Sunday, June 18, 2006

"I'm Late" - My Trip To Fantasy Studios In Berkeley

I've been a member of a film festival screening committee that meets at the legendary Fantasy Studios in Berkeley for about five years, now. Our 2006 movie screening season kicked off on the day this video was made. As it happened I was running late for a 3 PM screening of what turned out to be a very weird and terrible film, with some of the most interesting camera angles I've ever seen.

At any rate I decided to film my trip because I was late! Fantasy Studios is the home of the Saul Zaents Film Center, where such famous flicks as "The English Patient" and "Out of Africa" were conceived and produced.

Saul Zaents and Fantasy Studios are featured in the new book "Cinema by the Bay" about Bay Area movie studios and their famous founders -- George Lucas, Saul Zaents, Francis Ford Coppola, Steve Jobs and Pixar -- who've had such an amazing impact on Worldwide cinema.

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