Monday, December 22, 2008

L.A. can use race as factor in magnet schools

More at SFGate: “(12-21) 17:43 PST -- Los Angeles can continue to seek racial balance in assigning tens of thousands of students to specialized magnet schools despite California's voter-approved ban on race preferences in government programs, a state appeals court has ruled.

Friday's decision by the Second District Court of Appeal in Los Angeles preserves the long-standing desegregation program in the state's largest school district in the face of a challenge by backers of Proposition 209, the 1996 ballot measure. Lawyers in the case disagreed on whether the ruling could also affect a lawsuit against the use of race in Berkeley school enrollments.”

Hangar One Vodka Macy's San Francisco Cocktail Event

I was a special guest of of Liza "The Wine Chic" Zimmerman at this Hangar One Holiday Cocktail Mixing event at Macy's SF and which introduced Hangar One Vodka and Mixologist Scott Beattie. Hangar One is made in Alameda, California

Hangar One Vodka Macy's San Francisco Cocktail Event

I was a special guest of of Liza "The Wine Chic" Zimmerman at this Hangar One Holiday Cocktail Mixing event at Macy's SF and which introduced Hangar One Vodka and Mixologist Scott Beattie. Hangar One is made in Alameda, California

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Biden To Chair White House Middle Class Task Force - Huff Post

See Huff Post for more: “WASHINGTON — As vice president, Joe Biden will oversee an Obama administration effort to find ways of building up the ranks of the middle class, that ambiguously defined segment of society most Americans identify with.

The task force will include four Cabinet members as well as other presidential advisers, the Obama transition team announced Sunday.”

Rahm Emanuel Cleared - George Stephanopoulos, ABC News

George's Bottom Line: “Sources tell me that the Obama team's review of contacts with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich will show that Rahm Emanuel had only one phone conversation with Blagojevich.

The contact, described as a "pro-forma" courtesy call, came as Emanuel was named Chief of Staff for Obama.  Most of the discussion concerned Emanuel's Congressional seat (which had previously been held by Blagojevich), with only a "passing reference" to the Senate vacancy, according to these sources.  No deal for the Senate vacancy was discussed.”

Rod Blagojevich - Holly Madison Sex Scandal Helps Blago!

On Friday, December 19th, Illinois Governor Rob Blagojevich stood before the cameras and said he would address the charges against him. What would help is a sex scandal with ex-Hugh Hefner girlfriend Holly Madison!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

LOUIS UCHITELLE: Maybe It Can’t - A Trap in Obama’s Spending Plan -

Source: “That is the risk facing Mr. Obama’s plan. By January, Congress will probably be asked to approve an outlay of more than $700 billion. Spent in one year on construction, research or equipment, it might well offset the contraction at first. But unless it also revived general confidence, the economy could collapse again, once the money was gone.

“If that spending can’t get the private sector going, then it is just a make-work maintenance operation,” said Stanley Moses, an economist at Hunter College in New York.”

-- I disagree with this because it ignores the ripple effects of spending in the form of architects, caterers, construction vehicles, and other local spending due to these projects. we've let billions in roads and public works go without repair for decades. There's a lot of work out there. But spending for a manufacturing public works effort would go a longer way toward rebuilding the economy.