Thursday, December 30, 2010

99er just says “NO THANKS” to Offer of Obama Thank You Card

Who else but this “yours truly” 99er would say “NO THANKS” to an offer of an Obama Thank You Card. I mean it might have some ebay value at the very least - Right?

The sentiment I believe was sincere when I received the email below from Joe Biden via OFA supporter Mitch Stewart today, but somehow it struck a deep chord of discontent within me toward recent events by My President. I was not feeling too gracious or thankful when I made my reply and tweeted it out (via Twitter Longer) to tons of media and 99ers for all the world to see, either.

Before I go on, I feel the need to say I love President Obama. I really HATE what he recently did with the tax extension and helping everyone in America in some form or another - EXCEPT of course the 99ers who needed help the most.

Perhaps I can best explain it by comparing it to the love you have for a dear friend who does something to really hurt you - intentionally or otherwise - it still hurts. You do not stop loving that friend, but you may be very angry with them for a while. Even if that “friend” tells you “I had no choice” it does not help much.

Then again it is possible that I am just furious that the 99ers were “Traded away” like prisoners may with cigarettes or bunk buddies for that matter. I cannot help it if I feel like I was passed to “Large Marge” from “Sweaty Betty” for a pack of Lucky Strikes. (But in this case millions of 99ers were left without means of survival so Millionaires can keep their South Hampton Summer Home servants on staff.) Outrageous. So YES you could say I am very PO’d at Washington DC in it’s collective worthlessness to hurting America....but I still love my President.

With that said, this arrived in my email inbox this morning: My words are bolded below and not part of the original email as received.....

Forwarded FROM: Mitch Stewart

Dear Friend --

Every day, I am proud to work with OFA supporters across the country -- which is why I wanted to make sure you saw the Vice President's email below.

President Obama will be sending thank-you notes to supporters, and he'd like to send one to you.

If you haven't already, sign up here to get yours:


-----------------Original Message-----------------
From: Joe Biden
Subject: We want to say thank you, with a note

Friend --

I've been in Washington for almost 40 years. I've seen a lot of Congresses come and go. But I can't remember a group of lawmakers who accomplished more than the folks who just wrapped up their work.

....Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla.......

But do you know why all that happened? Because people like you rolled up your sleeves, dug deep, and decided to make a difference. We had a dedicated group of lawmakers -- no doubt -- but they were supported every step of the way by folks from all across this country who were ready for change. People like you.

I know how much that means to me. And I can't even begin tell you how much it means to the President.

So here's the deal: President Obama wants to send you a note to express how grateful we are for all you did.

Would you like to receive one?

Two years ago, we were staring into an abyss. The financial crisis was the worst this country has faced since the Great Depression.

....Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla.......

Now -- even though we still have a ways to go -- the economy is growing again.

...........Yeah Right now can we hear the one about Cinderella Joe...I just LOVE a good Fairy Tale......

Prior to this Congress, lawmakers had talked about reforming health care for almost a century.

....Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla.......

The President and I take great pride in those achievements. But each one belongs to you. You believed in them, you fought for them, and we're darn grateful.

So let the President send you a note to show our appreciation.

Sign up here:

Thank you -- for everything,


I immediately sent the following reply via return email:

Dear Mitch,
Please tell the President to keep his worthless CARD! He SHOULD have helped the 99ers - that would have been worth something to me.


AKA Paladinette (try googling that name sometime - you and Obama might just learn something about how to help millions of hurting Americans OUR PRESIDENT bargained away for Tax cuts for wealthy contributers to campaigns - it makes me SICK)

PS- No more emails PLEASE We are DONE here!!!!!
Then went out a series of tweets to reporters, politicians and all manner of Media. This is the 1st one that I sent: On Thursday 30th December 2010, @paladinette said:
@joebiden @BarackObama @keitholbermann - Dear Joe - RE: Thank you Card from Obama - Please tell the President 2 keep his worthless CARD! He SHOULD have helped the 99ers - that would have been worth something to me. Thanks, @Paladinette (try googling that name sometime - you and Obama might just learn something about how to help millions of hurting Americans OUR PRESIDENT bargained away for Tax cuts for wealthy contributers to campaigns - it makes me SICK) PS - No more emails PLEASE!!!!! We are done here!
I sure hope I do not have the black limousines pulling up at my door for Tweeting my mind......ya think after all the indignities I have suffered as a 99er thus far, I may actually get passed to “Large Marge” from “Sweaty Betty” for a pack of Lucky Strikes too? OMG me and my big Twitter mouth... Hey Zennie I might need some bail money - LOL

[Please use the donation button below to help Paladinette to KEEP FIGHTING for the 99ers! Or maybe to bail her out if the Secret Service pays me a call YIKES]

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tucker Carlson On Michael Vick, Chris Brown Twitter Blast Talk Of Town

Tucker Carlson and Chris Brown scored the "Worst Person Awards" today. Tucker Carlson, the Conservative Editor of The Daily Caller and fill in for Fox News Sean Hannity got it for saying Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Michael Vick should have been executed for his role in a dog fighting business.

Chris Brown overtook Tucker for his Twitter-based, gay-oriented, homophobic rant where he blasted rapper RazB2K for tweeting this:

razb2k Skype me RazB2K
Im just sittin here Thinking how can niggas like @ebenet & @ChrisBrown disrespect women as Intelligent as @HalleBerry11 @Rihanna
11 hours ago

But rather than ignore the tweet and leave well enough alone, Chris Brown, apparently still with raw nerves about the Rihanna issue, had to chime in with a thug life tweet blast of his own. This one:

@razb2k nigga you want attention! Grow up nigga!!! Dick in da booty ass lil boy
9 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply

Then, it was on. But, for some reason, Chris Brown became obsessed with tweeting about RazB2K and gay sex. On and on, tweet after tweet, and really nasty stuff, Brown continued, until Raz tweeted...

razb2k Skype me RazB2K
@chrisbrown u victimize victims, ur a homophobe, ur on the down low & a woman beater. Merry Christmas & thx 4 showin every1 ur true colors
6 hours ago

The exchange was picked up by almost as soon as it happened, leading someone at TMZ to tweet that Brown's anger management training had failed.  They were not kidding.

Chris Brown should be ashamed of himself as should Tucker Carlson.  In Brown's case, he seems to have being gay or gay sex on his mind.  Why?  Who knows.

As for Carlson, he's really taking it on the chin around the Internet, and for good reason.   What would Tucker say about Oscar Grant?  Did Tucker think what happened to him was OK?   There's no question but that Tucker's comments had a racial tinge to them.

Oh, and a reminder to some: dog racing isn't cool either.  Stop sending emails trying to justify it.  Please.

Stay tuned.

Oscar Film Awards Season: The Social Network, Golden Globes, and The Jewish Question

There's a large list of Academy Awards (or Oscar) "Precursor" award programs that have already passed or have announced their nominations. So many, in fact, that it's easy to go through a week and miss several of them.

As we approach the end of 2010, a very long year, let's see what's happened to date, and on the way to the announcement of Oscar nominations on January 27th 2011.   I could sum it up by just saying bet on The Social Network for Oscar - Best Picture, but that would leave out a lot of news.

Before I continue, a thought on why this is important. In a New Media World, movies are still one of the best reflectors of not just our culture, but our changing values. What we prize, or don't, in film says a lot about who we are, and the human condition.

Movies, like Guess Who's Coming To Dinner and Philadelphia can help to spark awareness, change laws, and spark whole social movements.

Indeed, the Oscar Awards Season itself can be controversial, reflecting race, sex, and intra-ethnic issues, as has been the case with what I call "The Jewish Question."

Annie Awards and Sprit Awards nominations.

The Annie Awards nominations, for 29 categories representing the best in animated film, were announced back in December 1st, and for the award ceremony scheduled for February 5th. The contenders for "Best Animated Feature" are Despicable Me, How to Train Your Dragon, Tangled, The Illusionist, and Toy Story 3. Click here for the rest of the nominations listed at the Annie Awards site.

The Independent Sprit Awards is on February 26th, but it's nominations have been out for a few weeks. In the "Best Feature" category, the ISA's version of the best picture awards, five movies vie for the prize: 127 Hours, Black Swan, Greenberg, The Kids Are All Right, and Winter's Bone. Click here for the full slate of nominations for the ISA's.

The New York-based National Board Of Review's awards announcements were released December 2nd and The Social Network was named "Best Film Of The Year." David Fincher and Jesse Eisenberg took home best director and best actor prizes for The Social Network, the story of the actors behind the creation of Facebook. The National Board Of Review's awards gala is set for January 11th 2010; click here for all of the NBOR awards for 2010.

Washington DC Area Film Awards

The WAFCA Awards winners were announced December 6th, and features another win for The Social Network. It scored best film, best director, and best adapted awards screenplay for it's writer, Aaron Sorkin. Colin Firth landed "Best Actor" for his role in The King's Speech, while The Fighter got the supporting actor awards. For all of the WAFCA awards, click here.

The American Film Institute (AFI)

The AFI awards are split into Movies Of The Year, Television Shows Of The Year, and AFI Special Awards. The movies of the year are Black Swan, The Fighter, Inception, The Kids Are All Right, 127 Hours, The Social Network, The Town, Toy Story 3, True Grit, and Winter's Bone. Visit the AFI site here.

Broadcast Film Critics Association Critics Choice Awards

The Broadcast Film Critics Association Critics Choice Awards are out and for the ceremony set fo January 14th, 2011. The "Best Picture" competition looks like the one we may see for the 83rd Annual Academy Awards: 127 Hours, Black Swan, The Fighter, Inception, The King's Speech, The Social Network, The Town, Toy Story 3, True Grit, and Winter's Bone.

The same is true for Best Actor and Best Actress: Jeff Bridges - True Grit, Robert Duvall - Get Low, Jesse Eisenberg - The Social Network, Colin Firth - The King's Speech, James Franco - 127 Hours, and Ryan Gosling - Blue Valentine. And for the women Annette Bening - The Kids Are All Right, Nicole Kidman - Rabbit Hole, Jennifer Lawrence - Winter's Bone, Natalie Portman - Black Swan, Noomi Rapace - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and Michelle Williams - Blue Valentine.

The Broadcast Film Critics Association Critics Choice Awards site is at

The Golden Globe Awards Controversy And The Jewish Question

The Golden Globes, the Hollywood Foreign Press' annual shindig awards event, has Black Swan, The Fighter, Inception, The King's Speech, and The Social Network rounding out its "Best Picture" competitors. The controversy was around what some called the "snub" of The Coen Brothers True Grit from any of the major categories. For some reason, there's a set of blog posts and articles asserting that Jewish film makers do well as The Globes, and that

Here's the full list for The Globes, and pointing to The Social Network, Black Swan, where Natalie Portman is an Israeli netive, as films that "have a chance." Is that a PR stunt to appease fans of The Coen Brothers? I wonder.

It does offer up a question: If the Golden Globes are favorable to Jewish filmmakers, why not include The Coen Brothers and True Grit? A Google search for "Coen brothers jewish" provides a window into criticism of the brothers' take on "The Jewish Condition" and a posible reasons like they "just did't get" Jews, even though the Jewish brothers grew up in a Jewish suburb of St. Louis.

Haaretz's Uzi Silber spared no words in expressing his dislike for A Serious Man, The Coen Brothers take on the collapse of the life of a Jewish science professor, trashing the movie, and them, wildly stating that the pair "just didn't get Jews," and had little time for "them," as if The Coens were alien to the culture.

If Slber's view reflects those of Jews in Hollywood, it certainly colors the 2011 Oscar Awards Season.  Yes, we know the Oscars are political, but to the extent of ignoring a great work like True Grit? The answer here is "no," and it seems the issue's confined to The Golden Globes.

The Screen Actors Guild Awards

Jeff Bridges, who terrifically played Rooster Cogburn in True Grit, is one of five actors up for Best Actor for The Screen Actor's Guild Awards to be held Sunday, January 30th. The full list of nominations almost mirrors that of the Broadcast Film Critics Association Critics Choice Awards, with the exception of Ryan Gosling. That's also true for "Best Actress" but Hilary Swank for Conviction replaces Noomi Rapace and Michelle Williams. The SAG site is here:

The Social Network Is Tops

In closing, The Social Network's taking the Oscar Awards Season by storm.  On December 19th, The Satellite Awards named it "Best Drama," and it took home awards for director and screenplay (Fincher and Sorkin again).   The one film that may offer a challenge is Black Swan, which swept the noms at the Online Film Critics Society December 27th.

As to "The Jewish Question," stay tuned.

Tucker Carlson: Michael Vick "Should Have Been Executed"

Tucker Carlson disagrees with a call that President Obama made to the owner of the Eagles, in which the President stated that he was glad that the Eagles were giving Michael Vick a second chance.  Michael Vick was convicted of running a dog fighting ring and did prison time.  

Tucker Carlson made the statement while filling in for the show Hannity on Fox News.  

"I'm a Christian, I've made mistakes myself, I believe fervently in second chances, but Michael Vick killed dogs, and he did  in a heartless and cruel way," Carlson said. "And I think personally he should have been executed for that. He wasn't."

John Bobst aka The Force of Nature

Check out my blog at


Tucker Carlson On Michael Vick: Put A Sock In It

Tucker Carlson, Conservative Editor of the Daily Caller and fill-in for vacationing Sean Hannity on Fox News  (oh, man) opened up and said that Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Michael Vick "should have been executed" for his fiscal involvement in the business of dog fighting.

On this issue, Tucker Carlson needs to put a sock in it.

Like so many others in what I've come to call The Matrix - that combination of images, ideas, and the at times tireless attempts at maintenance of them, that defines American Society and forms what we call "stereotypes" - Carlson can be counted on to make a stupid statement from time to time.

And Tucker's really a smart guy.


It's just that Tucker says and does things that...Well, take how he impersonated MSNBC's Keith Olbermann a few months ago, flirting with an identify theft charge in the process.  

You see what I mean?

But if Tucker bothered to look at what's driving his need to make that statement - that subconsciously he thinks it's OK to associate executions with an African American man - he would see that wealthy white families like the Rooneys, who own the Pittsburgh Steelers, were involved in dog racing. Dog racing has a near-equal level of abuse to man's best friend, yet PETA and Carlson have ignored this.

Not a statement.

Tucker Carlson would not even think to suggest what my logical conclusion would point to. And that's the problem.

If Michael Vick were a wealthy, white dog racing owner, Carlson would have never suggested he be executed.  But because he's a black guy, it's OK.

Welcome to The Matrix.  

Vikings vs. Eagles: Mike Vick Victim Of Bad Game Plan

The Vikings vs. Eagles game may have been different if Philadelphia Eagles QB Mike Vick had a better game plan. This video was created to show what the Eagles should have done to place Vick in a position not to be hit as much as he was.

Have him sprint right, but from a formation that puts immediate receiving pressure on the defense. The Eagles left Vick as a sitting duck; he's of average height and defensive linemen were just putting their hands up to block passes. The Eagles offensive coaches failed to get him out of the pocket by design. The result was a lot of hurries, batted passes, and sacks.

But it must be noted that Vikings Head Coach Leslie Frazier came up with a whale of an offensive and defensive game plan. The Vikings under Frazier for a full season will be a force in the NFL.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jim Toth and Reese Witherspoon: Engaged to be Married

Jim Toth proposed to actress Reese Witherspoon over the holiday weekend.  This will be actress Reese Witherspoon's second marriage.  Jim Toth, an agent for the Creative Artists, and Reese Witherspoon started dating shortly after the end of her two year relationship to actor Jake Gyllenhaal.  The actress is represented by Creative Arts but not by Jim Toth.  "They are both extremely happy," said a representative for Reese Witherspoon.

John Bobst aka The Force of Nature

Check out my blog at


Adam Sandler: Another Death Hoax

Adam Sandler was the victim of a celebrity death hoax.  The rumor was reported by the Global Associated News and goes a little something like this.  "Sandler lost control of his snowboard and struck a tree at a high rate of speed… Sandler was air lifted by ski patrol teams to a local hospital; however, it is believed that the actor died instantly from the impact of the crash" 

This same hoax was spread around about Charlie Sheen a few days ago and Morgan Freeman was also recently the victim of a death rumor.  

John Bobst aka The Force of Nature

Check out my blog at


Tuesday Night Football: Eagles vs Vikings - Mike Vick Hurt By Game Plan

The first Tuesday night pro football game played since 1946 had a surprise ending. The Minnesota Vikings under Rookie Quarterback Joe Webb beat the seeming World-beating Philadelphia Eagles in Phili, 24 to 14.

While Webb's cool, calm, clutch performance in his first start made a lot of people say "Tavarez who," (referring to the Vikings other QB Tavarez Jackson) and cemented him as their new signal caller, it was a very bad offensive game plan that prevented Vick and the Eagles from playing up to expectations.

Michael Vick can't win. When his athleticism overcomes a bad game plan, everyone cheers him. When his athleticism can't overcome the bad game plan, everyone boos him. But the bad game plan, and the coaches who created it, goes without criticism.

Against the New York Giants last week, Vick overcame a bad offensive game plan with his legs and timely passing. But the Vikings used the same defensive game plan as that of the Giants, and with Vick not able to muster the same energy as the week before to essentially play out of that awful game plan, the Eagles offense stalled.

"That bad game plan," sets the relatively short Vick up in the pocket as a sitting duck, a focal point for blitzes. And those pass rush calls have come more and more over the last four games. But instead of rolling Vick out to have him throw more often than not, Eagles Head Coach Andy Reid kept Vick in the pocket.

The result: hurries, batted passes, and sacks.

And a shocking Vikings win.

Videos On Videoblogging - Tips, Irina Slutsky, And Gavin Newsom

In this vlogger's ongoing effort to encourage more people to video-blog, here are three videos I've made on the subject.

The first video, or vlog, is the most recent to date, and includes basic tips on videoblogging. The second vlog contains interviews with a number of people, including San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, and asking "What Is New Media To You?

That one was fun and demonstrates how easy it is to use the camcorder to record the views of others and produce a vlog.  (But, in the case of Cathy Brooks, I asked her to send a MPEG file of her "in car" vlog.)

Vlog number three explains how I produce a vlog and what equipment I generally use.  The fourth vlog is another favorite, and features pioneer vlogger Irina Slutsky and "Television of Tommorrow" producer Tracy Swedlow talking about video-blogging.

How To Vlog:

What Is New Media To You:

How I Make A Vlog:

Irina Stutsky And Tracy Swedlow - Vlogging Pioneers:

But, with all of this, you've got to do it yourself. Get out there and vlog!

Vanity Fair Magazine Print Edition Is Real Thin (Media News)

Vanity Fair is this blogger's favorite print magazine to buy at San Francisco International Airport when traveling. "VF," for all of it's faults, does a great job of presenting a certain way of the good life. While it could be more diverse in it's presentation of what that means, Vanity Fair is always an enjoyable read. The problem today is it's shrinking. Check out my video:

Yep. Vanity Fair's January 2011 print mag edition is a full 50 percent smaller in thickness than past issues. VF fans are used to seeing a thick, heavy, magazine, as was the case as recently as the December 2010 mag.

The one with Cher on the cover, wearing fishnets.

Or the April 2010 issue where Michael Douglas announced the new Wall Street movie, and the David Letterman sex scandal was detailed in all of its glory.

Those issues, two of countless many VF's I own, are all damn thick, heavy magazines.

Then, there's Johnny Depp, or the VF issue with Depp on the cover. There's only two words for it: shockingly small.

Curious, a little cyber walking revealed that Conde Nast, the company that owns Vanity Fair and other publications, embarked on an initiative to have its properties think in a more "business like" way. After losing $1 billion in ad revenue in 2009, it's no surprise to lean Conde Nast has some problems, but then, as it's CEO Chuck Townsend pointed out, so does its competition.

Its print competition.

Much was made of Chuck Townsend announcing how well Conde Nast was doing compared with Hearst Corporation and TIME media properties, but that's print. Magazine ad revenue as a whole barely recovered from the recession, and newspapers are just plain taking on water. Print's seen better days and before the Internet World.

The question is what's the future for Vanity Fair?

I can't see VF lasting as a monthly. Quarterly, yes. Monthly, no. Moreover, it's future is in television and multimedia. And it's got to up its audience grab from Oscar-related content.  Why in heck it doesn't emphasize video and video-blogging is beyond me, but the old heads there better wisen up before it's too late. The VF brand can survive, but it's got to grow out of its print-oriented mentality.

Blog Platform Downtime: Blogger Wins Tumblr Loses

Royal Pingdom decided to compare blog platforms for reliability way back in October; they just released their test results on December 17th. Blogger won and Tumblr lost.

Blogger - the favorite of this blogger, even though we also have a Word Press platform, too - had a 100 percent uptime rate. That means Blogger blogs were up and running 24 and 7, or 100 percent of the time during the two month reporting period from October 15th to December 15th.

For Tumblr, something weird happened on December 5th: the largest blog outage known to man in a long time. For 24 hours Tumblr was down from December 5th to December 6th, giving it a 97 percent uptime rating.


Add to that, Tumblr had down times before the giant December outage.

And it just happened to occur just when the watchful eye of Royal Pingdom weighed in.


Yeah, Blogger!

Stay tuned.   (Here's the full report.)