants or Puerto Ricans in Williamsburg, or African Americans and West Indians in Canarsie, or my Jewish sisters and brothers in Boerum Hill, I cannot begin to tell you how spiritually and emotionally uplifting this 2010 journey has been for me as a human being and as a man. Thank you, Brooklyn, thank you.
Indeed, I am so glad to have run for Congress, as I believe deeply in public service, in helping people, all people, to help themselves. We did not win the election but we did win in the hearts and minds of many Brooklynites and New Yorkers in general, and folks across America. There has been such a great outpouring of positive and affirming messages via phone, email, Twitter, and Facebook, that it is very very humbling, to say the least. I am invigorated by this love and support from everyday Americans. For we know that together we can make our country the land of opportunity and access for all.
Second, I want to thank my campaign staff, paid and unpaid, the ones who stuck with us to the very end, did not quit or make excuses, did their work and beyond, because they too believe in the power and nobility of public service. And because they really believed in our Congressional campaign from start to finish. I love each and every one of you, and I know I would not have made it across the finish line without your individual and collective strength and determination.
Next, I must say thank you very much to all the donors, voters, and supporters (both public ones and the silent, invisible ones) who helped us along the way. Suffice to say you were godsends to our Congressional campaign. Thank you for believing in me, and for having the courage to invest in a new kind of leadership for Brooklyn, and for America. A leadership that is honest, transparent, about practical solutions, and that puts people first, always.
Additionally, I must say this to my opponent, Congressman Ed Towns, his team, and his supporters: You may have won this time but it is so clear to so many that the days of your reign here in Brooklyn are very close to over. You’ve never had to work so hard to hold on to your seat, you’ve never had your nearly three decades of lazy leadership exposed so much and to so many, and you can no longer be invisible, silent, or otherwise missing in action to the people of Brooklyn’s 10th Congressional district, nor to the American people.
Mr. Towns, we expect you to earn the salary and great benefits our taxpayer dollars cover, and we expect you to think very seriously about your legacy as a Congressman in these final years of your Congressional life. When you and I crossed paths Tuesday night, election night, at that polling site near Starrett City, it was the first and only time we’ve ever had a one-on-one conversation, and I have lived in this community, in your district, for 20 years. You avoided debating me in 2008 (as you have avoided debating all opponents since you were first elected in 1982), and you avoided debating me again this year. And that is fine. It is clear you do not really believe in the very democracy that many sacrificed their lives for to achieve, including those in places like North Carolina where you were born and where some of the great battles of the Civil Rights Movement occurred.
But what was most telling about our conversation, Mr. Towns, is that all you could say is that you had not attacked me as I attacked you, and that you did not know me. First, let me correct you, sir: your team was relentless in attacking me personally, in the media, in the social networks, including many times very disrespectfully coming on to my Facebook page with the personal insults. We never did that a single time to you or your team or family. Never. What we did do was talk about your record. I never stepped into your personal life the way you did mine, although I could have, as there is much there to discuss. But we decided to be bigger than that, to talk about ideas and what we can do to help Brooklyn. Not once during this campaign did you offer any real vision for the future of Brooklyn, sir.
Moreover, Congressman Towns, it is a two-way street: you have to begin to respect and acknowledge the leadership that is not just your son, or your daughter, or your daughter-in-law, or someone you’ve handpicked to be in your Brooklyn circle. As I have stated before, what is most troubling for me and many others in Brooklyn is that within Black Brooklyn (as is the case throughout Black America) we have something I call “ghetto dictatorships.” In other words, you may have had good intentions when you first got into office, Mr. Towns, for I do believe you are, at your core, a good and decent man. But somewhere along the way you lost your way and your Congressional seat has become more about power and influence for yourself than about everyday people. This is particularly disturbing when we look at the poorest and most underdeveloped parts of Brooklyn’s 10th Congressional district: for example, huge sections of East New York and Bedford-Stuyvesant (especially inside the many housing projects in the district). These people need jobs, affordable and decent housing, afterschool programs, quality schools, senior centers,, and they need it now, Congressman Towns. Your job, as an elected official with access to federal dollars and a network you’ve created with nearly three decades in Congress, is to figure out basic solutions for the most vulnerable in the district by all available means. Earn your salary, Congressman Towns, and create a legacy, for it is not too late to do so, if you really care and if you really try. If you do not, I and many others, locally and nationally, are going to very publicly hold you accountable every single time you fail to be a loud voice for the people of this district. I guarantee that.
So I end this statement by saying that I challenge you, Congressman Towns, and all Black elected officials in Brooklyn and across America, to cease participating in these ghetto dictatorships, to really look yourselves in the mirror and answer the question I asked you, Mr. Towns, which you could not answer on Tuesday night: What is your legacy going to be, what have you really done for the people of your district, not just for a handful of people lucky enough to have gotten a job or favor from you? That is the true mark of leadership, to touch as many lives as possible, to help as many people as possible to become self-empowered, with or without legislation, and in as many creative ways as possible. Anything less means we’ve done a grave disservice to whatever God we claim to believe in, a grave disservice to the history and the people that came before us, and a grave disservice to that sacred space we call public service.
Kevin Powell is an activist, writer, and an author of 10 books based in Brooklyn, NY. His email is

Oakland Raiders Start Of Bruce Gradkowski Hue Jackson's Good Error

(First posted at

Bruce Gradkowski is the Oakland Raiders new starting quarterback, and naming him was a good mistake on the part of Oakland Raiders Offensive Coordinator Hue Jackson. Why Jackson and not Head Coach Tom Cable? Why a "good mistake?" Because it was Jackson who made it known to the Oakland Tribune that it was his decision, then he went to Coach Cable with the demand.

But to watch KPIX Channel Five, you'd think it was Tom Cable's decision:

That revalation, well explained by Cam Inman at the Trib, along with Hue Jackson's summer press conference where he talked about the conversations he had with Oakland Raiders Manager Of The General Partnership Al Davis, shows the real problem with the Raiders.

The Oakland Raiders internal organization is known for one thing: rise by backstabbing. In this blogger's 17 year association with the Raiders, example after example of employee character assassination by another employee leading to firings, ousters, or just plain confusion have come forward in an unending stream.

There's the Raiders Legend to claimed he had an office at the team's Alameda headquarters, but when one called for that person, was told he wasn't there and questions about "his office" were laughed at. When that was told to the Raiders Legend, he said "I have to talk to them." The Raiders Legend thinks he has power because of his access to Al. That's the one constant in all of the examples I know of.

And that was a tame example, but not to digress. Hue Jackson and Bruce Gradkowski are the latest in a broken, arguably non-existent chain of command that has come to define the Oakland Raiders.

It has been said that Bruce Gradkowski lobbied for the starting job, the implication being that not everyone in the Raiders locker room was in favor of his behavior. Now, because of Jackson's intervention, Gradkowski gets the start. Was it a good move? Technically, yes. Politically, no - from that perspective it was a disaster.

Technically Gradkowski operates the play-action passes Hue Jackson installed and calls with the proper single-hitch-step to throw, whereas QB Jason Campbell takes a half-beat longer. The difference between a completion and an interception. It's also an example of Jason Campbell's need for more reps in the system. But the bottom line is, at this stage, Bruce Gradkowski is better at executing that aspect of the Raiders Offense.

But in downfield throws Jason Campbell has the obviously stronger arm. Gradkowski's downfield coverage recognition and reaction can improve here - he has to learn to look-off the defense. There's not much difference between them, which is why when taking political issues into account, changing quarterbacks at this stage was a mistake.

Now, the Oakland Raiders have a divided team. If Gradkowski fails in his first start in the 2010 NFL Season, it will only get worse. And with Hue Jackson not shy about making himself look like the Raiders defacto head coach, it's going to make for a long season.

For Hue Jackson, who's ready to coach a team somewhere, he needs to stick to the role assigned within the job he took: Oakland Raiders Offensive Coordinator. Meanwhile, the real HC, Tom Cable, needs to give credit where credit is due and tell the media it was Hue Jackson's idea.

Meanwhile, the pressure's on Gradkowski to perform well against the Arizona Cardinals. This corner thinks he will.