Sunday, February 03, 2008

Barack Obama "Yes We Can" Will-I-Am Video A Hit!

Will-I-Am of the Black Eyed Peas has created a beautiful video around Senator Barack Obama's words "Yes We Can". I don't yet know how the video came to be reality -- in other words, when Will-I-Am decided to pull the trigger and make it -- but it's out now and deserves a look. I can't remember when a group of artists have gotten together in this way before.

Here's the video:


  1. Wow. Are you retarded? You don't know the story behind how it was made? How hard did you research? Because all over the video is "dipdive", which with a google gets you the site on which the whole story is laid out. I found you on Google, but I'm losing you all on my own.

  2. Zennie,

    This video is amazing and truly speaks the spirits and hearts of our great nation. I watch it at least twice a day and marvel at it every time. Yes we can heal our battered nation,and Tuesday night in a thunderous outcry millons gravitated towards Obama for genuine change.

    Talk to you soon.
