Tuesday, May 09, 2006

24 Star! - Pernell Harris Is Agent Harris Of Fox TV's "24" - Video

If you remember the scene in 24 where Jack Baeur crash lands on an island, then you may remember an African American FBI agent on that plane. You may also remember him as the person who asks Baeur to "stand down" with his gun pointed at Mr. Baeur.

That man is "Agent Harris." His real name is Pernell Harris and lives and works in Oakland, California. He's currenly Assistant GM at Gold's Gym in Oakland. In my next video, we'll include scenes from 24 featuring Parnell. But for now, here's the video interview of Parnell Harris:


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Did mr.Harris Die ? and where will we see him again?

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    yes he passed away this morning.... my he rest in peace he will be miss dearly.....

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Love you forever big brother,

  4. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Rest in peace my"Little Big Man".You live in us. Your talent will be shared and your dreams realized. Your children are our children.

    The FAMILY,

  5. Anonymous8:55 AM

    cuzin, you will be forever missed, the Harris family will try our very best to stay incontact with your children and to have them around as much as possible . I am so proud of you .

    Luv Ya
