Thursday, November 04, 2010

Health Care Reform Seen As Opportunity By Walgreeens, Is GOP Listening?

GOP pay attention: Walgreens likes Heath Care Reform.

During Walgreens, Thursday's Analyst Report, Walgreens' President of Pharmacy Services, Kermit Crawford, said that Walgreens "Sees Health Care an opportunity." Crawford said that Health Care Reform will bring 32 million new people into the system, and "as we learned with Medicare, they will use it," he said.

Before Crawford spoke, Walgreens President And CEO Greg Wasson said that the retailer brings in 6 million health care users each day. Crawford added that Walgreens observes that Heath Care Reform will make it harder to gain access to physicians because of the demand, and Walgreens sees itself as well-positioned to fill that demand hole.

This is important news because GOP House Minority Leader John Boehner, soon to become Speaker of The House Of Representatives, said that the repeal of Health Care Reform was an objective.  On Tuesday, the US House of Representatives went from Democratic Control to Republican Control, as the GOP controls 235 seats, versus 195 seats for the Democrats.

If that's the case, then the GOP's not listening to American Business, or the American people, for that matter. If the GOP succeeds, which given Democratic control of the Senate, is doubtful, their efforts will harm Walgreens ability to grow and damage its new business model.

Stay tuned.

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