For those of you who are in need a refresher course in Billary's WMD (weapons of mass destruction) Must Stop Barack Obama For President 6-Step Insurgent Manual (first edition written by the far right's infamous son Carl Rove) are as follows:
Step 1: Slander your opponent Step 2: Wait and see if you're called on the slander Step 3: If called on the slander, decide whether you've offended a group you need to win the election Step 4: If the answer to step 3 is "yes, we need that group," deny Step 1 ever happened. Step 5: Hope nobody realizes what you just did Step 6: If someone DOES realize what you did, slander the person who just realized what you did or tell that person that "they're taking things out of context".
The Clintons are livid that their Nevada legal gangbangers couldn't strike a lethal legal blow of superior presidential firepower that was meant to be seen all around the globe against Culinary Workers Union Local 226 for endorsing Sen. Obama over Hillary for President. They were hoping to put other unions on notice...ENDORSE BILLARY OR ELSE. Mr. Clinton even went so far as to play his presidential pardon trump card by calling in a personal marker by having disgraced U.S. Secretary Of Housing and Urban Development -HUD (from 1993 -1997) Henry Gabriel Cisneros campaign for his wife in Las Vegas to court the Latino vote. Some us haven't forgotten your appointee Mr. Cisneros cost Americans $21-23 million dollars in legal fees for making his mistress mad, lying, stealing and cheating. Check out the BARRETT REPORT and read it for yourselves @ http://barrett.oic.gov/ Not a good look Billary. It reminds me of the $70 million Americans had to pay for WHITEWATER http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/committee.pdf during Pres. Clinton's administration too. Some people are truly accident prone but this couple (to include their hand selected appointees) are INDICTMENT AFTER INDICTMENT prone. My purse just started to cry again.
Sen. Clinton's campaign has sent direct mail pieces to Nevadans distorting Sen. Obama's position on Social Security. You can now hear Hillary on several Nevada radio stations blatantly lying to voters about Barack's long-standing against Yucca Mountain. Additionally, she's on TV misleading people about Obama's outspoken position against the war in Iraq. But perhaps most disturbing, Clinton has attacked Barack on his 100% pro-choice record. The tone of Senator Clinton's campaign has been so negative that even her supporters are saying enough is enough. Lorna Brett, a former Clinton donor and president of Chicago National Organization for Women, had this to say about the tactics:
"I was disappointed that Hillary Clinton would launch misleading attacks on Barack Obama and his unimpeachable record on a woman's right to choose. I have switched my support to Barack Obama because I know the truth. I cannot be a part of that kind of deceptive politics."
Check out what Sen. Barack Obama has to say about Billary...I mean Sen. Clinton and (honey I keep attacking Barack like you instructed wannabe FMT (First Man In Training) Bill Clinton:
I wanted to let Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to include her PIC (partner in crime) President William Jefferson Clinton know that most Americans will not be fooled by all the lies, distortions and re-clarifications coming out of the Billary camp every day. We've heard and paid dearly for both your excuses all before. Curious were Americans being charged for 35+ years of experience or was that pro bono during the Clinton Glory Years? Even Pres. George W. Bush woke up eventually and was smart enough to put Carl Rove out the white house. No more drama my vote's for Obama.
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