Koman Coulibaly: USA Slovenia World Cup ref linked to BP Oil on Twitter
To say that Koman Coulibaly - the World Cup Soccer referee for the USA v. Slovenia match who made the now infamous non-call, call , eliminating what would have been the United States go-ahead score for a 3-2 win - is the most hated man on Twitter is a massive understatement.
Koman Coulibaly
Koman Coulibaly's repeatedly linked with British Petroleum on Twitter, with the tweet most repeated that he took BP money to make the anti-USA call. Considering the wave of anti-BP sentiment in the United States, it would be excused if some actually believed BP were getting back at the USA in the wake of the Gulf Oil Spill.
But, on second thought, it could be said BP stuck it to the USA twice. If, of course, such news as a BP payoff were true. As of this writing, it's not true.
Here's a sample of the tweets, and there are a lot of them:
Jesus_M_Christ Rumor has it BP paid off idiot referee Koman Coulibaly to distract everyone from the oil spill. #WorldCup #BPcares about 3 hours ago via web Top Tweet 100+ Retweets
andrewgooding In a historic first, FIFA referee Koman Coulibaly accepted today's Man of the Match award for his defensive efforts for the Slovenia squad about 4 hours ago via web Top Tweet 100+ Retweets
williamfleitch I think Koman Coulibaly should be happy his awful call went against the U.S., rather than, say, Colombia. about 4 hours ago via web Top Tweet 100+ Retweets
Jesus_M_Christ Rumor has it BP paid off idiot referee Koman Coulibaly to distract everyone from the oil spill. #WorldCup #BPcares about 3 hours ago via web 100+ Retweets
JigmeUgen IRONY ALERT: Koman Coulibaly, the referee who didn't award that last goal to #USA was born on 4th of July, 1970. #worldcup
That last tweet is true. Koman Coulibaly was born on July 4th 1970, US Independence Day. With that bit of information, it's only appropriate the USA call independence from Koman Coulibaly's bad call.
I'm a west ham fan from England so you're defiantly reaching football fans with this, saw the game, the worst decision of the world cup so far considering you lot were the ones being fouled. Hope you lot get through the group with us, growing a soft spot for the US