Monday, August 06, 2007

My Response To Valleywag's Tim Faulkner's Article On My ABC Debates Video

Valleywag's known for its "hotvlogger" contest!


Clever? ABC Marketing. No way man; are you kidding? First, ABC only received about 60 videos, and not the 2,900 for the CNN / YouTube debate. So to call the ABC Marketing Team clever is just plain intellectually sloppy. But -- and you must admit this -- the fine point you introduce (for some reason) isn't fine point at all. You present the text as if it states "submitting a video does not mean we will use it in the debate." NO. ABC's presentation, including the emails sent, imply that our videos will be used in the debate.

I can't for the life of me understand why you took a contrary view to an issue that's on the center scope of a number of vloggers and one that -- if you visit my blog Zennie's Zeitgeist -- even Amanda Congdon agrees with. But you did, thus my reply. (Delivered with considerable respect for you and your publication!)

Now, pleasantries aside, back to my retort.

The reference to the "blonde" was both true and a trap. I totally detest stereotypical behavior in media. Thus, the installation of my trap, knowing that someone would point to -- as you put it -- "the irony" of mentioning Amanda Congdon. Hey, I placed a photo of her in my video for a reason. If one reads the exit text at the end, they will note my expressed displeasure for the media's habit of using blonde images to attract, but not employing someone blonde to run something -- in this case the ABC Debates.

I knew there were going to be TWO reactions -- the one I got from a female vlogger who immediately got what I was saying and showing and expressed support, and this one. Ah, people are so terribly predictatable and in a way I wish they were not.

Your text also communicates that you did not actually see the debate. You referred to the effort by "The Disney-owned network" as "America's Funniest Home Videos" when it was not that at all. Geez, they only used two -- TWO -- videos, and as I understand it, the video with the blonde was made BY ABC, and not submitted by the woman in the video!!!

I learned that after I made my video.

Please help wake people up -- well, OK, one can state that by presenting my video and setting the stage for this exchange, you've done just that. But there's a bigger issue here.

I am one who believes in effective change, and not accepting things they way they are. Your text implies that you like the media landscape as it exists. That's actually an unusual position in an industry that's in a total state of flux -- just witness the success of this publication versus its offline competitors.

We've got to have a serious conversation about the direction of media and how we can impact positive and beneficial change. It's not that we should expect ABC to behave in a way that's "controlling", rather we should demand that ABC and traditional media -- and the Republicans skipping the CNN / YouTube debate and thus causing a rescheduling of the event, to come into this century and embrace a more democratic process.

By not being part of this change, you're being -- in effect -- conservative and stiffling to social advancement. I don't think you intend that. At least I do hope not.

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