Friday, September 17, 2010

Tailgate Recipes: Toffee Crunch Brownies by Tina

Is your sweet tooth giving you fits? Here's an easy recipes that is yummy and easy to transport for any Saturday or Sunday pre-game tailgate party.

1 brownie mix
1 c crisped rice cereal
1/2 c toffee bits
Heath candy bars

Prepare brownie mix according to package directions. Grease a 9x13 pan and pour batter in. Sprinkle crisp rice on top and press lightly in to the batter. Sprinkle toffee bits over cereal. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Cool completely over a wire rack before cutting and serving. Cut in to small squares.

Tornado In Queens, Tornado In Brooklyn and New York City

This blogger's friend in Hicksville, NY outside Manhattan and on Long Island sent an email that was the first word of a tornado in the New York, Queens, Brooklyn area:

we had a tornado here tonight..were ok,..but my friend over in the next town got a tree through his garage...

Reportedly New York City was hit by what's described as a "freak storm" leading to "an absolute washing machine." There was a lot of damage due to winds of over 100 miles per hour, and a driving rain storm, and at the center of all of this a tornado.

According to The New York Daily News, one person was killed and the storm was "flipping tractor-trailers like toys."

The following videos tell the story of what happened to many in New York City, including Queens, Brooklyn, and other parts of the vast region.

First, this guy is really excited over the whole possibility of a tree falling, yelling "Shut the f--- up," and, well, check out the video:

This video below is the best one yet. It's from a high rise residence, 20 stories up, in Queens, and covers the storm from start to finish and at times is scary to watch, starting at 1:16:

Here are other New York tornado videos accounts:

In addition to the one death, there were scores of injuries, perhaps thousands when we consider those unreported.

More soon.

Jott link mobile on...

Jott link mobile on Zennie62. This blogger just instaled Jott link mobile on Zennie62. It works, in fact it works so well I'm going to use it very often at football games mostly and at other sports events. I'm a little concerned about the background noise and how it might impact my Jott. listen

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Just instaled Jott mobile...

Just instaled Jott mobile Voice to Text service for zennie62. This is a test to see if it comes up in the blog. Very excited. Use this new service. listen

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jon Stewart Rally to Restore Sanity By Nikky Raney

Daily Galaxy Image
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart announced on his show Thursday, September 16 at 11 pm EST that he will be hosting a "Rally to Restore Sanity".

This rally will take place on October 30, 2010 in Washington DC. This rally is obviously a way of mocking Glenn Beck's rally. This event is also dubbed "Million Moderate March."

Signs will be made available. The slogans on some of the signs will say: "9/11 was an outside job" and "I Disagree With You But I'm Pretty Sure You're Not Hitler.

Stephen Colbert announced on The Colbert Report that same night at 11:30 pm EST that he would also be hosting "March to Keep Fear Alive" the same day as Stewart at DC's National Mall.

The event will attempt to gather 70-80 percent of American's who are not extremists on either side.

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt Trashed Rental House by Tina

Heidi Montag and Spencer pratt seem to have been keeping a lot of secrets this summer. It seems like the divorce was really just another PR ploy - a long string of them - and that they lived together all summer in secret!

Heidi and Spencer rented a home in Malibu, where they hid away as husband and wife, also happens to be trashed! The house is worth millions of dollars and has a price tag of $20K per month to rent.

Heidi and Spencer took their four dogs with them and the dogs did damage to the inside and the outside of the home. I can imagine...

Even though the pair dropped a large security deposit, they aren't getting it back and will probably have to pay more for the damages. I smell a lawsuit coming on!

Do you think Heidi and Spencer will pay for what they did?

3D Summit - 3D Gaming and Content Panel

This panel consists of some major heavy weights in video gaming.  The moderator is John Gaudiosi who is from the 3D Gaming Summit. 

One of the people this blogger knows is Lorne Landing of Odd World Inhabitants and Chief Creative Oficer of Oddmobb Inc.  Lorne says that all the major new games coming out will have 3d. 

Avatar shows the way

Corey Bridges gives James Cameron hi marks for his.understanding of 3d immersive gaming.    And once again Avatar has established the standard for 3d entertainment.

Creating a story around the engine.

Matty Rich says that the story has to fit around the 3d engine.  It is hard to do but doing so is worth it.  

Lorne says Hollywood doesn't get video games because its not tech oriented.

In other words a VC wants to know what you failed at. Hollywood is afraid to fail. 

More soon.