Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Elin Nordegren in People on Tiger Woods Divorce and family

No More  
In an online teaser to sell their offline magazine on Friday, (they should have done a video as well), People Magazine shares what Tiger Woods now-ex-wife Elin Nordegren says after her divorce from Tiger Woods last Monday.

Elin said this:

I have been through the stages of disbelief and shock, to anger and ultimately grief over the loss of the family I so badly wanted for my children. I also feel stronger than I ever have. I have confidence in my beliefs, my decisions and myself.

She should also add that having a lot of money helps.

Tiger Woods' World Ends

To recap, over the time of their marriage Tiger Woods had sex with as many as 14 different women. All of this slowly came to Elin Nordegren's attention starting Thanksgiving night 2009, when Woods had to explain a phone call from one of his mistress friends, in that case Rachel Uchitel.

In trying to take a late night drive to escape arguing with Elin, an ambien-drugged Woods crashed his car. That set in motion a wild chain of events, marked by almost every one of his women using the situation for their own benefit, or trying to.

Remember Porn Star Holly Sampson?

Seeing all of this and being all the more hurt by it, was Tiger Woods wife Elin Nordegren. Now, after working to stay out of the public eye and sending a message by not appearing anywhere with Woods, her divorce (that as it turns out she sought when he elected to return to Golf when she wanted him to quit for her) is final.

It's the reason, the real reason, Tiger Woods' golf game is terrible: he lost what he probably believed he would always have: Elin Nordegren.

In a way, Tiger Woods is starting to remind me of Charles Foster Kane. He, of the movie Citizen Kane, believed he could just buy things and people. Until, in the end, he lost all of them and passed away alone.

Of course, it's too early in Tiger Woods life to write that kind of story. I hope.

Mike Bloomberg flushes democracy away again by Suzannah B. Troy

Note:  I am a very tired artist and activist -- so I am writing stream of consciousness -- my art and it is important to read the last paragraph first if need be about how Mike Bloomberg flushed democracy down the toilet yet again.  Perhaps he is using the mosque to distract the people from what feels like a crime.

While king Mike Bloomberg is busy being a hero to the Muslim world from moderates to extremists that all share his view that we must have a mosque by the World Trade Center site despite the enormous pain it is causing the victims families still not done burying their dead as more body parts have recently been found and who funds their mosque is none of our business -- and folks Mike feels that way about his Cayman Islands investments as well....

and Mike Bloomberg champions yet another unwelcoming sky scraper blotting out more sun and Mother Earth --  that would over shadow the Empire State Building and push more reckless development that I characterize as greedy and stupid.  Why?  Our infrastructure is shot to hell, Bloomberg and his socialite mega-millionaire city planner Amanda the people's Burden are responsible for mass displacement and we have a city council were many get kick backs from developers called campaign donations....  Amanda the mega-millionaire city planner goes to the American Indian Museum of all places to pat herself on the back for her mass displacement aiding and abetting NYU, Cooper Union and for Columbia University she supports the abuse of eminent domain displacing an entire neighborhood called Manhattanville.....

but that is not even why I am writing this piece today..

Mike Bloomberg does not want you to know or pay attention to the fact that he and his minion have successfully flushed democracy down the toilet yet again.  Bloomberg with the help of his mini-me Christine Quinn and many believe a back room deal -- where she aids and abets him in denying us a referendum and pushes through a third term -- in return king Mike will place his queen Christine as mayor of New York and perhaps he can run the city for a fourth term via Quinn from the golf course!

Read what I wrote about what Bloomberg does not want you to know about a "deal" or a decision made my people he appointed who decided to give city council a third term.  When you get to the posting on my you will see I list posting after posting of how city council members have abused their position and some like Miguel Martinez would voted to extend term limits admitted he was stealing tax payer money.   I don't have time to give you link after link how investigation in to city council members and staff stealing money where either they plead guilty, some how weaseled out -- sorry to insult weasels or the investigations are still open as in Larry Seabrook as just one example but all the city council members guilty of slush and nepotism, etc. all voted to extend term limits and they get to stay on yet again for a 3rd term without the people of New York City getting to vote on it!!!!!!

Read my piece....



King Bloomberg DOB law suit round 2 NY State Society for Professional Engineers vs. DOB

King Mike has a habit of throwing out the proper requirements for commissioners in city government.  Commissioner Ray Kelly of the NYPD may be the only long standing commissioner that actually worked as a police officer.

Mike Bloomberg tossed out the requirement that the commissioner of DOB have an architectural or engineering degree.   The NY State Society for Professional Engineers took king Mike and DOB to court and lost the first round.

Round two begins September 7th when the case will be appealed in the appellate division.

Stay tuned..

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski Losing To Joe Miller In Alaska GOP Primary

If Lisa loses, she may go fishing for Sarah
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski is behind by 2,000 votes, 45,909 to 43,949, to challenger Joe Miller in the Alaska GOP Primary.

 If Lisa Murkowski loses, it will be viewed here as a win more for Sarah Palin than for the Tea Party Movement.

Look, Lisa Murkowski has a seat Palin felt should have been hers long ago. But Lisa's daddy, Frank Murkowski, picked his daughter to be Alaska Senator in 2002. Then Palin beat Frank Murkowski in the Alaska Gubernatorial Race in 2006. Over the course of time, Palin has made it known she felt that Senate seat should have been hers.

This isn't about the Tea Party; this is a catfight.

And I don't care if you bring up a Black Conservative from out of state and tell people a Black Conservative is stumping for Joe Miller and how great it looks, as the so-called American Thinker (smoking a GIANT bong in the process) presented. This is still about Lisa and Sarah.

But, yeah, some brother named Lloyd Marcus was trucked up to Alaska by the Tea Party Express to stump for Joe Miller! Why in God's good name would the Tea Party Express send a black guy up to Alaska to help a white GOP candidate? To show that the Tea Party Express and Joe Miller really do have black friends.  (Meanwhile CNN gives the racist Tea Party guys airspace, painfully reminding the Tea Party Express of its real roots.)

What's more shameful is Lloyd Marcus allowed himself to be used in this way.  If you look at the American Thinker (LOL), Mr. Marcus looks like he should play the Sheriff in Blazing Saddles.

Now a fair bet is  Lloyd Marcus is a beautiful man.  He has to be just to put up with all of the "what you doing here" looks he's certainly getting.  OMG!!

But I digress. I really had to, though.  Back to Lisa, er Senator Murkowski.

As she was watching the election returns, Lisa Murkowski remarked that when Sarah Palin left office she vowed to help the people of Alaska. Instead, she served "in her own self-interest" as Senator Murkowski said to The Anchorage Daily News.

Democrats, don't you just love this GOP self-eating process? This massive cannibalization? Isn't just so cool to watch this Murkowski vs. Palin catfight writ large?! This blogger's having a ball.

Because once the smoke clears in Alaska, the GOP will have to face the clear Democratic choice, Scott T. McAdams.

Boy, kick GOP butt in Alaska's going to be so fun!

CNN Gives Home To Racists - Turn To MSNBC or FOX News

As pointed out over at The Daily Kos, CNN gave airtime to Mark Williams, a person who was kicked out of the Tea Party Movement for an awful and awfully racist blog post and set of communications involving blacks and the NACCP earlier this year.

In this case, CNN, for some reason, asked Williams to come on and give his take on Park51, so he said this to CNN's Jeff Simon (who's also at fault for having this person on):

In an interview with CNN's Jeff Simon, [former Tea Party Express spokesman Mark] Williams said he's on a new mission when it comes to the Cordoba House -- he told Simon he will "personally commit myself to coming up with funding" for what he called a "mirror image" of Cordoba built in Mecca "that would be dedicated to showcasing American values."

"How about we reinforce the peaceful, moderate nature that Islam claims to be and how about we have an Uncle Sam center to introduce people to the understanding of human rights?" Williams told CNN.

The right to build such a building would be all it takes for Williams to "drop his opposition to Park51," he told the network.

Now, I echo Barbara Morrill of Daily Kos here. Who gives a big rats butt what Williams thinks?

 CNN's giving air time to people others view as racists, like Mark Williams and Erick Erickson, and is why I've been driven to turn the TV channel to MSNBC or FOX Business.

Yeah, it's to the point where FOX News is more tolerable than some of CNN's shows. And what's more disturbing is I like the people at CNN a lot. But I can't watch this train wreck unfold in slow motion.

CNN President John Klein needs to knock this crap off before he wrecks Ted Turner's baby.  This is costing CNN ratings points and money.  No one wants to see this, and given CNN's performance, one has to ask what the hell Klein's up to?

The answer for CNN is to expand the CNN iReport - a lot. This has been said again and again in this space. John Klein needs to wake up.  Fast.  Before he finds himself out of a job.

I'm just saying.

People talk.

Twitter Hashtag Art - Add Your Tweet

Someone spotted my Twitter Tweet of my blog post on Jeff Pulver and the roving 140 Conference that's called RoadTrip Tweetup, and elected to add this blogger to something called the Twitter Hashtag Art site.

Now, even if they were just being an obnoxious ass, it's a cool end result. Twitter Hashtag Art takes your tweets and puts them into some kind of work of art.

Give it a try yourself at

Road Trip Tweetup : Jeff Pulver Talks Social Media in Cincinnati

Cincinnati Represents on Road Trip, originally uploaded by prblog.

If you don't know who Jeff Pulver is (who's head is in the foreground) you should. He's the founder of the Twitter Convention called The 140 Conference and is as this is written completing the Road Trip Tweetup.

What he's doing is traveling from city to city, bringing social media advocates and addicts together. In the process he's helping businesses learn the value of social media.

Right now, in this photo I mean, he's at the Cadillac Ranch, a restaurant and bar in Cincinnati (there was once one in San Francisco on Minna Street), and..

"The final stop on Day One of the Road Trip Tweetup found @jeffpulver and team in Cincinnati.

Here Jeff talks about the background behind #140conf and its focus on studying the impact of real-time communications on business."

...Yeah. That's it.

Road Trip Tweetup : Krista Neher and Jeff Pulver

Krista Neher and Jeff Pulver, originally uploaded by prblog.

Don't ever let it be said that 140 Conference Founder Jeff Pulver doesn't have an eye for the ladies. Traveling as part of the Road Trip Tweetup, Jeff stopped to take a photo with Social Media Expert Krista Neher at The Cadillac Ranch.

Both are in Cincinnati on the final stop of the Road Trip Tweetup

What Is The Road Trip Tweetup?

Road Trip Tweetup is a tour from city to city, taking the #140conf idea on the road and helping people connect via wha Jeff calls exploring the state of now.

You can follow the events and actions past and present at 140 Conf Daily.