Saturday, November 20, 2010

Erin Barry, Eva Longoria's Friend, Just Flirted With Tony Parker?

Erin Barry, Eva Longoria's friend, just flirted with Tony Parker? That's all?

Apparently, Eva Longoria made too much of the text messages sent between Erin and Tony, the San Antonio Spurs basketball star, thinking there was more going on.

But People Magazine is quoting a source that says there was nothing going on. Who the source is, is not known.

Eva Longoria filed for divorce, apparently without really checking out the story. Perhaps there was something more to her efforts? Maybe she was't as relaxed about the relationship as she should have been?

Whatever the case, People Magazine's standing by its source and the story, claiming that Erin Barry, the former wife of former San Antonio Spurs teammate Rick Barry, did not have sex with Tony Parker.

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