Friday, October 01, 2010

Rick Sanchez Fired? Not On Show Or Twitter After "Jews" Comments

One sign that CNN's Rick Sanchez is in trouble not so much after his blasts against The Daily Show's Jon Stewart, but after his rant about how he thinks CNN's "ran by Jews," is that Rick's issued one tweet on Twitter on Friday and did not appear on his show, Rick's List.

If Rick Sanchez is fired, CNN's keeping the issue quiet. Emails on this have not been answered as of this writing, and may go unanswered. The kind of attention Rick brought to himself is not one CNN wants its sensitive stable of advertisers to be exposed to.

If you missed what Rick said, here's a YouTube video of his comments on Jon Stewart, who he think is a bigot but it doesn't include the CNN "Jews" rant. The talk is on Pete Dominick's SiriusXM Radio Show that was broadcast out of Atlanta. Here's the Stewart rant:

And while this YouTuber seems to agree with Rick, it's the only available video with the dialog on it.

Rick Sanchez Not On Twitter

Whatever CNN's going to do with Rick, one thing's clear, he's stopped using Twitter, at least for today, Friday. Sanchez issued one tweet 19 hours ago as of this writing. This one:

ricksanchezcnn Rick Sanchez
great shows today, last night on air... great numbers... yeah

And given its time, that must have been in the wee hours of the morning.

That output is odd for a person who tweets as much as 20 times or more per day. Rick Sanchez has went silent today. The question is, was he fired, told to go under ground, or just taking a sunny Georgia day off.

Stay tuned.


  1. Talk about chips and shoulders. This guy has a real problem. I don't care if he gets fired or not, but he's definitely got a skewed view of the world.

  2. Anonymous6:43 PM

    answer to Ken: the real problem here are people who think like u.
    Is this a democratic country or a Nazi one?
    Is it possible to express your opinions or we cannot for fear to get fired?
    He sees the world is own way, u see the world in another way.
    is this such a big deal??
    CNN should be ashamed, because of the very BIGOT narrow- minded course of action that they took against Sanchez.
    freedom of expression is a MUST we are not living in Russia.
    well...i might be wrong.

  3. Why is it that anonymous commenters are the ones who make the most hateful statements?

  4. Anonymous12:59 AM

    @Zennie you're an idiot if you think my comment was hateful.

    Expressing how one feels doesn't mean that does Not mean they are a hater.


  5. CNN, you are cowards for firing Rick. Is the top brass really this uptight. I for one can see NOW that CNN is a very stressed-out place to work, especially if your numbers came in behind MSNBC now just recently.

    Does anyone ever watch CNN in the AM with Kiren Chetry and John Roberts on. She lights up like
    a christmas tree when she is able to co-host with anyone but John Roberts. He seems to stare oddly at her all the time, and saying why I'm I here with someone who has not paid her dues, after all I was suppose to succeed DAN RATHER. He is a better news reader, and for crying out loud, get a decent haircut Mr. Roberts.

    i LOVED Kiran Chetry when she was on FOX , and I
    thought she was under appreciated, so I wasn't surprised when she was lured by CNN.

    But Kiren enough already, is the pay raise worth it, life is short. Ask for your job
    back at FOX and you will bet your bubbly personality back and be much happier not to mention will lose that "worry" brow all over
    your forehead.

    AND, CNN you seem to be falling apart.

    Rick Sanchez was on borrowed time because he actually had a point of view, like LOU DOBBS and he ALSO did not march like all the other CLONED CNN broadcasters. Now the time slot
    that John King took from Lou Dobbs has
    a 40% viewer decline, Way to go CNN, firing
    Lou Dobbs and Campbell Brown, BIG MISTAKES AGAIN!

    But Rick, he is a good man, and I appreciate
    his honesty, even at the price he had
    to pay.

    Someone will appreciate your talents RICK, your RICKS LIST show is the only show I truly enjoyed on CNN.

  6. skavenhorde2:36 AM

    @anonymous If it's a hate filled opinion then it is a hateful statement.

    Don't know what a hater is? Is it someone who hates everything? Their life must suck big time. Hating everything means hating fluffy cute bunnies. Who hates bunnies? Haters do....

    As for why he got fired, well that's simple for anyone to understand. CNN does not want him around anymore. It's not even close to being like living in Russia or Nazi Germany. The "government" didn't crack down on him. His own company fired him for being a moron. Normally companies frown on keeping morons working for them.

    BTW, I love how everyone always throws around the word Nazi. Why not just call the CEO of CNN, Hitler?

  7. skavenhorde2:40 AM

    @anonymous If it's a hate filled opinion then it is a hateful statement.

    No one said anything about you being a hater. What is that anyways? Someone who hates everything? That must suck big time because that means you would have to hate fluffy cute bunnies. Who could hate fluffy bunnies? Haters do......

  8. Anonymous10:49 AM

    CNN always BS showing off their power

  9. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Rick Sanchez fired for calling John Stewart a bigot and calling Jews the not so oppressed minority. Damn! that is the truth he spoke. Noone else voices as it is, all cred to Sanchez for keeping it real.

    Sanchez has got more talent than Stewart, thats for sure. To think, a guy like him, from his background making it in the leagues of the ones bred for it from birth and against all the odds stacked against him. Stewart is a funny guy n'all but does Stewart have it weighed so much against him in the business? Jews are not a minority when there are so many at the top. I'm no bigot but you can have something called institutionalised racism.

  10. Andrew9:07 PM

    well we're surely throwing the baby with the water here. He got fired because he upset his bosses, who most likely ARE Jews. It is indeed a fact that in this nation a minority actually controls the media, the banking, the insurance and even the law industry. I call them industries because that's what they have been turned into. It is not hateful to state the obvious.

  11. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Uh oh, Another nut job flipped his lips in non sence. Expect him to have an hour show on Fox News real soon!
