Friday, July 28, 2006

World Trade Center - Kevin Cosgrove's 911 Call From 105th Floor Of 2 World Trade Center

This is absolutely the most chilling and shocking video I have seen from September 11, 2001 -- 9-11 -- to date. It features Kevin Cosgrove's plea for the New York Fire Department to come and get he and his co-workers out of the building as fire races through it.

As I watched this, I wondered why there were not helicopters with water hoses going up there, or at least copters that could get close enough to get someone down. I don't know. I realize that it was dangerous, but I feel like something could have been done.

Here's the chilling video. Remember that as a warning. Regardless, it's something people must see. If only to understand the magnitude of the power of the disaster and why we should never let that happen again.

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