Saturday, April 16, 2011

Google Video To Officially End April 29, 2011

The email presented below arrived this morning from Google. It announces the official end of the Google Video division, which existed before Google purchased YouTube on October 6, 2006, and then existed along side YouTube until 2009, when Google stopped allowing uploads to the service.

For this blogger, having stopped feeding Google Video after becoming a YouTube Partner in 2007, the email is just a formality.

But for those of you who have videos on Google Video, and you want to get to them, read this and act fast:

Dear Google Video User,

Later this month, hosted video content on Google Video will no longer be available for playback. Google Video stopped taking uploads in May 2009 and now we’re removing the remaining hosted content. We've always maintained that the strength of Google Video is its ability to let people search videos from across the web, regardless of where those videos are hosted. And this move will enable us to focus on developing these technologies further to the benefit of searchers worldwide.

On April 29, 2011, videos that have been uploaded to Google Video will no longer be available for playback. We’ve added a Download button to the video status page, so you can download any video content you want to save. If you don’t want to download your content, you don’t need to do anything. (The Download feature will be disabled after May 13, 2011.)

We encourage you to move to your content to YouTube if you haven’t done so already. YouTube offers many video hosting options including the ability to share your videos privately or in an unlisted manner. To learn more go here.

Here’s how to download your videos:

Go to the Video Status page.
To download a video to your computer, click the Download Video link located on the right side of each of your videos in the Actions column.

Once a video has been downloaded, "Already Downloaded" will appear next to the Download Video link.

If you have many videos on Google Video, you may need to use the paging controls located on the bottom right of the page to access them all.

Please note: This download option will be available through May 13, 2011.

Thank you for being a Google Video user.


The Google Video Team
Ok, now, go do it. 

Stay tuned.

Flip Video Camera: Cisco Action Shows It Fails At Social Media

Cisco's sudden and really awful decision to end production of the Flip Video Camera brand and fire 550 people stunned not just this blogger, who went on a rant...

But the media and the Internet. On the day of the announcement "RIP Flip" become a Twitter trending topic, and "flip camera" was one of the top 20 most searched keywords on Google Trends.

That fact should not be lost on marketers, because it means The Flip brand hit the mark of engagement with the key demographic that is most likely to use social media and micro-blogging services, like Twitter.

Most of these users employ Twitter to talk about products and events, and Cisco's sacking of the Flip Video Camera is but one example - but a big one.

So big that it shows Cisco failed at getting digital and social media. If Twitter, or that group of people called "The Twitterverse," would cry out about the Flip, why didn't Cisco have any kind of marketing activation that featured a comprehensive, coordinated Internet and social media campaign for the Flip?

I said that Cisco lacked the passion for the product, which is in the hands of two million people (give or take folks like me who have more than one Flip), and this finding buttresses that take.

Now, Cisco will obviously bristle at my claim, and because it would point to its social media effort. But the problem, as clearly evident from reading a Cisco blog entry on its social media guidelines, is that the company's use of social media is defensive.

Read this from Cisco Social Media Guidelines, Policies and FAQ:

We take social media seriously at Cisco.

We look at it as a collaborative tool to help better serve our customers, our partners, our investors and our employees…and to LISTEN to them as well. There, of course, have to be guidelines and employee training around the use of social media. Within our company culture of transparency, we thought we’d make our newly updated internal Social Media handbook available for everyone. We don’t claim to know everything about Social Media, but we do know that the wisdom of the crowd is generally better than the wisdom of the few. With that in mind, we welcome your thoughts, observations and viewpoints on our Social Media Policy and Guidelines

Look at the words: "collaborative tool","better serve our customers","guidelines", and "employee training," and it all ads up to one word: boring. Where are the words "buzz" and "excitement" and "product" and "marketing" to make a "fan" base?

And it leads to the slide presentation of a document that's a set of bureaucratic guidelines - do's and dont's. There's nothing about using social media to generate buzz. What's good is that Cisco wants its employees to engage in social media. What's bad is that there's nothing that shows the employee how to use social media to generate buzz about Cisco products.

If Twitter is a great place for crowd activation - getting a ton of people to do something - and Cisco has its own "crowd" called its employees, getting them in the game of buzz building should be part of this document and the Cisco social media process.

It's not there.

Credit goes to Cisco for taking the passion out of social media. It's no wonder the Flip Camera's history; Cisco lacked the feel for it, and for the culture that embraced it.

Save Flip!

Meanwhile, Cisco needs a social media expert with passion and smarts, like Pepsi's Director Of Global Digital and Social Media, B. Bonin Bough:

Zennie Abraham To Be Featured On NBC Caught On Camera

Viral videos have made for Network TV content for sometime now, and it was only a matter of time before one of this blogger's videos saw the light of television day.

Well, that's excluding my old television show, The Blog Report With Zennie62, that was on ColoursTV. What was great about that show, which aired in 2009-2010, was that it allowed the direct use of the videos made with my Flip Video Camera right onto a TV format. It's still something that's not been done before or since. I'd like to do it again, if the business details can be worked out.

But I digress.

Without any contact from this blogger, NBC took notice of the Zennie62 video Fight With Bouncer At SF Fillmore Jazz Festival: doing job with patron. If you've not seen the video before, here it is:

This video was originally made as part of a ColoursTV segment that never made it to the screen. But that's the reason for the introduction you see. The video itself was and is a kind of study of human nature, and there are stories within the overall story of the encounter between a patron who had a little too much to drink and a bouncer just trying to do his job.

The video has drawn over 3,000 comments and over 700,000 views - actually closer to 800,000 views. And it drew the attention of NBC. I met the crew for the show Caught On Camera where we filmed a segment talking about the video.

Does the almost three-year-old video put the Fillmore Jazz Festival in a bad light? No. It doesn't. By just holding the patron until security arrived, the bouncer may have prevented a really ugly melee in front of a storied establishment.

Moreover, the bouncer's actions have been the catalyst for a number of emails from former police officers, bartenders, and other bouncers, who explain how hard that job is, especially during a large-scale event, how they believed the bouncer did his job well, and how the situation should be prevented in the future.

Here's one such email from 2009:

Dear Mr. Abraham,

I just watched the video from the Fillmore Festival. As a retired police officer(Commander of Police) with 32+yrs experience with the SFPD encounters like this are common place in and around nightclubs in the City. Violent confrontations are taking place daily. The SF Entertainment Commission which oversees the Clubs have not taken a proactive approach to minimizing these actions.

Bouncers, doormen, security staff, and floor persons need training. Training should include but not limited to:powers of arrest, use of force, conflict resolution, how to call the police, handling emergency situations, etc.

In this case I agree with you additional staff should have been called and the police should have been notified immediately. The Bouncer could have place Number 3 under arrest for disturbing the peace(threatening to fight). I do think he used reasonably objective force to detain him. But once the Bouncer used any force Number 3 should have been arrested

If you decide to pursue this issue I would be available to provide additional information re: nightclub security.

Thanks and I enjoy your articles.

To the credit of the Fillmore Jazz Festival, the next year, 2010, the area where the event occurred was more 'controlled', patrons stood in a line to the side, and there wasn't the room where someone could stand and confront a bouncer, and great care was taken to make sure that Harry's Bar didn't get too crowded inside.

Harry's and the Fillmore Jazz Festival are great San Francisco traditions. This was in no way intended to harm them one bit. Indeed, it's a complement to the staff and to the bouncer.

Fitness Model Megan Avalon's Fitness Workout With Bowflex

If you've ever wondered how to get the most out of the Bowflex Fitness Machine, watch this video with Fitness Model and Personal Trainer Megan Avalon who hovers between Gold's Gym centers in the SF Bay Area.

Megan, who's becoming a famous fit model and is a regular in this space, shows us how to do lat pull downs, and how to work both the front chest area, and the back muscles as well.

But them, Ms. Avalon shows us why the Bowflex is a really special device: she uses it to work her triceps in a way you'd not expect unless you were an expert user.

Watch for Megan Avalon in upcoming female bodybuilding contests.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

San Francisco City Clinic: 100 Years of Stamping Out STDs

This year, the euphemistically named San Francisco City Clinic celebrates 100 years of diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted diseases. That's 10 decades of inspecting orifices and creating cutting-edge new media, from all the way back when old media was shockingly new. And City Clinic did it all while making sexual health sound fun and, well…sexy.
In honor of the anniversary, the San Francisco Department of Public Health circulated this historical document, with the headline "Our Nation's Health Endangered by Poisonous Infection." Reading it, the shocking thing is not how much things have changed, but how much they haven't.
You might not believe that sexting and new media have anything in common with the way the world worked 100 years ago, back before the days of either antibiotics or birth control. But get a load of this quote from Dr. Julius Rosenstirn, chairman of the advisory committee, in the 1913 pamphlet wherein he passionately defended the work of the clinic, then called The Municipal Clinic: "The taboo that educators have put on the theme of sexual relations, on a thorough instruction in the origin of human life and its procreation, has resulted in the profoundest ignorance among the laity of these most vital matters."
He added, "Do these same good people really believe they can safeguard the fiercely dominant sex call of awakening youth with mild and vague precepts?"
So what was it that threatened the very existence of the fledgling clinic back in those days? What forced Rosenstirn to come to its defense? Was it simply talking about sex?
Noooo. It was more, much more than that. The thing that got the clinic in deep, deep trouble was a program to teach women how to diagnose themselves. And not just how to diagnose, but also how to act on that information, an approach that would resonate today with e-patients all across America.

Was Barry Bonds Verdict For Being Uppity Black Man?

Frankly, the Barry Bonds Trial and Bonds Verdict held little interest for this blogger because, given the jury makeup, and the fact the trail was in San Francisco, anything could happen. Plus, AdTech was the order of the day, and Reality Rocks and WonderCon before that.  The Bonds issue, for anyone who wants to think the best of America, is just plain depressing.

But, it's fair to say Barry Bonds got his reality rocked yesterday and by a big-mouthed jury, where some said told Channel Five (KPIX) news they were Giants fans, and one 19-year old blonde jurist agreed with the Channel Five reporter that she thought Bonds was arrogant, even though he didn't even take the stand.

I was disappointed she said that, but not surprised.

Here we go again.

It looked, to me, like, once again, Bonds was being tried and convicted for being what some in America still hate: an uppity black man. The idea is that a black guy should not present himself as better or smarter than anyone, just stronger and faster.

Barry Bonds wants you to think he's better, smarter, stronger, and faster, and over the years, the mainstream media has crucified him for it. Now, it looks like the jury was contaminated with the same idea - except one woman of color.

That woman, again on Channel Five, was saying she was sure Bonds was not guilty of obstruction of justice. Again, that she was of color should send alarm bells going off. But remember, some major media sports writers have wanted to see Bonds 'get his' for some time.

Of course, that too has changed, which is why I can say "some" and not "all" or even point to one group of white male writers - America's changed.

But all of this casts an ugly light on the judicial system. For jurists to come out and allow themselves to be recorder saying that they thought Bonds was arrogant, and they were Giants fans, means he didn't get a fair trial at all.

Bonds should file an appeal and indeed, the judge should order the case retried based on those comments. It begs the question of what was said during jury deliberations. If the judge looks back and finds that racism played a role, a new trial can be ordered at once.

Barry Bonds Not Found Guilty Of Lying

Lost in all of this is the fact that Barry Bonds was not found guilty for lying.  That's what the whole deal was about.

As Dashiell Bennet points out in Business Insider, you can't find a person to have obstructed justice if you're saying they didn't lie. Giving answers that may be "evasive" is not lying, and the very idea that an answer is "evasive" is left to personal judgement, whereas lying is more concrete.

The bottom line is the Government failed, the jury was biased and arguably racist, and the Bonds verdict should be tossed.

Let's see if the judge agrees with the rising volume of voices saying this, and tosses the case.

Stay tuned.

AdTech 2011 - On The Apple iPad: Dave Gill Of Nielsen

One mention of the name "Nielsen," and you're bound to think about TV ratings, but as I learned at AdTech 2011, Nielsen's much more. Zennie62 talked on video with David Gill, the Vice President of Mobile Media for Nielsen.

As Gill says, it's no longer about ratings, but about multiple screens, "Nielsen historically has been known for the television ratings business and currency business. But we actually have two different parts of business, what people watch and what people buy. It's a big consumer part about looking at exposure to different parts of advertising across different kinds of platforms. And increasingly, I think advertisers want to know not just your typical brand lift metrics, but sales lift metrics - did it actually move the needle for people at retail."

On the iPad: Where Are We Today?

The Apple iPad was hyped as the tech that would change all media when it was first announced. But now that it's out, many media app producers suffer from dramatic declines in readership, even as sales for the iPad, and now the iPad 2, are through the roof. Where are we now with the iPad? "Literally speaking we're a year-and-a-half down the road, Gill said. "It is changing print media. We're looking at, pretty closely, cross-media consumption - watching television, and at the same time they are going to use another device to check Facebook or to shop or research purchases."

Gill reports that what VISA CMO Lucio said at Tuesday's AdTech Keynote holds: people buy via recommendations online, more and more. The iPad, coupled with TV, actually helps fuel that kind of purchase process. Nielsen is tracking that activity and Gill explain that the iPad reflects a "significant game-changer" in this area. He thinks the iPad is complementary to a number of media activities, like movies.

Niesen Products

At AdTech, Gill and his staff are talking about their audience measurement services for potential clients. Banking clients want to know about customer acquisition. Health Care is attractive because tablets present what Nielsen thinks is a big market.

For more information, just go to

2011 NFL Draft | Cardinals Larry Fitzgerald: No QB, But Newton Is Best One

This blogger has said the Arizona Cardinals don't need a quarterback, so taking one with the fifth pick at the 2011 NFL Draft isn't smart when the Cards have four young signal callers.

Now, Arizona Cardinals Wide Receiver Larry Fitzgerald enters the conversation, saying that the team should not draft a quarterback, a veteran one would be better, and that Auburn QB and Heisman Trophy Winner Cam Newton is "the best player in all of college football."

Yep. Better than Missouri Quarterback Blaine Gabbert, who's only ranked higher than Newton because of Gabbert's agent: Tom Condon. (Even NFL Network Analyst and former Kansas City Chiefs Quarterback Trent Green got into the act last night, saying that Gabbert was better because former quarterbacks coach and NFL coordinator Terry Shea was working with him. Well, Trent, why not just say it's because of his agent, Condon, who set the whole thing up. Trent didn't say Warren Moon was working with Newton, but he is. Think about it.)

At any rate, Larry Fitzgerald told Fox Sports Arizona's Jack Magruder...

I would doubt that we would draft a quarterback that high. I would doubt it. But, who am I? I'm just a player. Management hasn't told me if they are going to go in any direction. (My choice is) "Anybody that's going to help us win. That's really how I feel."

On Newton:

"If he didn't have to go through his little situation in college with his dad and all that, I think it would be a totally different ball game. I think a lot of his personal issues overshadowed his ability. We saw him on the field for 13 games this year, and he was hands down the best player in all of college football. When you are a player that talented at that level on that stage in the SEC, doing it every single week, it's going to be hard to deny what he is going to be able to do in the NFL. I think he will be a good pro...I think he'll do just fine. You look at guys like Donovan McNabb. He did a phenomenal job of adjusting. Even Michael Vick. He was a running quarterback in college and he has become a really good drop-back pocket passer with the ability to run, which even presents more challenges for a team to deal with."
On Gabbert:

"I saw a lot of him. I saw some tape on him. I really like Blaine. He's a talented player. He makes all the throws. He's got good mobility in the pocket, and he seems like a real cerebral guy. I think he is going to be a good fit wherever he lands."

Stay tuned.

Google Cuts Google Trends Again. Hot Topics Gone

Google, the giant Internet search company with the paranoid PR people, has paired down Google Trends, once again. Indeed, since 2004, Google had a trends analysis system called Google Zeitgeist, but at that point was slow to update it until bloggers screamed about the issue; Google started multi-times daily updates in mid-year 2007.

On May 22nd, 2007, Google rolled out "Hot Trends" which was to enable...

"users to see a list of the current top 100 fastest-rising Google search queries in the U.S. Users can also select specific dates to see what the top-rising searches were at a given point in time."

Over time, Google Trends grew to become a popular tool for bloggers to use to determine what topics were hot: a necessary tool in a new media environment driven by web traffic and revenue from ads placed on website, and affiliate marketing programs. Google Trends helped make it possible for bloggers to make money from their efforts, just by focusing on the popular trends of the day.

But, in September of 2009, Google shrank Google Trends from 100 words to 40, and some bloggers pointed to spam websites as the reason for the decision.

Then, the next year, 2010, Google reduced the list from 40 keywords to 20 keywords, and split the results between "news" and "blogs" or those results from the all-but-hidden Google Blog Search.

Now, Google's removed the "Hot Topics" section from Google News, and says it's been meshed in with Google Hot Searches in the Google Trends system.

But one look reveals that's not true. Google "Hot Topics" would give you the real-time updates, with the Twitter tweets of the moment, and even rank the most popular tweets, which is how the top presented became "hot."

That's gone. Google didn't move it to "Hot Searches," the real time search reporting system is just gone. Period.  And Google Blog Search, while comprehensive when you find it, is hard to locate if you don't know about it.

Google Blog Search is something one has to know exists to find it. In fact, my complaint about how Google News operates and how Google presents Google News is that Google places it at the top page of a search result, but doesn't do that for Google Blog Search.

That was a central focus of my complaint to the FTC about Google News last year, and just after what I called The Google Saturday Night Massacre of blogs off Google News . Google has consistently and openly worked to help "traditional media" gain revenue, but this has come at the expense of blogs and bloggers.

For example, do a search for "Zennie62" On Google. Do you see a list for "Blogs" on the first page?  No. You see a list for  "Web, Images, Videos, Maps, News, Shopping, Gmail, more." Blogs, are way down past the "more," and you have to think to click on "more" then scroll down a long list to see it.

It's almost a metaphor for how Google thinks about blogs and bloggers: as a group to be hidden and diminished in favor of traditional news, not next to news. This is done, even as more and more people get their news from blogs.

Bloggers are not the reason for the Google Trends malware problems of 2007-2008, website builders are. And bloggers have been the source for many news stories that Old Media players have then, er, forgot to credit them for.  Yet, Google protects Old Media, which should be forced to adopt, not saved from evolving.

At the rate Google Trends, and other trend services from the large search engines, are going, bloggers will not have a resource to determine who's searching for what.   That will eventually spell death for Google, because it opens a market that both Twitter and Facebook and smaller search companies like Blekko, can exploit.

Google's own "trend" of giving less and less data that bloggers and readers can use, also makes the public blind to the real search actions.  That should be against the law.  Google and all other search engines should be legally required to tell us, on a moment-by-moment basis, what's being searched for.  It's important to know because such information is the real key to what's happening in our society.  Moreover, it's not "fixed" news, and takes power away from news editors, some who want to dictate what you should read, and by extension, what you should think.

That's not democratic at all.  And in an industrial society being increasingly democratized by digital media, Google's search reporting moves over the last five years add up to a step in the opposite direction.  

Flip Video Camera - Use It Tell To Off Cisco

Yesterday, while this blogger was working the floors of AdTech, word got around that Cisco, which bought Pure Digital's Flip Video Camera brand just less than two years ago, announced it was going to stop making Flip Video Camera products, leaving over two million users out in the cold.

This blogger's response was to use the Flip Video Ultra to tell Cisco off:

Cisco's actions confirmed that the company has no passion for its brand. Regular readers of this space at Zennie62 know that Flip Video Camera products are have been the preferred brand, used to make about 60 percent of the 1,377 videos on the YouTube channel Zennie62.

So, what to do? Keep using it! Keep the brand alive and lobby for some other player to come along and save it. Cisco cut Flip at the wrong time.

About 11 days ago, I took a flight from Georgia to San Francisco for a special press meeting where we were to be given the first versions of the new WiFi-enabled Flip Video Cameras. Now, finally, Flippers could upload videos directly to, to name one place, YouTube.

But, as soon as I stepped off the plane, I checked my email and discovered that the meeting was suddenly cancelled. The PR reps didn't know what was going on, really. But, no meeting.

Now, I get it.

Folks, someone at Cisco has a WiFi-ready Flip. It's out there. It's not a concept. it's real.

Cisco Marketing?

Cisco could have done better by Flip. Instead of just using celebrities, the company could have activated it's brand ambassadors, like me. Cisco could have held contests where, if you bought or owned a Flip Video camera, you could make a one-minute video explaining why you're the best sports fan in the World, and the winner have their choice of a trip to the Super Bowl, The Masters, or the NCAA Final Four, or the NBA Finals.

They never did anything like that.

As I said in the video, #$%%^ Cisco. Save Flip!

Note: Arianna Huffington AdTech Speech Video is up at Zennie62 at


Note: I disagree with the QB rankings, but the post is welcome - Zennie.

(This is Part Three of the "Pro Draft report" presented by Football Reporters.


BY ANTHONY S. CARILLO-Contributing Writer/Reporter
Football Reporters Online

1. Blaine Gabbert-Missouri 6’ 4’’ 236 lbs 4.62 40 Junior
Gabbert is the most polished and NFL ready quarterback in this years draft class. He has great size as well as great speed, and can make every throw that a NFL quarterbacks needs to make. One knock on Gabbert is that in the Missouri offense there were only a few reads for him to make, and if you watch the game tape there are some points where his primary and secondary receiver are covered and he decides to run, but the third option is wide open on the weak side of the field. Coming from a shotgun spread offense does throw up some concerns, but during the combine and pro day process he has shown that he has the footwork and poise to be able to run a NFL style offense.
His numbers did drop from his sophomore season to his junior campaign, but that is no need for concern. He is in almost the exact same position as Sam Bradford was in just a year ago, and we all can agree that Sam Bradford transitioned to the NFL pretty smoothly. Gabbert should be the first quarterback taken in this draft, and where ever he goes he will be battling for the starting job. Look for Gabbert to get scooped up within the top 5 picks, either to Carolina or Buffalo, and even if neither of those teams take him, he should not drop that far because 9 of the top 12 teams can make a case for needing a quarterback.

2. Jake Locker-Washington 6’2’’ 231 lbs 4.59 40 Senior
If this was last years draft, Locker would be at the top of everyone’s draft boards, but he decided to stay for his senior year, and that didn’t help him at all. He has played in an NFL style offense for the past 2 years, and has shown that he can be a great quarterback, but he has also shown at times that he can be a less than average quarterback. He has great athleticism, speed, arm strength and vision. He can throw on the run as well as drop back and stay in the pocket, and when he decides to tuck the ball in and run, he is just like a running back and knows exactly how to run the ball. One downside to Locker is that when he did play against some good teams, like Nebraska for example, he showed some signs that most NFL teams did not like, when he only completed 4 completions out of 20 attempts and showed a lot of inconsistency during the game.
Locker will most likely get picked up by a team with a veteran quarterback, letting him come in and learn the whole offense and watch a veteran play and let him get ready so he is not rushed into the starting quarterback position. When he does finally become a starting quarterback in the NFL, he has the tools to be a very effective quarterback, if he can stay consistent.

3. Ryan Mallet-Arkansas 6’6’’ 238 lbs 5.37 40 Junior
Mallet is a big quarterback, the tallest quarterback in this draft. He has a rocket for an arm, and has no problem making any and every throw in the NFL. He is the absolute definition of a gun slinger, throwing every pass and sometimes trying to hard to fit the ball between 2 or sometimes 3 receivers. He is not a very mobile quarterback, but when he stands in the pocket he can use his size to be able to see the whole field with ease since he is taller than almost every guard and center in the NFL now. In the pocket he doesn’t just stand there and not move, he can escape the rush and still keep his eyes downfield, but being as big as Mallet is does cause concern for him being able to set his feet and make an accurate throw.
Mallet is someone who is a first round pick if a team decides to take a quarterback, but he needs to learn how to be a good leader, because during the interview process there were signs on immaturity but under the right guidance he will mature quickly.

4. Cameron Newton-Auburn 6’5’’ 244 lbs 4.6 40 Junior
Newton is the player in this draft with the biggest upside, but also he carries the biggest risk as well. He has a strong arm and great pocket presence, as well as being able to throw the ball very well on the run. He can escape the rush in the pocket and is very hard to take down just like big Ben Rothelisberger. There are a few concerns for NFL teams to look for. Newton played in a total shotgun offense, and he really did not make a lot of NFL throws and really didn’t run any plays that are the typical NFL type play. Also, he has only played one full season in college as a quarterback, so the maturity is also a big issue. He has proven he can deal with off field issues this past season, which is a plus because he knows how to deal with all of the media. The things that he will need to show teams in the days leading up to the draft is his mechanics and his footwork, because in a shotgun offense you don’t need to really drop back as effectively as being under center.
Newton will be a top ten pick, but I put him at the 4th ranked quarterback because there are big risks that come with drafting him. If he is able to prove that he can run an NFL type offense and stay consistent with his throws and stay poised, he will be a very effective player in the league, but be warned everybody, be ready to see the second coming of Jamarcus Russell as well.

5. Christian Ponder-Florida State 6’2’’ 229 lbs 4.65 40 Senior
Ponder is my sleeper in this draft class to really shine and become the best quarterback out of all of the quarterbacks. He played at Florida State under hall of fame coach Bobby Bowden, and even when Jimbo Fisher took over the head coaching job, Ponder really showed his leadership and the team really did not have one of those down years as they change coaches. He has great field vision, and even better pocket presence. He can get the ball out in a hurry, and also knows when to tuck the ball in and run with his great running ability. He arm is not as strong as Mallet or Gabbert, but he is very accurate and consistent. He played in an offense that he needed to drop back as well as be in the shotgun, and he has shown that his footwork is very good.
Ponder could sneak into the first round but most likely will be a second or third round pick, but under the right guidance and coaching staff this quarterback can really blossom into a Pro Bowl caliber quarterback.

6. Andy Dalton-TCU 6’2’’ 215 lbs 4.87 40 Senior
Andy Dalton took a “mid-major” college and really threw them into the spotlight in college football over the past few years. He has a good arm, and he can make people miss in the pocket as well as throw the ball well on the run. He is very consistent and a very accurate quarterback. The only concerns is that in the Mountain West Conference, he played against some teams that some people think are easy teams to play against compared to the SEC or Big 12 teams. If he can show that he is not a quarterback that just feasted on lower level defenses he can be a late round pick and possibly flourish as a quarterback in the NFL, but regardless he will be a very effective backup for many years in the NFL.

7. Colin Kapernick-Nevada 6’4’’ 233 lbs 4.53 40 Senior
Kapernick is a very raw quarterback, but also shows a lot of upside. He has a good arm, but his mobility will be the thing that gets him drafted. He has a very lean frame, and will need to put on some weight if he wants to survive a full season in the NFL with all the hits that come with playing quarterback. He played in the pistol offense, so there is major concern about him transitioning and running an NFL offense. If the quarterback position does not work out for Kapernick, moving positions to wide receiver is a very big possibility for this prospect. He has the size and speed to be able to be an effective WR in the NFL, but if he gets the right coaching he may be able to develop into a NFL quarterback. Look for him to get drafted in the later rounds, and be a project for whatever team drafts him.

8. Pat Devlin-Delaware 6’3’’ 225 lbs 4.86 40 Senior
Devlin comes from Delaware; the same school that Joe Flacco came out of just a few years ago. Devlin is not as NFL ready as Flacco was coming out of college, but Devlin is a very good prospect for a late round draft pick. He has a good arm and he has good size for a NFL quarterback, but his consistency is questionable and is something that he is going to need to work on. If a team is willing to take a chance in the later rounds to draft Devlin, they will most likely need to take a few years to mold him into an NFL ready quarterback, but some team will over draft this quarterback because of the success that Flacco has had in the NFL through his short career so far.

9. Nathan Enderle-Idaho 6’4’’ 240 lbs 5.15 40 Senior
Enderle is one of the smartest quarterbacks in this year’s draft class. He played at least 9 games all 4 years of his career at Idaho, and has shown that he is a great leader and very passionate about the game of football. He has a very strong arm, and has great pocket presence, and even if he does get pushed out of the pocket he is able to still make an accurate throw downfield. One concern about this quarterback is his slow release as well as his consistency and sometimes his accuracy as well. He will most likely get drafted between the 6th and 7th round, as some team will possibly take a draft pick to draft this project quarterback.

10. Ricky Stanzi-Iowa 6’4’’ 223 lbs 4.93 40 Senior
Ricky Stanzi can be one of the steals in this year’s draft. He has great size for an NFL quarterback at 6 foot 4, and he is a lot a decent mobile quarterback as well. He has played in a pro style offense his whole career at Iowa, so the transition to the NFL will be a lot easier for Stanzi than for other quarterbacks. Excellent pocket presence; he is able to scan the field and find his third and sometimes fourth options in the passing game. His footwork is something that needs a lot of work. He tends to throw the ball flat-footed and off balance. He also tends to take a lot of sacks during his career, so his timing and getting the ball off is another issue. Stanzi will be drafted somewhere in the mid rounds, and he will most likely be in the NFL for a long time as a backup and possibly a starter.

11. Tyrod Taylor-Virginia Tech 6’0’’ 217 lbs 4.51 40 Senior
The best dual threat quarterback we have seen since Michael Vick came out of Virginia Tech. Has great running ability and great mobility outside of the pocket. Very strong arm, and very accurate in the short range passing attack, and does not lose any accuracy while rolling out left or right. He can throw, run, and also catch the football. Has very quick feet and is a very agile athlete, and can break tackles without breaking a stride. Will be very hard to tackle one on one in the open field in the NFL. He still needs some work on the touch passes down the field, because he tends to try to rifle the ball in instead of airing it out and leading receivers into open spaces. Could also be a very effective wide receiver in the NFL if playing quarterback does not work out, or could even be a very effective wildcat quarterback.

12. Greg McElroy-Alabama 6’1’’ 212 lbs 4.97 40
A natural born winner, at one point in his career he had not lost a football game since the 8th grade. A very smart quarterback, he has Rich Gannon like accuracy with the short range passes, but not a real strong arm to be able to really stretch the field. A great leader, look for McElroy to get picked up around the 4th round, but if teams take quarterbacks early and often, McElroy could sneak up to the 2nd round.

13. Scott Tolzien-Wisconsin 6’2’’ 212 lbs 4.93 40 Senior
Tolzien has played in an NFL style offense his whole career at Wisconsin, and is a great game-manager. He is a very smart player, getting Academic All-Big Ten honors his senior year, as well as winning the Johnny Unitas Golden Arm award. Has great field vision, and rarely makes a mistake on his reads. He does not really feel the pressure in the pocket as well as coaches would hope, and that results in him taking a lot of sacks and unnecessary hits.

14. Jerrod Johnson-Texas A&M 6’4’’ 243 lbs 4.70 40 Junior
A very big quarterback who has a great arm and even better running ability. Has great mobility and is very hard to take down alone. Is able to create space and accurately throw the ball downfield to receivers. Very inconsistent at times and decision making could be a lot better than it is right now. Played in a shotgun heavy offense in college so will need to work on his footwork and drop back ability.

15. Ben Chappell-Indiana 6’3’’ 239 lbs 4.82 40 Senior
A very strong armed quarterback, but sometimes takes unnecessary risks. Can fit a football into any window to get the ball to the receiver, but sometimes forces the ball into traffic. His mechanics in his throwing motion is a concern due to his long release, but when given time to throw the ball he can be deadly accurate.

16. T.J. Yates-North Carolina 6’3’’ 219 lbs 5.10 40 Senior
A very football smart player who can figure out a defense before the defense figures itself out. Can put the ball exactly where it needs to be to complete the pass, but also when things do not go well he has been known to have a bit of a temper. Possibly another Ryan Leaf type attitude player.

17. Mike Hartline-Kentucky 6’6’’ 210 lbs 4.78 40 Senior
Very slender frame but also a very tall quarterback, so he can see the whole field with ease. Has a decent arm and can manage the game without making that many mistakes.

18. Josh Portis-California(PA) 6’2’’ 211 lbs 4.62 40 Senior
A jack of all trades type of quarterback. Big strong and fast player who has a decent arm. Can also play WR if QB does not work out for him.

19. Taylor Potts-Texas Tech 6’3’’ 220 lbs 4.95 40 Senior
Potts comes from a pass happy offense at Texas Tech, so transition to a drop offense may be a challenge for him. Has a good arm and decent pocket presence.

20. Kevin Riley-California 6’2’’ 224 lbs 4.90 40 Senior
Riley played a lot of games during his career at Cal, but has problems with accuracy and consistently.

21. Jeff Van Camp-Florida Atlantic 6’5’’ 222 lbs 4.92 40 Senior
A good game manager with a decent arm, but lacks leadership.

22. Adam Froman-Lousiville 6’3’’ 220 lbs 4.52 40 Senior

23. Chris Dieker-Southern Illinois

24. Mitch Mustain-USC 6’3’’ 200 lbs 4.80 40 Senior

25. Trevor Vittatoe-Texas El Paso 6’2’’ 220 lbs 4.72 40 Senior

26. Austen Arnaud-Iowa State 6’2’’ 226 lbs 4.60 40 Senior

27. Michael Herrick-Northern Arizona 6’0’’ 209 lbs 5.00 40 Senior

28. Carson Coffman-Kansas State 6’2’’ 205 lbs 4.95 40 Senior

29. Drew Hubel-Portland State 6’4’’ 205 lbs 5.00 40 Senior

30. Josh Nesbitt-Georgia Tech 6’0’’ 217 lbs 4.68 40 Senior

31. Ryan Colburn-Fresno State 6’2’’ 220 4.75 40 Senior

32. Ross Jenkins-Louisiana Tech 6’2’’ 212 4.75 40 Senior

33. Justin Roper-Montana 6’6’’ 220 lbs 4.80 40 Senior

34. Eric Watt-Trine 6’3’’ 200 lbs 4.75 40 Senior

35. Eric Czerniewski-Central Missouri State 5’1’’ 190 lbs 4.90 40 Senior

36. Josh Boudreaus-Arkansas-Pine Bluff 6’3’’ 234 lbs 4.64 40 Senior

37. Ricky Dobbs-Navy 6’0’’ 203 lbs 4.50 40 Senior

38. Zac Lee-Nebraska 6’1’’ 215 lbs 4.80 40 Senior

39. Keiffer Garton-Penn 6’2’’ 200 lbs 4.80 40 Senior

40. Cameron Higgins-Weber State 6’1’’ 211 lbs 4.85 40 Senior

Picking Second is SOMETIMES A GOOD THING at the NFL Draft

(this is Part two of the "Pro Draft Report" presented by Football Reporters and reposted with permission)

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Thurman Thomas RB 1988 Oklahoma State
IN CONSIDERATION: Darryl Talley LB 1983 West Virginia
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Gene Bradley QB 1980 Arkansas State

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Dwight Stevenson C 1980 Alabama
IN CONSIDERATION: Sam Madison DB 1997 Louisville
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Eddie Blake DT 1992 Auburn

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Andre Tippett LB 1982 Iowa
IN CONSIDERATION: Lawyer Milloy DB 1996 Washington
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Darryl Wilson WR 1983 Tennessee

NEW YORK JETS 1980-2010
BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Justin Miller DB 2005 Clemson
IN CONSIDERATION: Jim Sweeney C 1984 Pittsburgh
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Ralph Clayton WR 1980 Michigan
This division had the most 2nd round Hall of Famers (Stevenson, Tippett and Thomas) in the NFL. The Dolphins second choice, Sam Madison over the likes of WR Mark Duper may scratch a few heads. Former Jet Justin Miller dazzled as a kick returner in 2006 making the Pro Bowl but as of this writing is no longer an active player.

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Ray Rice RB 2008 Rutgers
IN CONSIDERATION: Jamie Sharper LB 1997 Virginia
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Dan Cody DE 2005 Oklahoma

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Chad Ochocinco WR 2001 Oregon State
IN CONSIDERATION: Boomer Esiason QB 1984 Maryland
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Kenny Irons RB 2007 Auburn

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Michael Dean Perry DT 1988 Clemson
IN CONSIDERATION: Webster Slaughter WR 1986 San Diego State
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Cleveland Crosby DE 1980 Arizona

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Dermontti Dawson C 1988 Kentucky
IN CONSIDERATION: Chad Brown LB 1993 Colorado
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: John Meyer T 1982 Arizona State

Surprisingly the mouth that roars (Ochocinco) must be considered the best 2nd rounder by the Bengals by virtue of his pro bowl appearances over another popular former Bengal Boomer Esiason. Although over shadowed by his older brother (The Fridge William Perry) the Browns Michael Dean Perry was a very good DT and a multiple pro bowl choice at his position.

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: DeMeco Ryans LB 2006 Alabama
IN CONSIDERATION: Chester Pitts T 2002 San Diego State
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Ben Tate RB 2010 Alabama

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Ray Donaldson C 1980 Georgia
IN CONSIDERATION: Bob Sanders DB 2004 Iowa
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Tim Foley T 1981 Notre Dame

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Maurice Jones-Drew RB 2006 UCLA
IN CONSIDERATION: Tony Brackens DE 1996 Texas
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Cordell Taylor DB 1998 Hampton

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Michael Roos T 2005 Eastern Washington
IN CONSIDERATION: Samari Rolle DB 1998 Florida State
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Quinton Jones DB 1988 Pittsburgh

As NFL fans know both Houston and Jacksonville have not been in the league for 30 years but both have done well with their 2nd round picks. Maurice Jones-Drew is the best offensive weapon for the Jags and one of the top RB in the NFL. Former Indy Bob Sanders is one of the best at his position when healthy but he’s now a Charger. Injuries in 2010 limited the play of the Texans Ryans who is a Pro Bowler at his linebacker slot.

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Rulon Jones DE 1980 Utah State
IN CONSIDERATION: Clinton Portis RB 2002 Miami
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Paul Toriessi DE 2001 Marshall

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Joe Delaney RB 1981 Northeast State
IN CONSIDERATION: Christian Okoye RB 1987 Azusa Pacific
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Mike Elkins QB 1989 Wake Forrest

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Howie Long 1981 Villanova
IN CONSIDERATION: Sean Jones DE 1984 Northeastern
WORST 2ND ROUND CHOICE: Leon Bender DT 1998 Washington State

BEST 2ND ROUND PICK: Drew Brees QB 2001 Purdue
IN CONSIDERATION: Natrone Means RB 1993 North Carolina

Actually San Diego made a nice comeback after the Ryan Leaf fiasco because in 2001 before the 2nd round choice of Drew Brees they picked LaDainian Tomlinson with their 1st pick. Two future HOF picks at that. Fox television Howie Long is of course a Pro Football Hall of Famer. At the beginning of this article I stated anyone who makes the ultimate sacrifice will ALWAYS be considered a great choice. Such was the case of the Chiefs’ Joe Delaney who on June 29th 1983 gave his life trying to save others. Posthumously awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal by Ronald Reagan, Joe Delaney had a lifetime of helping others. Anyone who knew him personally would attest to this fact. On the day when his life ended he saw three children in the water in danger and although he did not swim very well he did not hesitate to attempt to make a difference. Nearly thirty years have passed and his simple act of bravery still touches my heart. And I hope it will touch yours as well.