Friday, April 22, 2011

Violent Beating In McDonalds Baltimore County; YouTube Video Goes Viral

There's an ugly trend of fighting that's happening at McDonalds Restaurants, this one in Baltimore County. And a beating incident so awful that it reportedly caused the death of a young girl.  This is my YouTube video vlog commentary on this American Tragedy:

This blogger learned of it via an message from a YouTuber called benjamin42779, who did not make a version of the video. The tag on the first one read "Live Leak," so a search for that site revealed an account of the video that reads like this:

Here is another fine example of the trend of violence in fast food restaurants. Two females beating the hell out of a patron, while several employees stand by and watch. One male manages to provide the facade of assistance to the victim in this brutal attack.

The two females exit, then re-enter the store to continue the beating, until a an older woman attempts to stop them from dragging the victim outside into the parking lot. note: the male employees have disappeared from camera view, even though they are plenty well capable of stopping the attack.

At the end, the white victim is beaten until she has a seizure, at which point the camera operator warns the female attackers to flee, because the police are on the way. Note: he makes sure to repeatedly tell the criminal attackers to flee, instead of keeping them there for the police to apprehend.

4.19 pm EST UPDATE: response from Mc Donalds: "We are shocked by the video from a Baltimore franchised restaurant showing an assault. This incident is unacceptable, disturbing and troubling. McDonald's strives to be a safe, welcoming environment for everyone who visits. Nothing is more important to us than the safety of customers and employees in our restaurants. We are working with the franchisee and the local authorities to investigate this matter."

LiveLeak offered downloads of the video, but the one that was able to work happened to have hard-rock music, and not the voices, on it.  So, I stripped the music off, made a notation referring to the difference, and surrounded the video with my commentary, thus differentiating it as a video-blog made for news commentary, and not a video that was just uploaded.

More searching revealed that Matt Drudge had links to the video and stories related to the incident on his website The Drudge Report. Of the links, the one most disturbing is from The Smoking Gun, and reports that a McDonald's employee named Vernon "Charm" Hackett is reported to have "taken credit" for filming the beating at the McDonalds in Baltimore County.

The Smoking Gun explains that the beating happened this week, April 18th 2011, and at "McDonald’s location on Kenwood Avenue in Rosedale, Maryland, a Baltimore suburb."

Moreover, the account reports that Mr. Hackett said, on his since removed Facebook page, that the "women" was actually a cross-dressing man, who was in the woman's bathroom, as if that's justification for his actions in making the video, and the 14-year-old and 18-year-old girls who beat up the woman. Hackett also said the woman got up when police arrived.  Comments report the woman may have passed away, but that's not confirmed as of this writing.

Also, the other problem is race: the two girls are black and the woman is 22-years old and white. That fact ignites those who already have racist issues with African-Americans, forgetting that these problems in McDonald's restaurants happen regardless of race.

For evidence, I point to the fight at the McDonald's next to AT&T Park in San Francisco and during World Series Game Two. There, the people, 90 percent women, were black, white, and Latino, and the melee reportedly involved 70 people and was not racially motivated. Here's that video:

Again, the demographic that tends to commonly use McDonald's is multi-racial, but seems to be used to violent actions, as is clear in this video below. In it, there's no one in the crowd who's black; the crowd appears to be a mix of Latino and Asian (perhaps Filipino). Here's that video:

And in this video, the two people, described as "Drunk Kids," are both white:

And in the next video from a security camera at a McDonald's drive-in, the woman is white, and so upset she gets out of her car in an attempt to climb in the window go after the clerk. Here's that video:

So people who use the Baltimore McDonald's beating to make racist comments about blacks aren't helping the issue, and really are pointing a finger at themselves. They seems to not want to believe that the issue is far beyond race, and points to a kind of class-based problem.

This is all in the hands of McDonald's Corporation. It must take action to train its employees and select workers based on some kind of evaluation system that makes this action not likely to occur.

Stay tuned.


  1. Love the blog!
    I write a as well, and your articles are so informative.

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    If only CNN's pseudo-journalists take some time to read your blog, they can write more accurate reports. They just saw the video and imagine some weird story.
    Thank you for spreading the truth.

  3. Anonymous3:48 PM

    How is this "all in the hands" of McDonald's? Perhaps partially, but you must admit at least some of the blame should be placed on the girls looking to fight and even if they perhaps had reason to be upset -- to continue to carry on as they did is entirely their fault.
