Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Boeing Airborne Laser Weapon Fires for the First Time

Boeing and the US Air Force keep advancing in their airborne high-energy laser weapon, the modified 747-400F that is designed to shoot down missiles as they fly to their targets. Last week they fired the entire laser system for the first time ever at the Edwards Air Force Base in California.

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Google Chrome Browser To Support Customization

Google has launched an effort to make it possible for developers to offer ad-blocking and other extensions for Chrome, a move that would give the Google Web browser the same level of customization as Mozilla Firefox.

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Derek Anderson of the Browns ruled out for season

Cleveland Browns quarterback Derek Anderson has been ruled out for the rest of the season after suffering a knee ligament injury in Sunday's defeat by the Indianapolis Colts. Anderson will not require surgery, however, and should be fit in four-six weeks. Cleveland are 4-8 after Sunday's loss and Ken Dorsey will step up to be starting quarterback.

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Tom Cruise Is A Midget

So sad, but so true.

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Safari Tops 7% Of Browser Market Share, Mac OS X On The Rise

Apple's Safari web browser has crested 7% of worldwide browser market share according to online research firm Net Applications.While Safari's accomplishment is significant the biggest winner is clearly Mozilla's Firefox which crested 20% market share and climbed nearly an entire percentage point in one month.

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Change.gov Set Free

"Consistent with the values of any "open government," and with his strong leadership on "free debates" from the very start, the Obama team has modified the copyright notice on change.gov to embrace the freest CC license."

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Bush FCC chairman considering 'porn-free Internet'

Bush Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin is still considering a proposal to create a free, porn-free Internet, according to today's Wall Street Journal. Martin was Deputy General Counsel for the Bush-Cheney 2000 recount.

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