Did Unemployment take down the Democrats? After "Election Tuesday", this seems like a fair question to ask.
The answer is: The Democrats took down themselves....and yes unemployment and how little has been done to resolve the suffering attributed to massive joblessness in America played a major role in the Democrats’ huge defeat!
The 99ers did everything possible to wake up the Democratic leadership, long before the election, as to how they could preserve their majorities, help millions of Americans - and the economy - at the same time. (A win/win/win) The Democrats simply ignored all the emails, letters, videos, rallies, phone calls, faxes and in person pleas from the unemployed & 99ers alike. Now the Democrats are feeling the sting of consequences directly resulting from their own inaction on and their lack of urgency in dealing with the unemployment issue.
So what now? Enter the “Lame - Duckers.” On November 15th, Congress finally returns to Washington (well at least for 1 week) and if the past shows us anything, it is that the Senate can only get legislation passed in one week (or less) if it is either:
A - Spending to help ease suffering in Nations other than our own
B - Spending for US involved military conflict on foreign shores
C - Spending to bail out big business and Wall Street Bankers
Wouldn’t it be an unexpected delight for Congress to take less than a week to help the American people who are desperately suffering, like the 99ers - now without any income for 8 months?
Yes it would - but it is not very likely to happen. However, it could. If every person who is unemployed in this nation would start speaking up now, reaching out to your Washington elected officials from President Obama down to the most junior member of Congress - contact them often and with the same message. Continue to contact them until action is taken. Trust me, millions of Americans contacting Washington daily on this unemployment extension issue WOULD move mountains - or more importantly, Move Congress!
If anything, the millions of unemployed in America have not wielded the power of their sheer numbers in a unified effort to flood Washington with their demands - nonstop until action is achieved.
Do not misunderstand, it is a fact the 99ers and others have been holding fax attack, call in and email campaigns since March of this year, but unfortunately, it has been the unwavering participation of a focused minority of the American jobless that joined in this process. We need more.
Everyone needs to put the link to this article on their social networking pages, send it to their email lists, text and Tweet it out in mass. If everyone who reads this actually shares this with 10 - 25 people and they share it with all of their contacts and so on, and if everyone would just take action - determined to keep up that effort until Tier 5 is passed for all states and UI filing deadlines are extended - then everyone would have something to celebrate this holiday season.
It is a lot to ask, to give it one more big push, after doing so much already for 8 months and getting nowhere - but it is for our very survival. Look, in March this year, Washington was saying that: “No Tier 5 bill will ever come to the floor.” They all said it would never be written - well we got 2 Tier 5 bills written - now let’s get one passed! To those of you who are about to lose your benefits - NOW is the time to make your voice heard along with those of us who have been without UI for months and months.
Whitehouse Comments Line [Comments:202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461] Toll-free number to Congressional Switchboard 866-220-0044. Just ask to be transferred to your Senator(s) or House member. Call as many times as possible and start now. Make sure they come back to a mountain of messages when they finally return to Washington.
We didn't take them down they played right into the GOP bullshit. My parents always said down sweat the small shit and bust their ass next time. The bottom line is they don't give a shit about the american people black, white or purple and this shit hasn't changed in 400 years and is not likely to change now. The only difference they finally turned on their own which was mainly white upper middle class over 50 years of age americans. Dumb ass Dems what goes around comes around. God forbid all these years americans from all walks of life died for this country to remain a super power and that is over. And we the true american people know that this bullshit was not the presidents doing.
ReplyDeleteOur elected leaders mainly white and a few oreo's will eventually, some way and some how pay for this shit or their children will suffer.
Oh and the Gop has always held enough seats to do whatever was necessary to put money in their friends as well as theire own. If you don't believe me go back and look at our history.
The good old boys have always been in power and to end this comment on a kinder note F*ck them