Monday, January 03, 2011

99ers Contemplate Fresh New Attack Strategy for 2011

Even as the rumors of the improving economy abound, the 99ers begin to contemplate fresh new attack strategy for 2011.

It is clear that what we did last year laid the ground work for our 2011 platform, but I am not of the mind that we should limit our participation to fax attacks, emails and phone calls to Washington. I believe there is strength in numbers and as our numbers sadly grow (according to Rant/Rave "The 99ers are growing by 35,000 people per week and it will continue to do so in 2011") , so does our political clout.

Personally, I believe that a 2 pronged attack in addition to the fax attacks, emails phone calls to Washington and joining free advocacy groups like U-Cubed is imperative and must be implemented with a vengeance.

WE NEED to fight Washington indifference to the plight and massive suffering of the 99er Nation with BAD PRESS and BIG PROTESTS! We need to push away the shame of being in the untenable situation of long term unemployment and the resulting poverty and take to the streets. We must be an ever visible force in the home offices of every member of Congress with great regularity and the Press by our side at every turn. We need to think and act outside the box!

I have read the 4 part story/plan All247News Unemployment & 99er's touted by Mike White (co-founder of American 99ers Union) and Michael Colliss and I for one am NOT impressed. But I have provided the link here for you to read and decide for yourselves.

Those who suggest we do the faxing, calling, tweet and email thing forget we tried that all last year beginning last Spring. This is the problem with that: The May Day Fax Attack that I spearheaded in MAY 2010 which lasted 15 days - that is exactly what we did. We faxed hundreds of thousands of our resumes - rejection letters, personal stories , late notices etc! to Washington and NOTHING except the laughter from our Speaker Pelosi at her weekly briefing May 29, 2010!

I have always loved the line in Fatal Attraction that Glen Close has - “I will not be ignored!” Well it is time we get out and be seen so we remain the #1 topic in the news until we 99ers get the help denied us thus far!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR for this: ATTENTION Rhode Islanders:
What: Free Community Dinner Sponsored by Senator Whitehouse

When: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 6 p.m.

Where: Portuguese Social Club 131 School Street, Pawtucket

This free community dinner is open to the public. Please feel free to bring your family and friends. If you would like to RSVP, or would like additional information, please visit our website a, call 401-453-5294, or e-mail RSVPs are encouraged, but not required.

Positive signs from New York’s New Governor:
Naomi Cohn, National Unemployment Examiner for, in her recent article NY's new governor refers to 99ers, unemployment extension, and jobs wrote - In his inaugural address yesterday, New York's new governor Andrew Cuomo said that jobs are his number one priority and that he is particularly concerned about those unemployed who have exhausted all available benefits -- the 99ers.

This is more affirmation to the 99er Nation that 2011 we will NOT be ignored or swept aside, under the carpet or otherwise neglected. Stay tuned for more! We are just beginning to heat up this fight.

[The donation button below is for me, Paladinette. If you like what I write please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]

Oakland Inauguration: Larry Reid Is Council President, Desley Brooks Is Oakland's Vice Mayor

Oakland, CA - Vice Mayor. Ignacio asks to recognize Councilmember Desley Brooks as Vice Mayor of The Oakland City Council. Oakland Councilmember Larry Reid (District 7) is now elected President of The Oakland City Council.

In his remarks, Larry thanked the elected officials new and incumbent, and said Oakland is one of America's most incredible cities.

Larry kind of got after Sanjiv for criticizing the city and said that over the next five years, Oakland would evolve into something special.

Ignacio nominated to hissing from some in the crowd. And here comes Sanjiv with a bunch of speaker cards which mean's he's going to talk for a while. He noted that the election of Reid and Brooks to President and Vice Mayor was four years too late. And he then said the problem was that Oakland's problem was City Hall.

Sanjiv pointed out that, even in this Council session, the public, which was to speak first, was not allowed to do so. He then says that Oakland has 658 police officers, and failed to use its additional income to help solve the problem. He now says "no more Mr. Nice Guy," and is going to go to court against them.

He then points to Prop 59, and a City Ordinance written by, John Russo, and then kind of gets personal with attacks on bloggers (not me), to the point where, as I write this, people are screaming for him to stop talking. President Reid said his time expired.

Election of President Pro-Tem was done. Here comes Sanjiv, again. But Gloria Bryant's going to talk on the open forum before he does.

Now, he comes Sanjiv.  He's pissed that he was cut off.  Hissing from all around.  Sanjiv, mockingly, says all of the people hissing will have their hands out for help and get nothing from the council.

After all that, metting's over.  Oakland Symphony's leader, Michael Morgan, who's moderated this event and excellently, takes us out.

Oakland Inauguration: Jean Quan Libby Schaaf and Pat Kernighan Take Office - Part 1

Oakland, CA: Live From The Fox - Today's a special day in the City of Oakland, because Jean Quan, formerly District 4 Councilmember, then the (to some) surprising new Mayor-Elect of Oakland after beating front-runner Don Perata thanks to Ranked Choice Voting, today becomes Mayor of Oakland.

Quan started the day with a walk from Chinatown through Oakland, and ending at the Fox Theater, where we are for the inauguration ceremonies. She held an inpromptu "thank you" chat with supporters and onlookers in front of the Fox, and was joined by Assemblyman Sandre Swanson.

Sandre, a protege of former Congressman and now outgoing Mayor Ron Dellums, issued what in retrospect, was the first sign that Dellums wasn't going to run for reelection: he announced his support for Quan. Moreover, Sandre's support for Jean never wavered. Now, today, he looks like a proud papa, grinning from ear-to-ear.

Libby Schaaf, Pat Kernighan, Courtney Ruby, and Desley Brooks Take Office

Today's also the day my long-time friend Libby Schaaf, who I said should run for Mayor, ran for City Council, and won in a landslide. She's now the new councilmember for District 4 (Oakland Hills - Montclair), replacing Quan.

With all this, Libby's still new to Oaklanders. I had to get the Fox Theater usher to let her in without a ticket, explaining Libby was one of his new representatives and she was about to be sworn in. That problem won't last for long.  Libby's going to make a big name for herself.

Pat Kernighan, the incumbent District 2 Councilmember (Chinatown - Lake Merritt) also won big over her challenger Jen Pae. For a while, it looked like Jen might upset Pat, but Councilmember Kernighan's vast set of long-established relationships formed a base that was hard to overcome.

Courtney Ruby, the incumbent City Auditor, also won over a chalenge from Michael Killian. Moreover, Killian's focus on auditing issues at CEDA, the Community and Economic Development Agency of Oakland, may have caused her to release her study on CEDA loans and fiscal reporting. One that Oakland City Administrator Dan Lindheim took offense to.

Desley Brooks won her 3rd term as Oakland's District 6 Councilmember and it was well deserved. While she has her critics, there are few elected officials who work harder than she.

The Ceremony: Some Highlights

Right now, Oakland School Board member Chris Dobbins is doing his best Sarah Palin impersonation, even to the point of bring up his entire family, "from Wasila, Alaska," he said.

And now we have Sanjiv Handa,long time journalist and City Council "whip, if you will, giving a speech to the Council. He is starting a new precendent. There are 100s and 1,000s of PTA's that are doing the things the city used to do, he says. Who ever is elected can revisit the basic purpose of government interaction: every aspect of public business must be discussed on public. He also wants an extension of time for speakers.

Handa was making good points, but is now putting the crowd on edge with some hissing, as he recounts his version of what now Governor Jerry Brown did to Oakland's School system while he was mayor.  That's not something Gary Yee cares about; today, he's the new President of The Board of The Oakland Unified School District.   He says that the Oakland School Districtis on the right path and is on a mission to graduate every student.  Yee also says we have a long way to go.

Fox Theater Attendance OK

With all of this, you'd think the Fox Theater would be filled to the brim, but no.  Even in the lower level area, there are empty seats.

Stay turned for Part Two.

George Clooney: why do some men remain bachelors? 7 common reasons. By Dr. Christina Villarreal

Hollywood's most iconic bachelor George Clooney (and two time winner of People magazine's Sexiest Man Alive) is often cited as a 'success story' by high achieving, adult men who choose bachelorhood over marriage. Unlike in past decades, society has become far more accepting of men who remain bachelors. Modern day bachelors are frequently financially successful who have adopted an enjoyable lifestyle on their own, dining in singles-scene restaurants or cooking artfully for one, forgoing family style vacations for jaunts to sexually hedonistic cities like Miami, Rio, or Vegas, indulging in expensive and/or time consuming sports like golf, sailing, or tri-athalon training, and of course, finding time to pursue a wide variety of women for company. While a modern day bachelor may dream of the exceptional woman who could excite and inspire him to forgo all of this, in the meantime, there is no shortage of modern, single women willing to gratify his sexual needs, perhaps hoping to be the one to convert him to marital devotion.

In my professional opinion as a clinical psychologist, I don't see anything wrong with men who feel that a life-long commitment to the same person isn't right for them. Many people lead rich and fulfilling lives having never married. Staying single is a viable choice for people who feel this way, and absolutely the right choice for those that feel marriage would cause them unhappiness. Over the course of providing therapy to men, and discussing this matter extensively with current day bachelors, I have developed an understanding of common reasons why some remain bachelors.

A common myth of the modern day bachelor is that none of them have an interest in committed long-term relationships. Some bachelors believe that they want a committed relationship/marriage ('one day' as many will explain), and can cite a host of reasons why they continue to be single. The central dilemma for these men often lies in the avoidance of hypocrisy. Meaning, while a stable, intimate relationship has it's benefits, the desire for sexual variety and freedom is often greater, so these men feel forced to choose. So the question is, why do some men choose bachelorhood over a committed relationship? These reasons vary greatly in my professional opinion. As Clooney himself has insinuated, relationships are very hard work, and bachelorhood is a strategy to avoid the emotional work necessary for a healthy committed relationship. George Clooney quotes:

"I was in a bar and I said to a friend, `You know, we've become those 40-year-old guys we used to look at and say, `isn't it sad?"

"The holidays are the toughest time for me. I just try to get through them. Being a bachelor has it's rough spots."

"We'd get into a fight and I'd just mentally leave. I'd think, 'In a relationship, we should never have his kind of fight.' Then, instead of figuring out how to make it work, I looked for a way to get out of it. The truth is, you shouldn't be married if your that kind of person."

7 Common reasons bachelors forgo committed relationships and marriage:

1. Emotions and relationships aren't always logical.
A healthy marriage requires the ability to experience and manage strong emotions while problem solving. While many men are quite successful at problem-solving and managing conflicts in their work roles and male friendships, they find that intimate relationships do not always follow the same logical path to resolution. These men often develop a disdain for personal relationships that do not feel 'logical' because they feel confused and unsuccessful at managing them.

2. Sexual boredom. Some bachelors fear the time when they can no longer confirm their virility through sexual conquests. When a man's self-esteem is closely tied to accruing new sexual encounters, he is bound to feel a tremendous blow to his ego if he cannot pursue the 'emotional high' that is often associated with winning a new woman's affection as evidence that he's still 'got it'.

3. Perceived loss of freedom and control. Many bachelors feel they can't fully be themselves unless they remain unattached to a woman, who they believe will undoubtedly try to control him. Even compromise that is essential to any healthy relationship can feel like a loss of power when a bachelor anticipates a 'take over' from the woman he's dating. Others grow weary of taking on responsibilities for anyone other than themselves (i.e. the old ball and chain.) Bachelors find support for their fears by pointing to married men who have far less time for male-centered activities, and can no longer make financial decisions that only benefit themselves.

4. Avoidance of marital disasters. To estimate his chances of marital success a bachelor often looks to his family and married friends as a prediction of his future. He will often zero in on examples of marital failure- married men who feel compelled to cheat, others who abandoned their children, or married couples who argue and fight over everything. Rather than subject himself to experience these marital disasters with someone he genuinely cares for, he rationalizes that remaining single is a much safer bet.

5. Absence of healthy marriage in childhood. Many bachelors cite an absent father or father-figure in their childhood as a reason for not developing the skills necessary to contribute to a healthy marriage. Others witnessed a father who was repeatedly unfaithful and unhappy in his marital life. These bachelors feel that without a good model to draw from, they are destined to become part of an inevitable, familial chain of marital failure.

6. Difficulty balancing professional goals with marriage. It's not uncommon for men to wait until they've achieved some level of occupational stability and success before choosing to settle down with a partner. Yet some men fear that a marriage and/or family will directly hinder them from making the career strides they envision for themselves (i.e. 'the workaholic'), and have difficulty accepting that it is possible to have both simultaneously.

7. Misogynistic or devaluing beliefs towards women. In my professional experience, a subset of bachelors share an ideology that women are inherently inferior to men, and aren't worthy of a man's commitment. Their beliefs prevent them from having enough respect for women to engage in a loving, committed relationship. They tend to view all women as opportunistic "gold diggers" who are incapable of contributing meaningfully to a man's life. The origins of their disrespect may come from dysfunctional relationships with their own mother, who they may have experienced as negligent, unloving, overly dependent on an abusive man, or otherwise poor caregivers.

Can bachelors like George Clooney be reformed?
(women around the world are holding their breath as they read below)

Many bachelors will wait to until they're old, bald, and/or grey and in need of a nurse before considering giving up their bachelorhood status- typically when the benefits of bachelorhood are no longer in reach (unless they're the Hugh Hefner sort, and can buy a young woman's company). Others will choose to bite the bullet and do it earlier so that they're not constantly mistaken for their girlfriend's grandfather.

However there IS hope!
Psychotherapy with a trained mental health professional such as myself can often help men overcome their commitment fears of marriage. How does this work? A good therapist will gently extract a detailed family and dating history, in order to pinpoint precisely when and how the running dialogue in a man's mind became "I'm better suited to bachelorhood. I need variety more than intimacy. I'm not cut out for married life." Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a highly effective clinical road map for treatment, if a healthy, committed relationship is the desired outcome. And when I say commitment, I don't mean just to a woman/partner, but to himself. A commitment to giving himself the opportunity to experience and receive deep intimacy, trust, acceptance of imperfection of yourself and another person, and most obviously, love.

This articles was written by Dr. Christina Villarreal, a licensed clinical psychologist based in the Bay Area, CA. For professional questions or referrals you may contact her directly at or visit her website at

Sunday, January 02, 2011

CES 2011 Las Vegas - Zennie62 Will Be There

Happy New Year, everyone! CES 2011, the annual Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas is this week, and, and me, Zennie Abraham will be there as a registered blogger (well, video-blogger, really). The focus for this video-blogger is a segment called "Digital Hollywood."

Digital Hollywood is, at once, a set of meetings of industry leaders in movies, television, computers, electronics and the Internet, and a focus on how Hollywood can use and is using the emerging technologies and practices. The three-year-old 3D Entertainment Summit, held in Universal City,CA last September is essentially the same approach, but Digital Hollywood is older and much broader in scope.

Because of this, Digital Hollywood has grown in size, has events in several cities, and represents 13 different sessions at CES, and on everything from "ad network hypertargeting," to "multi-platform distribution," and Internet video. will feature video interviews, photos, and Twitter tweets every day from CES Las Vegas, starting this Tuesday.

If you have any CES-related tips, email me at .

Panda Cow Comes From Gene Manipulation

Huffington Post
In Northern Colorado Chris Jessen bred Ben, a "panda cow," strictly for the purpose of being kept as a pet. Jessen claims that the "panda calves" can sell for $30 thousand, according to the Charlotte Observe Online.

The report includes that Farmer Jessen bred Ben from a mother Lowline Angus Cow. The panda cow has circles of white and black around its body.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

A 99ers Year in Review - 2010

A 99ers Year in Review for 2010 is a painful experience for many Jobless Americans. Most Unemployment Exhaustees (whether or not they received the full 99 weeks) are taking stock of 2010. Like most the rest of the world (except America’s Richest citizens), they (99ers) are praying 2011 will bring better times, not just more of the same agony and desperation.

More of the fight for survival, employment and help from Washington DC may well be the 2011 reality just the same. One thing we have as this year begins that we did not have 1 year ago = the attention of some media and politicians to the Fact we Need help now.

I for one applaud the anticipated stance from the Obama Administration, to focus on Jobs. Jobs, Jobs but they should have focused on that 2 years ago instead of a HCR bill that will not fully take effect for another 3 years still. It is Washington DC’s failure to triage and inexcusable indifference toward the large scale suffering within the 99er Nation that has millions on the brink of complete financial collapse NOW - TODAY!

Mr. Obama, it is not that we failed to tell you at every turn how badly we needed your help - as 10 months or more now without UI benefits has many in your voter base bitter, angry, hungry and homeless. You are the man in charge! You were not listening! You have waited far too long and now a great portion of the 99er Nation, even if they had a job offer tomorrow - couldn’t pull together enough money for transportation to and from that job in order to hang on until their first paycheck.

Jobs are what we want, but how are we supposed to hang on and survive until those jobs trickle down to us in the form of reality instead of just more rhetoric?

Had you listened to the 99er Nation, we would not be in the HELL we are in and have been for nearly 1 full year! Had you listened to the cries of you hurting American public, instead of trying to make nice with the GOPigs at every turn, you wouldn’t have suffered such a humiliating Democratic mid-term last year.

Your newly presented (via Gibbs) idea to focus on Jobs for the 99ers comes as much too little, much too late to save those whom you swore before God and Country to protect and serve.

Just incase you missed it, here are just a few of the ways the 99er Nation struggled to get the attention to this Social Holocaust which was necessary to receive the humanitarian aid USA would give to any other country in need (but with lightening speed as you would not ignore a foreign country for nearly a year). Also I have listed only a few of the most egregious indignities suffered by 99ers at the hands of those in Washington whose help we greatly needed.

Early 2010, anticipating the growing need to extend UI benefits, the US House of Representatives introduced H.R.4213 - Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010, sponsored by Charlie Rangle (D-NY).

On March 10, 2010 this bill passed the House and was submitted to the Senate, wheremany hundreds of bills go to die in recent years. I received a phone call from my sister congratulating me on this huge victory.... until I told her that it was not yet law and when it did become so, it would NOT extend UI benefits - ONLY the dates for the millions of newly unemployed to file.

I became so steamed about this falsehood being represented to the public that I recorded my first video an uploaded it to YouTube, in the hope that I could somehow educate the public as to this horrible and potentially devastating oversight by Congress to leave out the UI exhaustees from this “so Called” UI extension as time was running out for all.
Tier 5 to

Then Congress took a 2 week vacation (the only thing they seemed able to unanimously get passed the entire 111th Congress and Many Many times during last year) for Easter this time - leaving the longest term unemployed - now fully without benefits for the most part - and thus my next video: ODE to WASHINGTON a poignant little Easter break poem (in the style of Twas the Night Before Christmas) meant to slam Congress for their lack of urgency to help the true UI exhaustees - as well as the more recent unemployed Americans.

Then in the usual short-sightedness of Washington, led to yet another bill which put a band-aid on the American 99ers' amputated limb: HR 4851. . [From Forgotten jobless fight to be heard, survive]

On April 15th Mr. Obama signed into law HR 4851 a temporary extension of filing dates for unemployment benefits and related matters. The measure extends jobless aid through June 2. Democrats, anxious about high unemployment in an election year, are working on separate legislation to extend benefits through the end of the year. Obama urged them to do so and said, in a statement: "In these tough economic times, it is more critical than ever to bring relief to Americans who are working every day to find a job, and families that are struggling to make ends meet."
Hmmmm Mr. President. HCR had already passed, so exactly what is your excuse for not following through with tangible results for the Jobless who needed your help the most? Why each and every time did you stop at rhetoric only? I didn’t notice you twisting any arms in Congress to help the 99ers all last year like you did last month to get the Tax Breaks for the wealthiest 3% of know the ones who create jobs - OVERSEAS!!!!

This was the first of nearly three hundred 2010 articles and blog post From Paladinette AKA LaDona King which attempted to inform America, rally the troops of 99ers into action and shame Congress for their inaction on behalf of millions of hurting Jobless and their families - within the 99er ranks.

April 2010 was also when I began the first BlogTalkRadio show dedicated exclusively to “the stories of the unemployed, benefit extensions, Washington inaction to help the jobless millions, the out of control US unemployment rate and what Congress is not doing to help us.” Or better known as Jobless Talk.

That same month I surprised my rather "computer illiterate" self by successfully creating a website designed for the purpose of informing the masses, shaming those who would slam the jobless and a platform from which to launch campaigns the Unemployed could participate in to effect CHANGE in Washington. (like the May Day Fax Attack, twitter marches, callin, email etc) Jobless Unite. Almost immediately the Wall Of Shame became legendary - feared by Politicians and even some in the blogosphere. Now there is not enough space on the internet to even list all of those worthy of placement on the Wall of SHAME let alone enough time to update that page

The site had nearly 350K visitors in less than 3 months. My only regret is that NO MATTER WHAT WE DID - and we tried everything we could think of short of taking hostages - NOTHING seemed to get us the Tier 5 so desperately needed by millions. However I do not consider this a failure by any means by the 99er Nation nor do I take it personally. I simply remain committed to the cause and intend to keep on trying/fighting until we succeed!

...But I digress..... Who can forget Pelosi actually Laughing at our efforts to reach out in mass to those in Congress/Media that had the power to leverage the help we needed? Pelosi laughs at 99ers struggling without benefits - unemployed want apology for callous cackle

Our biggest break for the media attention needed to reach MainStream America came via Ed Schultz in May 2010. Throughout the entire rest of last year, (even as the world could do little more than focus on a gaping hole spewing oil into the Golf of Mexico) Ed was the media man leading the charge on behalf of the 99er Nation and has pledged to continue to fight for us now in 2011. Ed Schultz of MSNBC vows to stay on the 99ers' story until help arrives

Who could possibly forget the complete debacle with WNV over being ripped off to the tune of more than $1100.00 for Grone (owner of WNV) to have a trip to DC on the 99ers dime to deliver a petition that fell as flat on Harry Reid as possible. What a waste of time and money.

Also in June (after yet another long vacation in Congress) 5 Senators joined forces to introduce a stand-alone UI Benefits bill S. 3520: Unemployment Insurance Extension Act of 2010. Again the 99ers were excluded. We appealed to our patron saint (or so it appeared) Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) But it was too tough of a fight for the old gal apparently.

The House had their own version of that bill (it might behoove those Congress Critters to just KEEP IT SIMPLE rather than wasting time and effort on multiple bills that go nowhere at all - hint hint) Restoration of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act HR 5618 which passed July 10, 2010 by a vote of 270 to 153 - nearly 6 weeks after UI benefits had been cut off for the more recently unemployed Americans.

We got letters hand delivered to the President in June and September but for all the good that did we should have written to Santa.

In August we marched on Wall Street , had to defend ourselves against the ignotant rants of Glenn Beck and Rush. We got more empty promises from Stabenow and others to attempt to extort our votes under false pretenses and even more vacation time for Congress. (Q - Do these jerks even know the meaning of a hard day’s work? ANS: Hell NO they don't)

We were given tips and survival advice from Fox News “99ers - eat your own” .
99ers have tried social media, videos and more videos (there must be more than 300K unemployment related YouTube videos alone) There were National Candlelight Vigils for 99ers ...but wait there’s more: The Obama Bend over & the BIG lie about a 13 month UI extension and America STILL does NOT get it - that extending the dates to file for UI WILL NOT HELP the 99ers - PERIOD!

Next Whoo Hoo somebody in Washington actually has a heart and some "stones" to back that up... The CBC (congressional Black Caucus) stands up to demand 99ers be included in the Tax Breaks for the rich bill, but then they sit down.... Bernie filibusters in vain ,

Obama trades the very survival of the 99er Nation for getting his Tax giveaways done then escapes to Hawaii. While he did so, I took to altering lyrics for a 99ers Santa Baby rendition that had Twitter buzzing and hopefully 99ers smiling at least for a short while. And just when you think there is no time left in the year for yet another humiliation of distain from Washington... then to really rub the salt into the wound - Obama wants to send us a thank you card for being such suckers and scapegoats to boot.... But I passed on that offer - telling him through Joe (Biden not the plumber guy) "Keep your worthless Thank You Card."

I for one am ready to begin the fight anew starting Monday January 3, 2011 with renewed vigor and we have many things going for us already. The 99ers are more visible to the world now. We are no longer Washington's Dirty little secret!

We have CNN and MSNBC getting the truth out there. We found a theme song (every important cause needs a battle cry and that Tier 5 to Survive - though still valid was wearing thin) Bon Jovi's "Work for the Working Man"

We are a force to be reckoned with politically and an Administration embarrassment to be resolved ASAP.

I am ready, willing and able to take this fight up several notches so who is with me?

[The donation button below is for me, Paladinette. If you like what I write please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]

Friday, December 31, 2010

Stanford Cardinal Women's Bastball Snaps UCONN Streak; Here Comes Cal

The UCONN Women's Basketball Team enjoyed an amazing run of 90 straight wins, breaking a record set by UCLA under then-Head Coach John Wooten, and that seemed destined to stand for eternity.

Not any more. The Stanford Cardinal Women's Basketball Team snapped UCONN's streak with a dramatic 71 to 59 win.

While it's a certainty many people used their call phones to make videos and photos, finding candids online is a task. But this gem was on YouTube: a video of the on court post game speech by Stanford Head Coach Tara VanDerveer and her players, amid a euphoric crowd at Maples Pavilion last night.

Stanford can celebrate, and keep cheering its incredible night, because then Cal's hosting the Cardinal Sunday, January 2nd at Haas Pavillion in Berkeley.  Game time, 12:20 PST.


Graphic End to 2010 for 99ers - by Bud Meyers

This Graphic End to 2010 for 99ers is brought to you by Bud Meyers of Bud has been doing graphics for the 99er "CAUSE" for me since last March and it is incredible what this man can do from his little condo in Vegas on what he describes as a dinosaur of an outdated PC.

His work is so dead spot on from the point of view many desperate 99ers today. Since joining forces with Bud I have grown to appreciate his dark sense of humor and I have nothing but respect for his great talents in graphics and writing. Bud sends me some crazy, funny items to use and I try to use every one that I can correlate with one of my articles or theme from the various pages on Jobless Unite (my 15 page 99ers website started in April 2010.)

I really LOVED this 99ers Movie poster but was not sure how to incorporate it into an article, so chose instead to showcase it here in my last Zennie62 post 0f 2010.

Bud would hate for me to do this, but when have I ever let that stop me. You see, Bud is one of the hurting 99ers who will be losing the only lifeline remaining to him - his INTERNET access. The cable service (who provides Bud with his TV, phone and internet service) bill is now 3 months over due and if something does not happen fast to save him - the 99er cause will lose a valuable crusader in the fight.

Bud would be the first to tell you he is still one of the luckier 99ers as he still has a roof over his head, for the next month or so anyway. Find out more about Bud, enjoy his great talents as a writer and graphic artist at

Today Bud sent me the 99ers New Years poster for 99ers below. I personally LOVE the "Mooning of Congress" image. Honestly I could not think of a better way to bid you all a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2011. Enjoy!

[The donation button below is for me, Paladinette. If you like what I write please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]

Oakland News: Free Cab NYE Rides By Veterans Cab at (800) 281-4488

This Oakland News is too good to be true. According to @Rlarae on Twitter, Berg Injury Lawyers of Alameda, Ca. is picking up your cab ride for New Year's Eve only, and if you are calling within Oakland city limits.

All you have to do is call Veterans Cab at (800) 281-4488 anytime between 10 PM today and 4 AM (yes, 4 in the morning) New Year's Day and say that "Berg Injury Lawyers" is paying for your cab ride, and that's up to a $35 limit.

Unbelievable, huh? Well, I called Berg Injury Lawyers, and the gentleman who answered my call confirmed that news.

I hope Berg can afford the influx of charges they could get as a result of this blog post. Just 100 calls would be $3,500, but 1,000 calls would be a $35,000 charge to Berg.  Yikes!!

Well, maybe there's a tax write off I don't know about.

But I digress.

You know, the Oakland Police should be doing this. Paying for cab rides on New Year's Eve and other selected days, I mean.

At the very least it's a great counterpoint to the DUI stops they're not shy of telling people about from time to time. Moreover, it would give Alameda County Superior Court some advice to fire at DUI suspects in court, saying, "next time, just use the OPD Free Cab Ride Program."

Oh, well. Call em, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

99er Millions: Talented, Tenacious - Determined Not be Ignored

The 99er Nation is millions strong and full of talented and tenacious Americans who are determined - not to be ignored by Washington DC or the Media any longer. We have been used as political pawns without the benefit of “special favors” bestowed on other loud and vocal constituencies.

With the raging popularity of social networking and effective use of the internet to get the truth out to the World, the 99er Nation is agog with what 2011 will bring to our fight. YouTube has a prolific 99er presence which is growing each day with videos determined to get the truth out about the lies Washington has been promoting and the truths Main Stream Media has been complicit in keeping from this and other countries around the world.

One new comer who is making quite a splash (not to mention some excellent an professional grade videos for the 99er Nation) goes by the YouTube name ConcernedinKY who has generated several compelling 99er tribute videos on their channel this week alone.

A 99ers Tribute: We the People. (seen below) is described on YouTube as:

A tribute to the 99ers, the millions of Americans that have exhausted all of their unemployment benefits and are unable to find a job in this failing economy. They should be commended for their courage. They face unbelievable heartache and hardship every single day, yet they are still there for one another and, despite it all, they still love their country.

The 99ers are not the problem, they are the solution. They will be the ones that will rebuild this Nation back to greatness through their hard work, their dedication, and their heart, through their soul. They are America and they need a lifeline.

Who will do the right thing? The American thing? Who will work for the working man

We the People also has the most poignant words at the video’s closing moments which read:

It is not the Democratic thing to do.

It is not the Republican thing to do.

It is the American thing to do.

It is the right thing to do.

The 99ers are not the problem.

They are the solution.

Help them to help this Nation

become great again

by providing them

with a lifeline in this time of crisis.

Who is going to work for the

the working man and

Extend UI for all?

Other excellent videos by this YouTube Contributer are: In loving memory... dedicated to Al and Mark and all the other 99ers we have lost and just today a rousing tribute to the American Worker you must see for yourself at:

I was determined to reveal the Great American 99er behind these inspiring videos, so I reached out to ConcernedinKY by email and Facebook, requesting a bio and perhaps an interview so that I can tell their story in the Blogosphere.

The response I received was typical of the big hearted talent which humbly shines throughout their YouTube 99er Tribute videos. This was their reply:

Who I am isn't really important, it's the story of how I got where I am that matters.

I was working as a pet groomer in a fairly successful boarding facility in Kentucky when it went belly up. Sixteen people lost their jobs when the business failed and of those sixteen people nine of them have been unable to find jobs. Nine out of sixteen of them are 99ers. Over half of them, over half, have exhausted all of their unemployment benefits. All nine of us worked hard every single day. All nine of us put everything we had into our jobs because all nine of us loved the family pets we worked with. Out of the nine that are still jobless, six of them have been forced to re-home their own beloved animals. Four of them have lost their homes and are currently sleeping in spare bedrooms or on the couches of family or friends. They consider themselves fortunate... Hard working people, the backbone of our Nation, consider themselves fortunate to just have a place inside to sleep during cold winter months. If you are fortunate enough to have job take a good look at over half of your co-workers and then take a good look in the mirror at yourself and remember just one thing: Any one of them could be me, including yourself. If you think it can't happen to you? Well, let me tell you that we all thought that, every last one of us. So, to sum it all up, who I am doesn't matter, what I've become is important. I am an American 99er and I am one of millions. (end of email)

Humble, talented, humanity minded....I’d love to see any of those qualities in Congress but it is not bloody likely to happen in my lifetime. Truth is our country is in the death grip of some of the most greedy, selfish, ignorant, corrupt and unAmerican b@$#ds that ever walked the face of this earth. Enough said except for: May God Help US!

The second video:
Another of the numerous YouTube political reporters out there is lessions4u2learn whose Video UNEMPLOYMENT HO HO HO 13 month UI Extension LIES and the 99ers Big Push for Tier 5 and is done to a Tech-no version of Silent Night, actually has words from a few of my blog posts on the subject! KUDOS and humble thanks for doing your part to expose the truth about the BIG LIE in the “Obama Bend Over.”

[The donation button below is for me, Paladinette. If you like what I write please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]

Earthquake In Indiana, Crowds At O'Hare Airport, Chicago

As it seems every person's moving through Chicago's O'Hare Airport except this blogger, there are reports of a 3.8 Richter Scale Earthquake in Indiana. Obviously, it wasn't large, because there's almost zero buzz about it here at United Airlines' "C" Concourse, where I'm blogging near Gate C15. Given the proximity to the Hoosier State, you'd think otherwise.

But everyone's too busy trying to get to some place to care and many not to Indiana.

One of them is me.

Back to the Indiana Earthquake.

The quake was said to have struck just at 7:55 AM and 50 miles north of Indianapolis, and three miles below ground. While it lasted "just a few seconds" it was felt in four states: Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and Wisconsin.

What's weird is there's no reported fault line in the area. Moreover, earthquakes just don't happen there much at all. But a backlogged O'Hare Airport, more specifically the United Airlines terminal on the eve of New Year's Eve, is far more common.

As I write this, I'm waiting for what will be my fourth flight today. Yes, I'm used to waiting and always optimistic, but now it's time to consider an alternative. The good news is many flights are leaving; few cancellations.

Like LA rather than San Francisco.
