Saturday, November 08, 2008

Oprah Was Crying With Sam Perry of Obama For America

Folks are asking who the man on who's shoulder Oprah Winfrey was crying as President-Elect Barack Obama (love the sound of that) was speaking Election Night at Grant Park in Chicago.  According to Valleywag, it was Sam Perry , who was communications director with Obama for America in Chicago, but is also a Silicon Valley investor.  Here's the scene at Grant Park:

Prop 8 Protest In San Diego Draws 10,000 People

The narrow passage of Proposition 8, which makes marriage between the same sexes illegal in California, has sparked a string of protests and legal challenges.  This one is in San Diego and captured by this iReporter, Chris Murrow:

Palin Responsible For Spike In Death Threats Against Obama

Sarah Palin's attacks on Barack Obama's patriotism provoked a spike in death threats against the future president, Secret Service agents revealed during the final weeks of the campaign.

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Obama Says Speedy Action Needed on Economy -

President-elect Barack Obama called on Friday for the Bush administration and Congress to enact an economic-stimulus package, and he pledged to confront the country’s economic crisis “head on” the moment he is sworn in on Jan. 20.

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Melissa Etheridge says No Gay Marriage -- No Taxes!

Melissa Etheridge took a vocal stand, arguing that the passing of Prop. 8 means the taxman may not benefit from her income as a musician.

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Calista Flockhart Is A Cutie

Famous Ally McBeal star, Calista Flockhart attends the Peace Over Violence’s 37th Annual Humanitarian Awards at the Beverly Hills Hotel on November 7, 2008 in Beverly Hills, California.

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More has Been Read into Obama's Statement: Inderfurth

New Delhi: A key adviser to US President-elect Barack Obama sought to playdown the Democrat leader's reported suggestion that he could ask former President Bill Clinton to mediate between India and Pakistan, saying

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