Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chrissy D and Brad on America the yacht
Chrissy D and Brad on America the yacht
Beth, Hana, Christine, and Carol at Golden Gate Yacht Club
Beth, Hana, Christine, and Carol at Golden Gate Yacht Club

Harold Camping Family Radio End Of The World Apocalypse, Wrong

The Golden Gate Bridge by zennie62
The Golden Gate Bridge, a photo by zennie62 on Flickr.

Well, it's Saturday, May 22nd, 11:42 AM, and we're all still here. That means Harold Camping Family Radio's "End Of The World Apocalypse," was just plain wrong. And I use this photo I took of the Golden Gate Bridge from yesterday's cruise about the yacht America, to illustrate how wonderfully awesome it is to be alive.

(But what's neat is to see all of these words dominate search trends: apocalypse, end of the world, doomsday, rapture, mayan calendar 2012, world clock, and May 21)

And what does Harold Camping himself have to say about it? Well, at this point and as of this writing, nothing at all. Silence.

But Camping does owe some explanation to those people who believed him. People who've sold their possessions, or spent their life savings all because they believed him.

What they didn't believe in was God.

There's nothing in the Bible that expressly points to this day as the end of the World. Moreover, regarding The Second Coming, the Bible also states that we will not know when that happens.

You do know what the real problem is, don't you? It's what I'm going to start called The Stephen Hawking Problem. That's where people have faith in a person for a set of reasons that are really just based on their desire to have faith in what that person says.

Hawking says Heaven's a "fairy tale" because he can't see it. His believers agree with them because they have faith in what he says.

Harold Camping said the World's end would be today, and his believer's had faith in his words. Camping's wrong and because of the basic fact that we're all here.

Hawking's believers should take that as a warning not to blindly follow what another human being says. And by "blindly," I mean without a solid set of reasons for doing so.

If you're going to have faith in that person, just admit that's what it is, and stop trying to rationalize it.

I have faith that God, my Mother, and my friends love me. That's enough for me.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Swedish Women's Congregation at Golden Gate Yacht Club
Swedish Women's Congregation at Golden Gate Yacht Club
The Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge
Capt Troy Sears
Capt Troy Sears
Liza and Kathy on America
Liza and Kathy on America
The Yacht America.   Set to sail today in San Francisco
The Yacht America. Set to sail today in San Francisco

TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon Sunday In NYC

The second TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon is this Sunday in New York City, and promises good food and fun, and working wifi!

This time, the location is Pier 94, at Pier 94, at 755 12th Ave, at 55th St. & 12th Av., in New York. A location that overlooks the Hudson River, and perfect for anyone who wants to take a dip after one of Michael Arrington's interviews.

Over 500 programmers are expected at this year's Hackathon, and you can visit this page (click) for more information.

Arianna Huffington Talks With Arrington

In the post AOL TechCrunch world, what would TechCrunch Disrupt be without a talk with Huffington Post founder and AOL content chief Arianna Huffington.

Think Michael will get this kind of treatment from Ms. Huffington:

Probably not.

Stay tuned.

May 21 Doomsday: Harold Camping Blames Gays, Crits San Francisco

As we all wait for The End Of The World that will not come, Harold Camping is blaming gays for the anticipated May 21 Doomsday.

In the video below, the Oakland-based Camping says...

"It's always been Homosexuality to some degree. But never where it is accepted in country after country, state after state. We've wonder what is really going on that this is accepted so rapidly, and all over the World. That is a tremendous sign that we are at the threshold of Judgement Day....It was always very interesting to me, that here is Family Radio that is insisting on the truth of the Bible and trying to tell the whole World living right next door to San Francisco. How interesting that God has placed us here, right in the cesspool.

Here's the video:

Well, it seems all of this "complex math" that led Camping to the May 21st Doomsday was really basically done to give some justification for his own issues with Gays. 


Judgement Day May 21, Harold Camping In Oakland, CA

Well, it looks like Oakland's got a center-stage position in this story of Judgement Day May 21, The End Of The World 2011, or The Rapture, or The Apocalypse, or whatever.

Harold Camping, the founder of Family Stations, Inc., and the producer of the assertion that the end of the World was coming, well, tomorrow, Saturday, May 21st, is based not in San Francisco, as I reported in my video-blog denouncing his prediction...

But is right here in Oakland, California.

According to a company profile dated December 6, 2010, Family Stations, Inc, is located at 290 Hegenberger Rd., Oakland, CA 94621, United States.

The number is (510)568-6200, (510)568-6190 fax, and the website is at

Now don't go down there bugging the man, please. Just because he made a prediction you and I don't agree with doesn't translate into idiotic behavior from you. It's Friday, find something else to do.

After all, it's not the end of the World.

Oakland Coliseum Vs. Golden State Warriors Litigation Update

The interesting news of litigation between the Oakland Coliseum and the Golden State Warriors mentioned in my last blog post just became more interesting. It was hard to get any good intel from what has been a closed-session conversation as of Apr 15, 2011. And one document that was, at one point on the Coliseum's website and referring to this legal battle, was interestingly removed.

But some light emerged at the website of Keker &Van Nest, and one lawyer named Daniel Purcell, who claims:

Golden State Warriors v. Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum: We represented the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority in a series of disputes with the coliseum's professional basketball team. These disputes, involving tens of millions of dollars, arose over more than ten years and involved miscellaneous claims and cross-claims. Over the course of four arbitrations, we collected $32.25 million for our client.

And I put that in image form, in case Mr. Purcell was urged to take down the text by his client (and the same text appears on the profiles of three other Keker lawyers too). It's here now.

So the Coliseum got $32.25 million from the Warriors? What was it used for?  What was the problem to start with? 

Thanks to Keker's lawyers, we have some new information not noted anywhere else online, at least thus far.

Stay tuned.